High EQ rare in Iowa? Now you are taking a shot at the people of Iowa because you and your band of merry followers have your panties in a bunch because of comments on a message board? Just to be clear as well, EQ has very little to do with which side of the aisle you may be on, or what state you are from, so the automatic "likes" received aren't all that well thought out.
Maybe I missed something, but where did someone say women do not, or should not have equal rights? Tell me what laws exist to make life automatically tougher for females. I said laws, not life, because "equal rights" mean laws. And before you try to say equal pay, far more factors than your sex play into what someone makes. Yes, in many cases women in middle to upper managment may make less than their male counterparts. Maybe having to take time off (losing opportunities to receive annual pay increases) to raise a child has something to do with that? The exact same thing would happen to a man if he took time away from a career. That's life and women are the ones who have babies - but I guess in our current world that is going to change too. You know, with that concept that men can now have babies too. Equal pay for professional sports? I hope you are smart enough to stay away from that one. Equal pay for the same skilled or unskilled job - I 100% agree.
I have daughters and have worked in a field dominated by women for many years so please educate me on equal rights and the law. My guess is that other than a few smart ass off the cuff comments with intent to try and show how progressive you think you are, you can't. This isn't 1920 anymore. That date was used for a reason, by the way.