He would not answer me when called out about which SPECIAL INTEREST CULT he is in? 100% he is in a small special interest group! Could be living off government hand outs, could be changing his sex, could want to make banging sheep legal? I do not know, he will not answer.
Fact is, 100% he is in one of them!!!
If you get smarter you would still be stupid do you know that? Have you even turned on any real news lately? BANK RECORDS, CONFIRMED, from foreign countries, funneling in 20 Million SO FAR!!!
Why would they do this? What were they buying/ paying for? What were the biden scumbags selling/offering?
I mean REALLY!?!??! Do you not get this??? Are you saying it did not happen? It is HIGH TREASON and many are in on it. They SOLD us, THE USA out!!!
NOTHING you can say about TRUMP, is even remotely in the same galaxy as these crimes!!! "oh he was accused of sexual misconduct" are you shitting me!?!?!? This is untold amounts of TAXPAYERS $$$$ being scammed! This is people getting killed!!! This is USA secrets being sold and much more!!!!!