197 Questions

Yep Slim no clue whether he will be a legend in just the practice room or not. Just info from Perry and Morningstar. First hand talk last Thursday. Sorry for reporting to "Hawk" fans what the staff said. So joke all you want. By the way, shouldn't you be more worried about your son than how Nelson is progressing? You are a coach right? So are you jealous 1 coach's son in this conversation isn't a f-up pal? WTF!
Loosen up guy. This has nothing to do with my son or Nelson. It's the same quip I've been throwing out there on this board for a while now. #LegendsOfThePracticeRoom I'm not really making fun of the actual info or source so don't take it personal. Most of my posts are harmless jokes.

Though I may post as a father/coach, I don't post on this or any other forum as "Larry Early's dad" though for some reason that is how some of you identify me and the only way you address me directly. I'm a fan just like the rest of you and I'm sure like most of you my purview of the sport and life isn't limited to 25% of my offspring.

I'll refrain from referring to your kids just because they're your kids and ask that you do the same about mine. But to answer your question no I'm not" worried about him any more than I'm worried about my kid that graduated college last year, the one I'm trying to coax back into college or my high school kid on the Dean's list.
Yes, but that doesn’t mean he can hang with the kind of legends. #turk

Coming from a guy whose intent gets misread often, I can tell you that you misread Mr. Early to the extreme. He has had an ongoing theme for making fun of practice room stories no matter who the source is.

Reacting the way you did was actually pretty cruel for what little he said. No one wants to be attacked for negative things about their child. Especially as a reaction to a harmless joke about practice room results. Jmho
Dang, how can I make fun of you when you make sense?:)
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I totally agree and I apologize. I just am not a fan of getting info and being mocked but I overreacted. Sorry Mt. Early and I hope your boy is doing well and kicks ass except against the Hawks! My bad.

Two hard-nosed wrestling fans just had a Kumbaya moment. Cool.
Let's make fun of basketball fans or get angry at the NFL. There are plenty of hot button topics out there than to sit here and pick on other wrestling fans. Let's get the season started already!!!
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