They take Martin down to the hoop and shoot right over her.Not going all doom and gloom but this has the feels of turning into a blowout
What a disappointment this womens team has become. Especially after the promise of last year. very sad.this team has no FUN.
we see this game all the time
break up this mess
were not going 30-1
get ready
people / girls shoot the ball
monica nothing ... someone shoot
forget rankings
molly davis should shoot 12 shots a game
The shooting has been really bad...better ramp it up come conference season or they're a middle of the pack teamBluder worries too much about keeping everybody happy and not upgrading players. Top 25 team but that is about it with this cast. Crap defense, sloppy passing and poor shooting, Bluder has topped out as a coach very similar to other Iowa coaches.
Its all about quickness/athleticism. If you can't make a wide open shot you are a liability. Clark is the best.The shooting has been really bad...better ramp it up come conference season or they're a middle of the pack team
Really is amazing that Bluder hasn’t been able to attract more top talent to go with Caitlin. She is an all time great and generational player. Keegan, Luka and Meagan were also great players, but not at the same level as CaitlinReally sad that Clark doesn't have a better supporting cast. It's actually kind of amazing how little both basketball teams have actually accomplished over the last four years with lifetime talents (Gustafson, Clark, Murray, Garza)
Same shit, different yearDefense.
Need Addy in for better defense. Should have happened a long time ago.What is Monika even doing tonight?
Bluder is creating her own problems by not playing young players early and not sitting players when they don’t perform.She doesn’t create any depth. oh, and she doesn’t teach defense.So damn frustrating!!!What is Monika even doing tonight?
Its all about quickness. Unfortunately besides Clark there is none. Needed to upgrade. Did not happen. NC State 28 points from the bench.Can't defend the paint off the dribble. It's so painful to watch.
No defensive intensity seems to be a Bluder trademark.
No where near athletic enough.
It is not about teaching defense. It is quickness/athleticism. It is not there except for Clark.Bluder is creating her own problems by not playing young players early and not sitting players when they don’t perform.She doesn’t create any depth. oh, and she doesn’t teach defense.So damn frustrating!!!
Bluder does not know how to prepare a team for an elite team and has no clue during the game how to address runs, The defense tonight had been horrendous. JMOReally sad that Clark doesn't have a better supporting cast. It's actually kind of amazing how little both basketball teams have actually accomplished over the last four years with lifetime talents (Gustafson, Clark, Murray, Garza)