100% On Topic and Civil Thread on AJ Ferrari's Wrestling Future

Maybe with all the money we flew over there in the middle of the night in cargo planes. Back when Obama was in office. But who knows? It's always best for fund a country that's been terrorizing us for 50 years. I mean what could possibly go wrong, right? They'd never take people hostage or fund terrorist radical groups or start wars, right? A free country like that treats their women with such great respect and hold them in high regard, right? Funding them to ward off USSR was a great thing to do, right? Funding Iraq to stave off Iran was a good thing, right? That never came back to hurt us, right?

Why do we keep doing this? That's the real question! Why as American citizens do we put up with this?
while we may quibble over the specifics of those cargo planes, you'd find a lot of people agreeing with your general point - why do we keep doing business with nations that are not true allies

and to your list of questions, i'd add...

why do the people who flip out about everything regarding iran never have a single thing to say about the much more significant support we give to saudi arabia?
while we may quibble over the specifics of those cargo planes, you'd find a lot of people agreeing with your general point - why do we keep doing business with nations that are not true allies

and to your list of questions, i'd add...

why do the people who flip out about everything regarding iran never have a single thing to say about the much more significant support we give to saudi arabia?
True dat!
1) boys that age don't Give AF
2) schools back then didn't really Give AF

General Conclusion:
Apathy (rather than either stupidity or incompetence) reigned such that nobody Gave AF then, and many on this wrestling board probably don't Give AF now.​
Of all the people to answer, I drew out the expert at inaccurate assumptions.

1.) A vast majority of the "boys that age" that I knew then, most certainly gave AF.
2.) No one at my school would have even thought to try it and would have been immediately expelled. I didn't mention that they all received a "slap on the wrist" as punishment.

General Conclusion:
Apathy (including stupidity and incompetence) reigns much more visibly prevelant in schools, especially public, today. Assuming this wrestling boards GAF score about a range of topics isn't really your specialty.

Final thoughts:
Thank you for your contribution and........Have a Great Day!!!
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If you're going to reply, at least put some effort into it. Posting something that takes the IQ of a salad bowl, doesn't win you any awards. Maybe a participation medal, but you won't be on the podium.
Feigning potential relevance to the topic seemed appropriate and thoughtful at this time.

Brevity being the soul of wit, thanks for your disapproval. Tells me I'm on solid ground.
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People not dying has far more to do with the natural progession of any virus - which is to weaken. Please stop listening to the talking heads and talking points. You will sound just a bit more intelligent if you do.
People are still dying, just not people who are vaccinated. I do not listen to talking points. I deal from 1st hand experiences And extensive review of the medical literature.
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This is a thread about Ferrari's sexual assault case being dismissed and a Hawkeye fan stating adamantly that they won't support Ferrari due to his sexual assault allegations, yet that individual wholeheartedly supports Trump who was found liable of sexual assault.

I'm sorry, if you take issue with that level of extreme hypocrisy being called out, then the problem is with you. That shouldn't derail any thread and is a relevant counterpoint to @MAGAman's criticism of Ferrari.

The topic of the thread is a sexual assault case and people throughout the thread are stating their thoughts on the case and sexual assault allegations generally.

It's astounding how many of you take issue with me pointing out the extreme hypocrisy and moral inconsistency, but don't take issue with the individual who holds the hypocritical position.

I'm going to continue to call out hypocrisy. If you ever find my statements hypocritical, please feel free to do the same.
I stock to my opinion and time will tell. I could be wrong. But still feel hes toxic to a group of high character kids brands has brought in. Btw dropping charges doesnt mean he didnt do it. His sntics on SM alone show his lack of much good.

The juice isnt worth squeeze here imo.

Low character. Very talented and physical. Its just to bad he doesnt have stleast 10% of the character as a kemmerer or many eecent hawkeyes.
They dismissed it because she did not want to testify. There can be any number of reasons that she did not want to testify but IMO the most likely is either that she did not want to be put through the wringer or she was paid off.
Or she was lying.
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People are still dying, just not people who are vaccinated. I do not listen to talking points. I deal from 1st hand experiences And extensive review of the medical literature.
You are completely misinformed if you think that the vaccination has stopped people from dying - or maybe just delusional. The elderly and the medically fragile are at risk regadless of their vaccination status. You might want to take a quick look at who is subsidizing those medical journals you are getting your "facts" from. While a small sample - at my work and my home the people who have been vaccinated and have contracted COVID exceed the non vaccinated by at least 2:1. As I stated before, the biggest factor is the virus itself weakens with time. Natural immunity too.

I do not care one bit who gets vaccinated or not, but please stop trying to say it stops COVID. It does not. It may reduce the effects of the virus in some, it does not stop the acquiring of it and does not stop the transmission. Argue that all you want - you would be wrong. And since the testing could not be done in accordance with past vaccine approval timelines, who knows the long term effects? Nobody at this time.
I stock to my opinion and time will tell. I could be wrong. But still feel hes toxic to a group of high character kids brands has brought in. Btw dropping charges doesnt mean he didnt do it. His sntics on SM alone show his lack of much good.

The juice isnt worth squeeze here imo.

Low character. Very talented and physical. Its just to bad he doesnt have stleast 10% of the character as a kemmerer or many eecent hawkeyes.

Lol, this is incredible.

You are judging Ferrari based on your belief that he's toxic, his poor social media antics, and his character, yet you're an ardent Trump supporter. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.
You are completely misinformed if you think that the vaccination has stopped people from dying - or maybe just delusional. The elderly and the medically fragile are at risk regadless of their vaccination status. You might want to take a quick look at who is subsidizing those medical journals you are getting your "facts" from. While a small sample - at my work and my home the people who have been vaccinated and have contracted COVID exceed the non vaccinated by at least 2:1. As I stated before, the biggest factor is the virus itself weakens with time. Natural immunity too.

I do not care one bit who gets vaccinated or not, but please stop trying to say it stops COVID. It does not. It may reduce the effects of the virus in some, it does not stop the acquiring of it and does not stop the transmission. Argue that all you want - you would be wrong. And since the testing could not be done in accordance with past vaccine approval timelines, who knows the long term effects? Nobody at this time.
Again more misinformation. Covid vaccines do not prevent people from catching Covid. They do cut the susceptibility to catch Covid by 50% and reduce death and hospitalization by over 90%. The people who are dying from Covid are almost only coming from the group not fully vaccinated. Do you work in a hospital or care for patients with Covid? Please tell me your experience in dealing with Covid! I get my info from working doctors and medical research, not right wing conspiracy sites online.
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Again more information. Covid vaccines do not prevent people from catching Covid. They do cut the susceptibility to catch Covid by 50% and reduce death and hospitalization by over 90%. The people who are dying from Covid are almost only coming from the group not fully vaccinated. Do you work in a hospital or care for patients with Covid? Please tell me your experience in dealing with Covid! I get my info from working doctors and medical research, not right wing conspiracy sites online.
I did for 20 years. Thom is spot on.
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its also what someone would say who, upon reflection, maybe doesn't want to be the target of an entire wrestling fan base (and maybe 2 fan bases) and have their whole life made public because of what someone else (allegedly) did to them

its just weird to me to think its better to NOT have the evidence and testimony presented...that it's better to just assume it's weak
If this went to trial, and had the proof to convict him, I don’t think most wrestling fans are that rotten to harass this girl. I would say the opposite would happen. Hell look how many wrestling fans are throwing AJ under the bus with the case thrown out. Give us wrestling fans a little respect.
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I haven't read the prior 11 pages, but anyone other than me think a 225 AJ, not only won't go down to 197, but he beats Cassi for the HWT slot, or redshirts.
Is Cass actually eligible to wrestle? I've seen some references on here to the guys that were suspended, like they might be available. What's the true scoop on the guys, including Cass being available, or suspended?
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The NCAA hasn't put the ink on the new rules yet but it's sounding like they will before November 1. With the new rules all wrestlers would return

The NCAA hasn't put the ink on the new rules yet but it's sounding like they will before November 1. With the new rules all wrestlers would return

With Noah Shannon coming back it looks quite a bit better.
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With Noah Shannon coming back it looks quite a bit better.
Agree them allowing him to practice is a positive. Suspensions being handed down under the old set of rules is what keeping him from games now. Once that ink is dry that should change. The wrestlers haven't been given a punishment yet from the Ncaa
Agree them allowing him to practice is a positive. Suspensions being handed down under the old set of rules is what keeping him from games now. Once that ink is dry that should change. The wrestlers haven't been given a punishment yet from the Ncaa
I wonder if they will still be suspended for a period of time because the football players were. It is the NCAA afterall.
You are completely misinformed if you think that the vaccination has stopped people from dying - or maybe just delusional. The elderly and the medically fragile are at risk regadless of their vaccination status. You might want to take a quick look at who is subsidizing those medical journals you are getting your "facts" from. While a small sample - at my work and my home the people who have been vaccinated and have contracted COVID exceed the non vaccinated by at least 2:1. As I stated before, the biggest factor is the virus itself weakens with time. Natural immunity too.

I do not care one bit who gets vaccinated or not, but please stop trying to say it stops COVID. It does not. It may reduce the effects of the virus in some, it does not stop the acquiring of it and does not stop the transmission. Argue that all you want - you would be wrong. And since the testing could not be done in accordance with past vaccine approval timelines, who knows the long term effects? Nobody at this time.
This tread is epic. Now we are going back to the Covid bullshit. I knew from day one the danger of this virus to the general public was way overblown. I also knew wearing paper and cloth masks were a joke, as was the random pieces of plexiglass put up in stores. Flies could get into to sides of those masks, and birds could fly around those pieces of plexiglass, but I guess a microscopic virus couldn’t do the same. I went months without getting COVID until I got the vaccine, then I got it three times. It’s been proven now that it makes you more susceptible to getting COVID.
I haven't read the prior 11 pages, but anyone other than me think a 225 AJ, not only won't go down to 197, but he beats Cassi for the HWT slot, or redshirts.
Over on the penn state boards someone had a posting on which is the most interesting weight groups in the up and coming season .

I have no opinion on him going to heavy weight but if he does, in my mind he beats Cass hands down. AJ matched up against Kerk and a possible Gable would be highly entertaining and make heavy weight quite interesting.

His stated goal is MMA so redshirting just seems like a big delay. I’d he does end up wrestling again I can’t see him wanting to use all his eligibility but then again I’m 100 sure I don’t think like he does .

Sorry I didn’t really answer your specific question just random thoughts on the subject.
You keep beating that dead horse dip sh*t.
91 felony counts, 91 felony counts, 91 felony counts, 91 felony counts...
You are a boring, repetitive dumbass.
If by chance I ever learn Trump said the world was round, I would first laugh to myself silently,
"WTF? Isn't it still round? Did I miss something?"​
Then I'd wonder (again silently) to myself,
"Who is he talking down to now that he feels he has to state the obvious? I don't believe his audience could be so dumb."​
Then hopefully I'd have something better to do than look for social or mass media hot takes debating the shape of Earth.
He only talks down to moron-america hating-anti police-anti law abiding-green bs-lgbqrfty+-socialist dipshits like vodka boy and sabula…
Over on the penn state boards someone had a posting on which is the most interesting weight groups in the up and coming season .

I have no opinion on him going to heavy weight but if he does, in my mind he beats Cass hands down. AJ matched up against Kerk and a possible Gable would be highly entertaining and make heavy weight quite interesting.

His stated goal is MMA so redshirting just seems like a big delay. I’d he does end up wrestling again I can’t see him wanting to use all his eligibility but then again I’m 100 sure I don’t think like he does .

Sorry I didn’t really answer your specific question just random thoughts on the subject.
Why would Tom bring in AJ to beat out Cass in his senior year without a chance to win a team title? It makes zero sense to me. Edit: I don't think that would go over well with many members of the team.
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He only talks down to moron-america hating-anti police-anti law abiding-green bs-lgbqrfty+-socialist dipshits like vodka boy and sabula…
Said MAGAman the Russia Lover. Nice job comrade! Has Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser cashed this week's donation to his legal defense fund that you sent him? He NEEDS it...quickly 🤣. You may want to include a check each week to your boy Putin... he's running short too.
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This tread is epic. Now we are going back to the Covid bullshit. I knew from day one the danger of this virus to the general public was way overblown. I also knew wearing paper and cloth masks were a joke, as was the random pieces of plexiglass put up in stores. Flies could get into to sides of those masks, and birds could fly around those pieces of plexiglass, but I guess a microscopic virus couldn’t do the same. I went months without getting COVID until I got the vaccine, then I got it three times. It’s been proven now that it makes you more susceptible to getting COVID.
Absolutely untrue. By your reasoning the vaccine must be perfect since I have been fully vaccinated as was my wife. Neither of us has had Covid.
Why would Tom bring in AJ to beat out Cass in his senior year without a chance to win a team title? It makes zero sense to me. Edit: I don't think that would go over well with many members of the team.
I was just answering the question. Which to be fair I didn’t really answer directly

I certainly can’t speak to what Tom would or wouldn’t do. I don’t know what promises may or may not have made .

I very much agree with your comment though it wouldn’t sit well with me either.

Guess I could also throw Ben into the mix too now that I think about it more. Just thinking out loud if AJ came in to wrestle HW going forward would be interesting .
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I was just answering the question. Which to be fair I didn’t really answer directly

I certainly can’t speak to what Tom would or wouldn’t do. I don’t know what promises may or may not have made .

I very much agree with your comment though it wouldn’t sit well with me either.

Guess I could also throw Ben into the mix too now that I think about it more. Just thinking out loud if AJ came in to wrestle HW going forward would be interesting .
I honestly shouldn't have replied to you as I just wanted to ask the question in general. It just happened to be an opportune time.
Absolutely untrue. By your reasoning the vaccine must be perfect since I have been fully vaccinated as was my wife. Neither of us has had Covid.
Thom is again spot on correct 100%. Libertylover has been spending too much time on Untruth Social.
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