100% On Topic and Civil Thread on AJ Ferrari's Wrestling Future

If Trump had won the election, many more USA citizens would have died from Covid. Trump failed miserably in dealing with Covid. When Biden took office Covid medical care began with his leadership. Th USA began getting testing, began getting masks, and began getting vaccines out to the people. all of that was late getting started because of Trump.
Really? And Biden fixed COVID? How exactly? Everything was already in process when Biden took office. In fact many states had opened up and were starting to run normal. Only Blue states were still locked down. All Biden did was force people to take the shot.
So if Trump won the election you would be saying the same thing? I highly doubt it.
If Trump had won the election, many more USA citizens would have died from Covid. Trump failed miserably in dealing with Covid. When Biden took office Covid medical care began with his leadership. Th USA began getting testing, began getting masks, and began getting vaccines out to the people. all of that was late getting s
Odd, he didn't invade any countries when TRUMP was in office? You may want to figure out who is actually buddies with whom before you speak!!!! It was the POS biden who cut OUR energy which did what? Forget it you haven't a clue!!! That allowed russia YES RUSSIA to make billions on energy in Europe.

What did that do? Forget it it you haven't a clue. Help fund the WAR with Ukraine. Why does that matter? Forget it again you haven't a clue!!! We have ONLY sent something like 200 BILLION of TAXPAYERS $$$$$$ so far!!!

We are paying for everything apparently now including THEIR pensions, medical, etc.... of course you wouldn't understand how much money is being laundered!!!
i would answer you , but what you just stated makes no sense.
So if Trump won the election you would be saying the same thing? I highly doubt it.
If Trump had won the election, many more USA citizens would have died from Covid. Trump failed miserably in dealing with Covid. When Biden took office Covid medical care began with his leadership. Th USA began getting testing, began getting masks, and began getting vaccines out to the people. all of that was late getting started because of Trump.
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I've got a Browning A-5 Light 12, gold trigger, Belgium made.
I agree best shotgun ever, I love mine.
My dad, brother, and I collected them for years. Had over 100 at one point. Women in our lives finally did an intervention to confront our addiction 🙂. We sold 83% of them to Cabelas, but kept the best and use them for hunting every year. Hoping to heat the barrel up on a couple this weekend when I come back for pheasant opener.
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IRONBIRD! You may be the smartest person ive followed on any media platform! Its so funny listening to these opposing clowns actually try to defend their side. Keep up the great work! Im guaranteeing in nov 24 we get last laugh! For the sake of our country snd future!


Clown Im With Stupid GIF
If Trump had won the election, many more USA citizens would have died from Covid. Trump failed miserably in dealing with Covid. When Biden took office Covid medical care began with his leadership. Th USA began getting testing, began getting masks, and began getting vaccines out to the people. all of that was late getting started because of Trump.
Ahhh….the time honored dem tradition of making baseless claims, completely without factual merit, to obscure the present true Biden reality. Live that delusion baby!!
Enough with the politics on a wrestling thread!

Let's talk about Religion...........go
Sorry but the liberals don't believe in God... It makes it easier on their conscience when they fight for allowing same day abortion...AKA killing infants AFTER they are born. This goes directly AGAINST the Catholic church...and yet Biden and Pelosi who claimed to be Catholic both supported abortion. I find it incredulous to see women fighting for the right to kill babies. Just my humble opinion but both of those idiots will be made to pay for their sins in the end.... sadly they wont be held accountable before then.
If Trump had won the election, many more USA citizens would have died from Covid. Trump failed miserably in dealing with Covid. When Biden took office Covid medical care began with his leadership. Th USA began getting testing, began getting masks, and began getting vaccines out to the people. all of that was late getting started because of Trump.
Covid? The biggest hoax in human history. GTFOH. You mean the year every death in the USA was covid? No one died of cancer, heart attack, or natural causes. Everyone who died in 2020 died of covid. Give me a break.
More good news for Trump. Another co-conspirator in the GA RICO case has plead guilty and will testify against the seditionists. That makes four so far.

More good news for Trump. Another co-conspirator in the GA RICO case has plead guilty and will testify against the seditionists. That makes four so far.

In before the cultists claim this doesn't hurt Trump.
Sorry but the liberals don't believe in God... It makes it easier on their conscience when they fight for allowing same day abortion...AKA killing infants AFTER they are born. This goes directly AGAINST the Catholic church...and yet Biden and Pelosi who claimed to be Catholic both supported abortion. I find it incredulous to see women fighting for the right to kill babies. Just my humble opinion but both of those idiots will be made to pay for their sins in the end.... sadly they wont be held accountable before then.

Trump is the antichrist.

Matthew 24:24
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear, and will produce great signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, even the elect

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More good news for Trump. Another co-conspirator in the GA RICO case has plead guilty and will testify against the seditionists. That makes four so far.

I'm pretty certain the RICO charge is getting dropped on Ellis and Powell.
I also believe its worded they will testify "honestly" not "against".
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Enough with the politics on a wrestling thread!

Let's talk about Religion...........go
Dear OP (@js8793) - can you do me a solid and rename this thread. i innocently (but absentmindedly) come back every week or so and forget it is one of the worst places on the internet.

i apologize in advance for talking about AJ in this AJ thread. On his instagram, he responded to some questions and it seems like he definitely wants to come back to college wrestling before MMA. He said he has 3-4 years of eligibility, hopes to make 197, but if not he’s ready to go 285. If he went 285, and we are still recruiting him, makes me think Kueter’s football career is looking good. Also don’t know if we are recruiting Merrill, but he would clash with one of these guys at either weight. Now that AJ has his legal issues solved, not sure what’s taking him so long to commit somewhere. It will be second semester before you know it, and you would think he would want to get in the room of where ever he goes to start training just wrestling. Maybe he could just start next season if he wants to dodge Brooks?
In before the cultists claim this doesn't hurt Trump.
Who said it doesn't hurt Trump? It just doesn't hurt him near as much as you want it to. Mind you, ALL of them get ZERO jail time and their records expunged immediately upon completing probation. Considering what they were all facing, did you expect ANY of them not to take that sweetheart of a deal?

Meanwhile, their "testimony" will be scrutinized beyond belief. ALL of them were beyond vocal about their 100% innocence, along with saying everything they did was justified and legal. Now, they will be opening themselves to serious attacks on their credibility. Even the article itself questions the value of their testimony.

Simply put, this is EXACTLY what most expected to happen. The "boots on the ground" were all going to take deals, if the deals were beyond ridiculous and they ARE beyond ridiculous. If the perceived "conspiracy" was such an AFFRONT to the Constitution, the actual perpetrators essentially walking away from it without a single scratch, is absolutely damaging to the case itself.

If it wasn't VERY politically driven, they would, or at least should, be going full frontal attack on EVERYONE accused and throwing the book at everyone. If they were as confident in their case as Vodka is on here, the more they convict and the harsher the sentences, the stronger the case gets against Trump.

Again, some of you are acting like what happened was pure "insurrection" and "sedition". With that in mind, this is the equivalent of giving the "hitmen" immunity after killing a bunch of people, so that they can HOPE to get Al Capone, or in more recent times in my area, Black Jack Giacalone...
Who said it doesn't hurt Trump? It just doesn't hurt him near as much as you want it to. Mind you, ALL of them get ZERO jail time and their records expunged immediately upon completing probation. Considering what they were all facing, did you expect ANY of them not to take that sweetheart of a deal?

Meanwhile, their "testimony" will be scrutinized beyond belief. ALL of them were beyond vocal about their 100% innocence, along with saying everything they did was justified and legal. Now, they will be opening themselves to serious attacks on their credibility. Even the article itself questions the value of their testimony.

Simply put, this is EXACTLY what most expected to happen. The "boots on the ground" were all going to take deals, if the deals were beyond ridiculous and they ARE beyond ridiculous. If the perceived "conspiracy" was such an AFFRONT to the Constitution, the actual perpetrators essentially walking away from it without a single scratch, is absolutely damaging to the case itself.

If it wasn't VERY politically driven, they would, or at least should, be going full frontal attack on EVERYONE accused and throwing the book at everyone. If they were as confident in their case as Vodka is on here, the more they convict and the harsher the sentences, the stronger the case gets against Trump.

Again, some of you are acting like what happened was pure "insurrection" and "sedition". With that in mind, this is the equivalent of giving the "hitmen" immunity after killing a bunch of people, so that they can HOPE to get Al Capone, or in more recent times in my area, Black Jack Giacalone...

The "actual perpetrator" is Trump. He is the one individual who bears utmost responsibility for attempting to overthrow democracy.

Sure, these other individuals are culpable as well, but they are all pawns. They aren't elected officials and don't hold any political power.

The courts are going after Trump and it's a huge win to get his pawns to agree to testify in trial rather than plead the 5th. This is a massive win for the court and will absolutely hurt Trump. They wouldn't be giving pleas if they didn't have testimony ammo to use in trial against Trump.

You're in for a rude awakening. The goalposts keep moving as the dominos fall. I just can't wait once Trump is convicted of what equates to a life sentence, to see you twist yourself into a pretzel saying that he was wrongfully convicted and it was politicized.

He attempted to overturn a democratic election and overthrow democracy in broad daylight, yet ignorant citizens such as yourself say "I just don't see the evidence".

The evidence is overwhelming. He's ****ed. And the more he continues to talk, the further he ****s himself. Justice is in pursuit.
Why Trump? He lies, not religious, hung out with Epstein, grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He isn't for the everyday person, he is for big corporations. I'm not saying Biden is better, but why HIM?!

Because "he owns the libs". He attacks the people that they hate and they love that regardless if the person doing it is evil himself.

They don't hold him to any sort of standard.

It's a cult. A cult of hate that contradicts the fundamentals of Christianity.

The level of hypocrisy and double standard needed to justify supporting Trump is symptom of serious mental illness.

And Biden hasn't attempted to overthrow democracy, which by default makes him magnitudes more acceptable as president than Trump. Support of the constitution and democracy is the top policy issue, and if a candidate doesn't pass that bar, none of their other policies matter.
The "actual perpetrator" is Trump. He is the one individual who bears utmost responsibility for attempting to overthrow democracy.

Sure, these other individuals are culpable as well, but they are all pawns. They aren't elected officials and don't hold any political power.

The courts are going after Trump and it's a huge win to get his pawns to agree to testify in trial rather than plead the 5th. This is a massive win for the court and will absolutely hurt Trump. They wouldn't be giving pleas if they didn't have testimony ammo to use in trial against Trump.

You're in for a rude awakening. The goalposts keep moving as the dominos fall. I just can't wait once Trump is convicted of what equates to a life sentence, to see you twist yourself into a pretzel saying that he was wrongfully convicted and it was politicized.

He attempted to overturn a democratic election and overthrow democracy in broad daylight, yet ignorant citizens such as yourself say "I just don't see the evidence".

The evidence is overwhelming. He's ****ed. And the more he continues to talk, the further he ****s himself. Justice is in pursuit.
Lol, you are so blind its comical. How many times have I said I will be HAPPY if he is convicted? There won't be any "pretzel twisting" whatsoever. My only concern is his still running and HOLDING the Republican Candidacy from a prison cell.

My whole argument the ENTIRE time has simply been about the facts presented. My argument has NEVER been politically motivated. Meanwhile, the rest of you are spewing political venom on every post with such HATRED I thoroughly have enjoyed stoking it. Especially yours....
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Lol, you are so blind its comical. How many times have I said I will be HAPPY if he is convicted? There won't be any "pretzel twisting" whatsoever. My only concern is his still running and HOLDING the Republican Candidacy from a prison cell.

My whole argument the ENTIRE time has simply been about the facts presented. My argument has NEVER been politically motivated. Meanwhile, the rest of you are spewing political venom on every post with such HATRED I thoroughly have enjoyed stoking it. Especially yours....
wouldn't this be something to discuss one of the many trump supporters on this thread...instead of going back and forth with people who have nothing to do with whether trump is the nominee or not?
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i apologize in advance for talking about AJ in this AJ thread. On his instagram, he responded to some questions and it seems like he definitely wants to come back to college wrestling before MMA. He said he has 3-4 years of eligibility, hopes to make 197, but if not he’s ready to go 285. If he went 285, and we are still recruiting him, makes me think Kueter’s football career is looking good. Also don’t know if we are recruiting Merrill, but he would clash with one of these guys at either weight. Now that AJ has his legal issues solved, not sure what’s taking him so long to commit somewhere. It will be second semester before you know it, and you would think he would want to get in the room of where ever he goes to start training just wrestling. Maybe he could just start next season if he wants to dodge Brooks?
Worth posting in a different thread.

Thanks for the update had to go see for myself what he actually posted.

He doesn’t strike me as someone who dodges anyone.

Several people have been vocal on steveson returning second semester and wrestling this season. So if you were so inclined to dodge who do you dodge brooks or Steveson lol .
wouldn't this be something to discuss one of the many trump supporters on this thread...instead of going back and forth with people who have nothing to do with whether trump is the nominee or not?
Because I was never arguing politics in the first place. I was arguing the legal proceeding. Feel free to go back and look at my original posts.

The part you bolded is the only part of all this that will "twist my pretzel". As far as going against Trump followers, it is pointless. Even I have agreed that many of them are blind followers in a near "cultish" fashion. My approach to them is quite simple. Much like how Democrats do what they can to keep a vast majority of the minority vote, I WANT to retain their Republican vote in 4 years. I don't want to disenfranchise them and have them leave once Trump is gone.

They can have their Trump love and it can be as powerful as they want, albeit, short-lived. Just keep voting RED long after he is gone...
Worth posting in a different thread.

Thanks for the update had to go see for myself what he actually posted.

He doesn’t strike me as someone who dodges anyone.

Several people have been vocal on steveson returning second semester and wrestling this season. So if you were so inclined to dodge who do you dodge brooks or Steveson lol .
I’m not saying he is looking to dodge him, just would almost guarantee him to be a 4 timer. I actually would think he wants this over with as fast as possible to move on to MMA. With practice already started, I thought he would have committed somewhere by now and get moved and registered for classes if he wants to wrestle second semester. If he doesn’t wrestle second semester, you can almost write Brooks in as champ. Do you think there is any other programs he looking at and that’s why it’s been crickets since his case was dismissed??
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wouldn't this be something to discuss one of the many trump supporters on this thread...instead of going back and forth with people who have nothing to do with whether trump is the nominee or not?

wouldn't this be something to discuss one of the many trump supporters on this thread...instead of going back and forth with people who have nothing to do with whether trump is the nominee or not?
You often confuse people who can see the failings of the process and law as blind eyed Trump supporters. Many, including me are not. I do like his policies, just not the man, for the record. Just like you don't want to be seen as a Biden supporter (or maybe you do), many others simply see the hypocrisy of how the law is being applied to a political candidate. You can't fathom the possibility that it is politically motivated. You assume everything you hear about Trump's issues as solid objective evidence but when the same is offered for Biden, it's not proof enough. Oh, I'm sure you will counter that Biden's transgressions haven't been proven so have at it. Just remember, the self annointed poorest member of congress who has never held another job can give $200,000 loans. OK. All conspiracy theories.
Because I was never arguing politics in the first place. I was arguing the legal proceeding. Feel free to go back and look at my original posts.

The part you bolded is the only part of all this that will "twist my pretzel". As far as going against Trump followers, it is pointless. Even I have agreed that many of them are blind followers in a near "cultish" fashion. My approach to them is quite simple. Much like how Democrats do what they can to keep a vast majority of the minority vote, I WANT to retain their Republican vote in 4 years. I don't want to disenfranchise them and have them leave once Trump is gone.

They can have their Trump love and it can be as powerful as they want, albeit, short-lived. Just keep voting RED long after he is gone...

Pure tribalism. 90% of the current GQP Congress is MAGA/Trump. If you truly despised Trump as you claimed, you'd despise them as well.
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Pure tribalism. 90% of the current GQP Congress is MAGA/Trump. If you truly despised Trump as you claimed, you'd despise them as well.
That is 100% BS. Do you hate all the people that vote Democrat without even really knowing why? There are a TON of idiots on BOTH sides that vote without really having a clue about what the candidate's political beliefs are and there are a TON that don't even know what their OWN beliefs really are.

As long as those voting Republican do not somehow have the power or truly want to change the core belief structure of the Republican party, PLEASE vote Republican. Hell, I would be 100% happy if you, jneffer, thom and 98 all vote Republican and I am pretty sure we don't agree on much of anything politically!
You often confuse people who can see the failings of the process and law as blind eyed Trump supporters. Many, including me are not. I do like his policies, just not the man, for the record. Just like you don't want to be seen as a Biden supporter (or maybe you do), many others simply see the hypocrisy of how the law is being applied to a political candidate. You can't fathom the possibility that it is politically motivated. You assume everything you hear about Trump's issues as solid objective evidence but when the same is offered for Biden, it's not proof enough. Oh, I'm sure you will counter that Biden's transgressions haven't been proven so have at it. Just remember, the self annointed poorest member of congress who has never held another job can give $200,000 loans. OK. All conspiracy theories.

Do you not consider the support and adherence to the constitution a policy?

Anyone claiming they support Trump's policies, just not the man is explicitly stating that they're okay with attacks on democracy and attempts at overthrowing the will of the people for the installment of a dictatorship as long as it's their tribe (cult) leader committing that crime.

The peaceful transfer of power is policy.
That is 100% BS. Do you hate all the people that vote Democrat without even really knowing why? There are a TON of idiots on BOTH sides that vote without really having a clue about what the candidate's political beliefs are and there are a TON that don't even know what their OWN beliefs really are.

As long as those voting Republican do not somehow have the power or truly want to change the core belief structure of the Republican party, PLEASE vote Republican. Hell, I would be 100% happy if you, jneffer, thom and 98 all vote Republican and I am pretty sure we don't agree on much of anything politically!

If 90% of democrats stated their support for a democrat politician who had just attempted to overthrow democracy then, yes I would consider them all culpable and part of the problem.

I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I just see objectively that only one party right now is full on fascist.

Adherence to the constitution and upholding democracy is the most important policy issue and no other policy issue matters until that's taken care of. The only reason this is hard to comprehend for the GQP is because their tribe (cult) are the ones trying to install a dictator.
Covid? The biggest hoax in human history. GTFOH. You mean the year every death in the USA was covid? No one died of cancer, heart attack, or natural causes. Everyone who died in 2020 died of covid. Give me a break.

This is pretty disrespectful to at least one former Hawkeye wrestler and many others involved in the sport who died from Covid.
If 90% of democrats stated their support for a democrat politician who had just attempted to overthrow democracy then, yes I would consider them all culpable and part of the problem.

Adherence to the constitution and upholding democracy is the most important policy issue and no other policy issue matters until that's taken care of. The only reason this is hard to comprehend for the GQP is because they do not blindly hate Trump and unwaveringly believe he committed treason.

Let's be crystal clear, your entire argument hinges upon guessing what someone believes and their intent. So far, not one person has said they willfully tried to falsify voting counts. Even those that just took a plea deal all still stuck to believing they had the authorization and the belief that what they were doing was legal and justified AT THAT TIME.

Even our difference on this subject hinges on what Trump believed. You think he was some "Grand Conspirator" planning from the very beginning to "Steal" the Election. Meanwhile, I honestly believe he is delusional and narcissitic enough to 100% believe it was stolen from him and thoroughly believed every action he did after was 100% justified.

That is where our disconnect stems. You can continue your misplaced attacks and twist everything I say, because you don't like it. But, that doesn't change 1 single thing I said, nor does it make it any less true...

Edited to add: I even left your childish GQP alone, even though I considering properly fixing that as well. But, I though it best to leave it as it shows exactly who you are as a whole...