100% On Topic and Civil Thread on AJ Ferrari's Wrestling Future

Not really - but you are being so bull headed you can't see your own blatant hypocrisy. I've got a news flash for you - you're not always right. I know that may be hard for you to grasp, being such an authority on all things moral and just.
All it did was make you a moron. Nothing more. I never said that I was right. My opinions aren't right. It's my opinion that you are a moron and a keyboard warrior. Now you will either prove me right or wrong. Either way I'm going to make your life hell every time you post something with name calling and stupid ass left talking point.
The state of our society is fascinating (and discouraging). I point out the hypocrisy in a poster condemning one man accused of sexual assault where the court case is dropped, and that same poster supports and defends another man accused of sexual assault found liable in a court of law by a jury of citizens and then a multitude of triggered cultists cry that I've explicitly remarked on that hypocrisy and have twisted themselves into pretzels justifying the inconsistent logic and reasoning.

Note that @MAGAman didn't condemn Ferrari due to his other actions and behaviors, but very specifically due to his sexual assault allegations.
The state of our society is fascinating (and discouraging). I point out the hypocrisy in a poster condemning one man accused of sexual assault where the court case is dropped, and that same poster supports and defends another man accused of sexual assault found liable in a court of law by a jury of citizens and then a multitude of triggered cultists cry that I've explicitly remarked on that hypocrisy and have twisted themselves into pretzels justifying the inconsistent logic and reasoning.

Note that @MAGAman didn't condemn Ferrari due to his other actions and behaviors, but very specifically due to his sexual assault allegations.
The case against Trump was bogus, Ferrari's case did not come to the level where it required a trial since it was dismissed. There can be multiple reasons why from she lied to she was paid off but we will never know.

There was more evidence against Ferrari than Trump with a much closer timeline than a thirty some year old case with next to zero details. You two had to make it political like a bunch of Goobers. I expect it from you, from the other guy? I don't know him.
The state of our society is fascinating (and discouraging). I point out the hypocrisy in a poster condemning one man accused of sexual assault where the court case is dropped, and that same poster supports and defends another man accused of sexual assault found liable in a court of law by a jury of citizens and then a multitude of triggered cultists cry that I've explicitly remarked on that hypocrisy and have twisted themselves into pretzels justifying the inconsistent logic and reasoning.

Note that @MAGAman didn't condemn Ferrari due to his other actions and behaviors, but very specifically due to his sexual assault allegations.
Interesting how you routinely use the term "cultist" when you do nothing but spew the talking points of another. Kind of the same thing, but because you agree - you are just and true. Hypocite.
The state of our society is fascinating (and discouraging). I point out the hypocrisy in a poster condemning one man accused of sexual assault where the court case is dropped, and that same poster supports and defends another man accused of sexual assault found liable in a court of law by a jury of citizens and then a multitude of triggered cultists cry that I've explicitly remarked on that hypocrisy and have twisted themselves into pretzels justifying the inconsistent logic and reasoning.

Note that @MAGAman didn't condemn Ferrari due to his other actions and behaviors, but very specifically due to his sexual assault allegations.
Bill Clinton and Joe Biden sexual assault cases? That's what you're referring too, right?
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The state of our society is fascinating (and discouraging). I point out the hypocrisy in a poster condemning one man accused of sexual assault where the court case is dropped, and that same poster supports and defends another man accused of sexual assault found liable in a court of law by a jury of citizens and then a multitude of triggered cultists cry that I've explicitly remarked on that hypocrisy and have twisted themselves into pretzels justifying the inconsistent logic and reasoning.

Note that @MAGAman didn't condemn Ferrari due to his other actions and behaviors, but very specifically due to his sexual assault allegations.
Oh the irony. You rail against hypocrisy and then refer to others as cultists. Anyone who has read your posts over the years can clearly see that you are an extreme cultist. You probably don’t even realize that there are cultists on both sides because you are fully drunk on the koolaid from one particular side. There are plenty of trump cultists on here no doubt. When it comes to cultists MAGAman and others might be pots but you sure as hell are the kettle.
The case against Trump was bogus, Ferrari's case did not come to the level where it required a trial since it was dismissed. There can be multiple reasons why from she lied to she was paid off but we will never know.

There was more evidence against Ferrari than Trump with a much closer timeline than a thirty some year old case with next to zero details. You two had to make it political like a bunch of Goobers. I expect it from you, from the other guy? I don't know him.

Are you aware that Trump's defense of the sexual assault allegation was "I can't have done it because she's not my type". Not "I can't have done it because I don't commit sexual assault".

Then on record he misidentified the victim as his wife immediately disproving his claim that she isn't his type.

This was used against him in court.
Oh the irony. You rail against hypocrisy and then refer to others as cultists. Anyone who has read your posts over the years can clearly see that you are an extreme cultist. You probably don’t even realize that there are cultists on both sides because you are fully drunk on the koolaid from one particular side. There are plenty of trump cultists on here no doubt. When it comes to cultists MAGAman and others might be pots but you sure as hell are the kettle.

Which cult am I in?
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Bill Clinton and Joe Biden sexual assault cases? That's what you're referring too, right?
Where have I defended either of them in regards to sexual assault allegations or cases?

Typical "bc he criticizes my cult leader, he must be a fan of the other guy".
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Interesting how you routinely use the term "cultist" when you do nothing but spew the talking points of another. Kind of the same thing, but because you agree - you are just and true. Hypocite.

My cult is facts, logic, and reason. I despise 99% of politicians. I vote lesser evil.
I have been to 37 states, and Iowans are some of the friendliest people in the country. Waving all over the place, would give you the shirt of their back. I have lots of stories about this. How do we reconcile that with the cesspool?
I have hit all 50 states and can tell you Iowa is still in the 1980s in most places and it's great.
Thanks and sorry. Admittedly, my "long-windedness" is an intentional debating tactic. But, it was how I was taught. Inundate them with facts, figures and logic. Repeat it over and over and over and over again. No one will believe you, but some of the people ftrying to follow it may get so bored that they stop arguing.
My cult is facts, logic, and reason. I despise 99% of politicians. I vote lesser evil.
Yep - all that peace we had was surely the greater evil. That $2.00 gas sure did suck. Even the sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago are pissy now. What are we at, 10,000,000 illegal crossings to date? In 2 1/2 f'n years! Wonder how many of those have joined or formed terror cells? That damned racist in office who wanted to secure our border above all others. How selfish. How about a corrupt family with 20 shell companies with nearly 200 hits of suspicious activity reported from the banks? Greater evil my white ass. What more do you need for proof - an actual notorized transaction? Didn't need that with the other guy, did you. I wish I could believe you actually consider facts and logic, but I'm pretty sure you are so jaded you can't.
My cult is facts, logic, and reason. I despise 99% of politicians. I vote lesser evil.
I highly doubt this. I don't know you at all, but you're posts definitely say you haven't voted Independent or Republican in a very long time. You're clearly not a JFK Democrat. More of a Bernie Sanders type.
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Yep - all that peace we had was surely the greater evil. That $2.00 gas sure did suck. Even the sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago are pissy now. What are we at, 10,000,000 illegal crossings to date? In 2 1/2 f'n years! Wonder how many of those have joined or formed terror cells? That damned racist in office who wanted to secure our border above all others. How selfish. How about a corrupt family with 20 shell companies with nearly 200 hits of suspicious activity reported from the banks? Greater evil my white ass. What more do you need for proof - an actual notorized transaction? Didn't need that with the other guy, did you. I wish I could believe you actually consider facts and logic, but I'm pretty sure you are so jaded you can't.
I guess I'll need 4 indictments and 91 felony charges filed against Joe Biden. How many are there now? I guess the number is zero. Fact.
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Yep - all that peace we had was surely the greater evil. That $2.00 gas sure did suck. Even the sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago are pissy now. What are we at, 10,000,000 illegal crossings to date? In 2 1/2 f'n years! Wonder how many of those have joined or formed terror cells? That damned racist in office who wanted to secure our border above all others. How selfish. How about a corrupt family with 20 shell companies with nearly 200 hits of suspicious activity reported from the banks? Greater evil my white ass. What more do you need for proof - an actual notorized transaction? Didn't need that with the other guy, did you. I wish I could believe you actually consider facts and logic, but I'm pretty sure you are so jaded you can't.

And there it is.
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I highly doubt this. I don't know you at all, but you're posts definitely say you haven't voted Independent or Republican in a very long time. You're clearly not a JFK Democrat. Move of a Bernie Sanders type.

Then you'd be mistaken. Perhaps you're so deep into the cult that you're incapable of realizing that there are people who are moderate, independents who fundamentally disagree with even the concept of associating their individual identity with a political party.
I guess I'll need 4 indictments and 91 felony charges filed against Joe Biden. How many are there now? I guess the number is zero. Fact.
Guilty until proven innocent, right? He had to have done all 91 counts because I don't like him? Is that the case? There's no way Biden is guilty of anything because he hasn't been charged? CNN told me so?

Let things play out. Trump will get his day and if charged, Biden will get his.
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You seriously lack self awareness. In your mind your opinion is fact any opinion That differs is folly.

No, not at all. You just haven't followed the conversation.

The fact here is that @MAGAman asserted his condemnation of Ferrari specifically due to the fact that he was alleged to have committed a sexual assault despite the court case being dropped. I pointed out @MAGAman's hypocritical position when he has also adamantly defended and supported Trump despite Trump being found liable for commiting sexual assault in a court of law.

These are indisputable facts, not opinions. You (and others) taking issue with these facts being highlighted speaks for itself.
Oh the irony. You rail against hypocrisy and then refer to others as cultists. Anyone who has read your posts over the years can clearly see that you are an extreme cultist. You probably don’t even realize that there are cultists on both sides because you are fully drunk on the koolaid from one particular side. There are plenty of trump cultists on here no doubt. When it comes to cultists MAGAman and others might be pots but you sure as hell are the kettle.
Do you even know what a cultist is? You throw that around like the term "racist" has been for years. It has a meaning and one that comes with a set of rules to be labelled one. MAGA isn't a cult. They don't meet in some sacred ground sacrificing something to a God for favors. It's a saying that was adopted in a belief that the traditional ways of the past could be honored again. A set of values.
No, not at all. You just haven't followed the conversation.

The fact here is that @MAGAman asserted his condemnation of Ferrari specifically due to the fact that he was alleged to have committed a sexual assault despite the court case being dropped. I pointed out @MAGAman's hypocritical position when he has also adamantly defended and supported Trump despite Trump being found liable for commiting sexual assault in a court of law.

These are indisputable facts, not opinions. You (and others) taking issue with these facts being highlighted speaks for itself.
No rcamp76, he's just a moron with a keyboard that's scared he's not important enough.
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