2024 election theft plans

This is similar to the "both sides are the same" strategy in terms of convenient devices. "Understood, but what about all of these other things that I want to talk about rather than the topic that you wrote about. See they are liars!"

My post was about the differences in degrees of craziness and comprehensiveness of election denying/stolen election stuff among each party.

If you you weren't just trying to change the subject and your point is that people see Dems as liars in other topics and categories and that's why people are suspicious of Dems with stolen election stuff. Fine, that's human nature, but it's not always rational either.

Democrat's poor credibility is probably a factor, but it doesn't change the reality of the problem either.
I get it. GOP is way worse when it comes to both trying to fix elections and complaining about stolen elections.
I'm so tired of both sides right now.

It's time a strong independent makes a name of themself and win the next election.

Best case scenario for the country.
Sadly, the lack of big donor money makes that impossible. I'd love to see it, let's get someone in the middle because both parties have gone too far to the outside, but the big donor money won't support it.
The fact that republicans are trying to steal the 2024 election
Ignoring facts because it's your side. You want right wing authoritarianism. Just admit it. It's unbelievable how you just ignore Republican actions, words, and most importantly their actual votes on bills. Right there for you to see but you choose to remain oblivious.
Pretty established history of democrats on the election fraud band wagon my friend

....then why was none of this brought into courts in 2020/2021, when it could have "won" stuff for Trump?

AZ Atty Gen just admitted they've identified "20" prosecutable cases out of >4M votes.
No "stolen election". No "rampant fraud".

DeSantis' stunt is going from 20 cases down to zero, as those are also thrown out.

Do you enjoy being grifted and lied to? Because that's really the only conclusion that can be drawn here.
Michigan coming out and saying this year's election votes won't be able to be counted on election night is a classic cheating setup.

Once you know how many votes you need to keep Democrats in power you know how many to fabricate or toss out.
Should be easy to prove a something like that. Do you have a reliable link supporting your claim?
Michigan coming out and saying this year's election votes won't be able to be counted on election night is a classic cheating setup.

Once you know how many votes you need to keep Democrats in power you know how many to fabricate or toss out.
We all know the Democrats inner city election cheating apparatus is very strong.
Above is your statement from post #10. I was really expecting a credible link from you, but then I saw you are claiming Lincoln, NE as home. That tends to explain a lot of your inane comments, such as the ones regarding Michigan's election process.
But, you did get goldmom to like post 10! That says a lot about both of you.
I see Moscow Mitch is giving the cons 6 million more in Pa for da senate. It won't help the lying fraud, killer, carpet bagger, waste of money.
I asked questions of 2 conservative posters in this thread, but they can't seem to answer. I'll try one more time.


Do you think Trump tried to steal the 2020 election? How do you feel about the fake electors?

Why did Arizona State Rep. Shawnna Bolick introduce House Bill 2720 in January to allow a majority vote of the Legislature to "revoke the secretary of state’s issuance or certification of a presidential elector’s certificate of the election." ?

What do you know about the independent state legislator doctrine and how it could influence elections if the Supreme Court rules in it's favor?


Should be easy to prove a something like that. Do you have a reliable link supporting your claim?
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We all know the Democrats inner city election cheating apparatus is very strong.
Above is your statement from post #10. I was really expecting a credible link from you, but then I saw you are claiming Lincoln, NE as home. That tends to explain a lot of your inane comments, such as the ones regarding Michigan's election process.
But, you did get goldmom to like post 10! That says a lot about both of you.
I always know someone is full of shit when goldie likes their post. Automatic kiss of wrong.
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Avoidance looks alpha on you. 🙄
Gohawks: I asked one question and they don't answer

Question gets answered

GH: asks another question

Question gets answered

GH: asks another question obviously trying to have a gotcha moment.

Question doesn't get answered because it's stupid

GH: "aVOidAnCe LoOkS AlPhA oN YoU"
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Gohawks: I asked one question and they don't answer

Question gets answered

GH: asks another question

Question gets answered

GH: asks another question obviously trying to have a gotcha moment.

Question doesn't get answered because it's stupid

GH: "aVOidAnCe LoOkS AlPhA oN YoU"
Why is it stupid to ask if other Republicans were involved in Trump's attempt to steal the election?

The answer is yes and most of those leaders are still in the government. The point is why would you trust those people not to try again.
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Why is it stupid to ask if other Republicans were involved in Trump's attempt to steal the election?

The answer is yes and most of those leaders are still in the government. The point is why would you trust those people not to try again.
Not so much stupid as it was obvious you were trying to trap him in a gotcha. Just make your statement and move along rather than complain he didn't answer a dozen leading questions as you plod towards your point.
Not so much stupid as it was obvious you were trying to trap him in a gotcha. Just make your statement and move along rather than complain he didn't answer a dozen leading questions as you plod towards your point.
Maybe it seemed that way, but he made a claim about Hillary lying. I was pointing out that the concerns she raised are legitimate based on the last Presidential Election.
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Maybe it seemed that way, but he made a claim about Hillary lying. I was pointing out that the concerns she raised are legitimate based on the last Presidential Election.
So when the democrats lose in 2024 and Hillary is claiming it was stolen, does she take responsibility if there is violence?
Sure, if she keeps repeating a lie, rallies her supporters to march to the capitol, and "fight like hell". Do you think Trump was responsible for the violence on January 6th?
Partially . If he wasn’t doing a speech that day the people wouldn’t be there.
If she organizes a huge rally and tells those in attendance to march to the Capitol and fight like hell to keep Democrats in power by any means necessary, then she should.
Like when Warren told her supporters to fight like hell on the abortion issue on the steps of the Supreme Court and then a man tried to kill a justice. Is she liable?
Like when Warren told her supporters to fight like hell on the abortion issue on the steps of the Supreme Court and then a man tried to kill a justice. Is she liable?
Would you agree that "fight" can have different meanings? I think you are fighting for a Desantis Presidency in 2024, but I don't think you will be physically fighting.
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Would you agree that "fight" can have different meanings? I think you are fighting for a Desantis Presidency in 2024, but I don't think you will be physically fighting.
Yep…but who Interprets the intent and the meaning. In both situations people chose violence as their solution.
Yep…but who Interprets the intent and the meaning. In both situations people chose violence as their solution.
In Warren's case, one person chose violence. In Trump's case hundreds of people chose violence. Trump was also aware that many attendees at his rally had weapons.

The attempt on Kavanaugh's life was an odd one considering the perpetrator called 911 himself and his gun was not loaded.
In Warren's case, one person chose violence. In Trump's case hundreds of people chose violence. Trump was also aware that many attendees at his rally had weapons.

The attempt on Kavanaugh's life was an odd one considering the perpetrator called 911 himself and his gun was not loaded.
So we have to use a sliding scale on the number of folks involved to determine if we should place blame.

why not just admit that you don’t care if it’s a democrat
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