2019 Worst Poster of the Year nominations

HROT has turned into a Far left lunatic echo chamber. There about 5 conservatives left.
The website is about worthless but it’s highly entertaining to watch how Trump consumes your thoughts.
Era of projection case study awesomeness ^ .
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Off the top of my head and looking through like two threads I came up with these conservative posters.

For me, not socially conservative. But fiscally so. And, generally, "government involvement" so.

And I am the opposite of the "victim". I abhor victim-status seeking.
@Run&Blade is a guy who never lets facts or reason get in the way of beating the shit out his argument like a horse who's so dead he's already starting to decompose.
Did you know in 2018 total retail sales of the United States was $5.4 trillion.

Yang needs $2.88 trillion a year for universal income.

seems possible.
For me, not socially conservative. But fiscally so. And, generally, "government involvement" so.

And I am the opposite of the "victim". I abhor victim-status seeking.
Yeah, and no one nominated you because you are reasonable and not a giant flaming douche. You know, like MOST Republicans used to be until Dorito Mussolini mind-humped 36 percent of the mouthbreathing denizens of this formerly great country.
@WorldSeriesChamps2015 and it ain't fuggin close.

Yeah, and no one nominated you because you are reasonable and not a giant flaming douche. You know, like MOST Republicans used to be until Dorito Mussolini mind-humped 36 percent of the mouthbreathing denizens of this formerly great country.

Thanks, Torbee, and Dorito
I don't think he gets it every year. He used to be fairly reasonable, but he seems to have gone all in on Trump while attempting to claim that he's not all in on Trump.

BTW is OiT exempt from this? Just a day or 2 ago he was telling me that CIA mind control caused the Sandy Hook shooting.

To be the fair he's so over the top that he'd just win every year.

Y'all keep talking bad about me and I'll stop posting BBQ threads.
I nominate all your asshats who argue politics over and over on the internets.