80% support voter ID

I'm thinking the market for fake ID's to drink underage is much more lucrative than fake voter ID's.
So you've refused to learn about why voter ID is suppressive to people of color and their right to vote. Even though it's been explained and you can find all kinds of information about why it's a form of suppression online. Disappointing.
Tom, apparently 80% of the folks in the poll "have refused to learn why voter ID is suppresive" because they think it's a B.S argument.

Why do you think people of color are incapable of getting voter ID? Seems like a pretty condescending attitude to me.
Tom, apparently 80% of the folks in the poll "have refused to learn why voter ID is suppresive" because they think it's a B.S argument.

Why do you think people of color are incapable of getting voter ID? Seems like a pretty condescending attitude to me.

Seems pretty condescending to people of color as well.

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The other major issue is Republicans closing polling stations in urban, high minority areas making it more difficult to vote.

Now, combine this with turning people away due to minor infractions on an ID, or a photo someone doesn't like. After they've waited in line for 8-10 hours.

How long will people need to wait to obtain a Voter ID? What if you lose that ID a week or so before an election? They going to allow for provisional ballots, and followup for up to 2-3 weeks for any verifications, or do they just get to invalidate your right to vote?

This is just another attempt at a Poll Tax

The proposed legislation requiring precincts to maintain voting capabilities to <30 min wait times is what is absolutely needed. If that means mail-in voting, fine. If that means 15 day-straight early voting, fine. They already require you to be registered in your precinct, and have your info already at your polling station.
Tom, apparently 80% of the folks in the poll "have refused to learn why voter ID is suppresive" because they think it's a B.S argument.

Why do you think people of color are incapable of getting voter ID? Seems like a pretty condescending attitude to me.
I'm just curious - Do you think that Republicans like Voter ID laws because they are concerned about voter fraud and genuinely want to make sure elections are fair, or do you think they like Voter ID laws because they know that those who might have difficulty obtaining and presenting such an ID are likely to vote for the other guy?
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Tom, apparently 80% of the folks in the poll "have refused to learn why voter ID is suppresive" because they think it's a B.S argument.

Why do you think people of color are incapable of getting voter ID? Seems like a pretty condescending attitude to me.
Seems pretty condescending to people of color as well.

I don't think Tom's the one being condescending.
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Tom, apparently 80% of the folks in the poll "have refused to learn why voter ID is suppresive" because they think it's a B.S argument.

Why do you think people of color are incapable of getting voter ID? Seems like a pretty condescending attitude to me.
That's because you choose to be ignorant. I've already posted reasons. It doesn't take but a few minutes to look it up and understand why. I questioned this as well...but then I learned.

This isn't even counting which IDs are valid. Republicans say gun permits are valid. College IDs are not. Hmmmmm...I wonder why that is.

Then lets not forget that these voters laws are all because of a lifetime grifter conman lied his ass off about a pretty perfectly run election, and the Republicans in congress have helped pushed this lie to the point where a bunch of goddamn simpletons believed it. Now here we are with Republicans all over the country doing everything they can to make sure the people they don't want to vote have a harder time doing so.
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Disagree, almost all of Europe requires voter ID and they generally have higher turnout than we do. I’ve always thought it was a pretty ridiculous argument.

I think gerrymandering is the #1 target.
They also have national voting days. In Greece, everyone is required to vote.
you didn’t have to show id to register?
I don't think I did....back in the day when I registered to vote (1970) Iowa had paper driver's licenses....NO PICTURES....I think it was more like going to the clerks /voters registration office, filling out a form where you swore under threat of criminal reprisal, that the information you gave was indeed the truth and factual.....a couple of weeks later, POOF! your voter's registration card arrived with pertinent information on verified it and carried it with you........If for some reason your name was not on the eligible voter's list when you voted, you showed the officials your voter's registration card and you were given a ballot....
I'm just curious - Do you think that Republicans like Voter ID laws because they are concerned about voter fraud and genuinely want to make sure elections are fair, or do you think they like Voter ID laws because they know that those who might have difficulty obtaining and presenting such an ID are likely to vote for the other guy?
I don't really care why Republicans like voter ID. I like voter ID and don't think it "suppresses the vote". I think it's a reasonable requirement. I also think it's a counterproductive argument for the Dems because as the poll demonstrates.....the vast majority of folks don't have a problem with it.

The #1 priority should be getting rid of the ability to gerrymander as THAT ability dilutes the power of the vote of people of color in particular.

Take Voter ID off the table for the R's. It's basically their main talking point in resisting voting reforms.
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That's because you choose to be ignorant. I've already posted reasons. It doesn't take but a few minutes to look it up and understand why. I questioned this as well...but then I learned.

This isn't even counting which IDs are valid. Republicans say gun permits are valid. College IDs are not. Hmmmmm...I wonder why that is.

Then lets not forget that these voters laws are all because of a lifetime grifter conman lied his ass off about a pretty perfectly run election, and the Republicans in congress have helped pushed this lie to the point where a bunch of goddamn simpletons believed it. Now here we are with Republicans all over the country doing everything they can to make sure the people they don't want to vote have a harder time doing so.
I've been for voter ID since way before Trump. Always thought it odd it wasn't a requirement.

I'm with Manchin's plan as far as voter ID goes....

Oh....and having a different viewpoint on voter ID doesn't make someone ignorant. I'm just not buying what you're selling....sorry.
I've been for voter ID since way before Trump. Always thought it odd it wasn't a requirement.

I'm with Manchin's plan as far as voter ID goes....
But why? It's not an issue. LIES are making it an issue. It's all bullshit and here we are having to deal with something based off a massive lie. The Republicans are NOT going to go for any of this anyway. Give them voter ID...they still won't support it. Because cheating and trying to keep PoC and young people from voting. Minority rule. Not a democracy.
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you didn’t have to show id to register?
You generally have to fill out a form attesting you are who you say you are, and that you are an eligible voter, under penalty of perjury. And you can be fined $10-25k and/or a 10 yr prison sentence for lying.

And the information you are placing on-file is literally there in perpetuity for any hotshot investigator to get out and prosecute anyone who did lie about their status. You've literally handed them everything they need to know in that registration.
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I don't really care why Republicans like voter ID. I like voter ID and don't think it "suppresses the vote". I think it's a reasonable requirement. I also think it's a counterproductive argument for the Dems because as the poll demonstrates.....the vast majority of folks don't have a problem with it.

The #1 priority should be getting rid of the ability to gerrymander as THAT ability dilutes the power of the vote of people of color in particular.

Take Voter ID off the table for the R's. It's basically their main talking point in resisting voting reforms.
Voter ID is a smoke screen is a non-player. The real culprit here is how voting is gerry-rigged (gerrymandered) and THAT issue is an issue that will never solved. There are states that do not want "fair/balanced" elections and as long as the Constitution gives the states to run their elections, "we the people" are going to continually by represented untruthfully and dishonestly. If states wanted honest and fair elections, we would have them...there are formulas and processes out there that would ensure a more honest and fair districting and apportionment of representatives. As long as humans are in control, the system will likely be flawed.....
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But why? It's not an issue. LIES are making it an issue.

Which is precisely why I'm informing him there is an ulterior objective in play, and the laws will be written in ways to give local officials the ability to throw out votes. Put lackeys in those roles (exactly what these new laws are doing) and you've created the ability to overthrow a legitimate election.
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The funny thing about the current drive to suppress the vote is that many top Republicans were caught out in the open admitting that this is the plan, to suppress the vote in order to stave off demographics. To stave off continually losing popular votes. Trump said it out loud.
To the point of the thread, I don't mind some form of ID in order to vote as the norm. I think it's pretty uniform across the country. The issue is access to ID, and access to the ballot.
As I put in one of the other threads, if we can renew a driver's license, and any of the many, many other things we can do on line, why can't we vote on line? Why is vote by mail, which Republicans put into their advantage for years, now a horrible impediment to democracy?
I've been for voter ID since way before Trump. Always thought it odd it wasn't a requirement.

I'm with Manchin's plan as far as voter ID goes....

Oh....and having a different viewpoint on voter ID doesn't make someone ignorant. I'm just not buying what you're selling....sorry.
And I have always thought that it was weird that IF my name and address are listed on the official voters list for my precinct and I identify my name to the official as that person....why should I have to show an ID? I have already identified myself, under threat of punishment by law......If someone doubts me....then CHALLENGE my ballot and I will vote provisionally...(but then when I prove who I am, I should have legal recourse against the person who challenged me)...In my world, my word means something....I guess in the world of IDers, a persons word mean nothing.
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Which is precisely why I'm informing him there is an ulterior objective in play, and the laws will be written in ways to give local officials the ability to throw out votes. Put lackeys in those roles (exactly what these new laws are doing) and you've created the ability to overthrow a legitimate election.
We are rapidly seeing these new laws being put into practice as cronies and the absolute dregs of partisanship are being installed onto important election boards.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion...

The people of color in the video I posted don’t seem to think he speaks for them. Ignorant and stupid were some terms of endearment uttered by them.

But Tom knows everything about them. He’s their spokesperson.
But why? It's not an issue. LIES are making it an issue. It's all bullshit and here we are having to deal with something based off a massive lie. The Republicans are NOT going to go for any of this anyway. Give them voter ID...they still won't support it. Because cheating and trying to keep PoC and young people from voting. Minority rule. Not a democracy.
Why? Like I said, I find it a reasonable requirement.
I don't really care why Republicans like voter ID. I like voter ID and don't think it "suppresses the vote". I think it's a reasonable requirement. I also think it's a counterproductive argument for the Dems because as the poll demonstrates.....the vast majority of folks don't have a problem with it.

The #1 priority should be getting rid of the ability to gerrymander as THAT ability dilutes the power of the vote of people of color in particular.

Take Voter ID off the table for the R's. It's basically their main talking point in resisting voting reforms.
Just trying to help you see the point of view of those who are affected by Voter ID laws. I think a vast majority of Dems agree that it's not the laws themselves that are suppressive; it's the lack of free and fair access to these ID's, and hence, access to ballots, that the Rs have gone at great lengths to implement exclusively in areas in which the fewer the voters the better for them.

I do agree that eliminating gerrymandering and making it easy for everyone to vote who is eligible and wants to would be best for this country. Anyone who doesn't agree with that statement has an ulterior motive.
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Not watching heavily edited video by a conservative filmmaker aired on FOX = 5 min (or so) of time I won't regret wasting.

Of course you won’t. Don’t want to hear the truth. Only your side. Too bad you’ve chosen to go through life listening to only one side.
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why can't we vote on line?


Paper ballots are a must, because you can easily recount them.

Vote by mail or drop box is as secure as it gets, and very very difficult to hack. Very very easy to detect fraud (identify anyone trying to vote twice).
Dems have to drop the “voter ID is voter suppression” BS.

Concentrate on getting rid of gerrymandering, increase early voting and ensuring enough polling places. Those are the main issues IMO.

Manchins plan is the way to go

Lol. You’re smarter than this, OP.
We are rapidly seeing these new laws being put into practice as cronies and the absolute dregs of partisanship are being installed onto important election boards.

And those lackeys will be able to claim ANYONE'S photo "doesn't match well enough" and deny them a vote.

Our voting systems would be far better served in beefing up registrations than photo IDs. Blockchain each precinct's registrations, so you can cross correlate any double registrations practically instantly.

Here in CO, I can drop off my mail-in ballot anywhere in the state (any county) and they will route it to Boulder County for processing. Boulder will send me an email or text (or both, my choice) when my ballot envelope is received. And another notification when it is accepted. I've never had them send me any "exception" on it.

So, if I get any notification but have not turned a ballot in, I email/text them to notify that the envelope they got is fraud and they'll send me another one. I can vote early, and change my mind and tell them to toss that prior ballot right up to when they're going to count it, because it stays in the envelope until counting time. If I send in a 2nd ballot w/o disqualifying that one, they will easily find out, and I'll be in serious trouble.
OP, seriously. There is no voter fraud. This is such horseshit. And you know it. This is a made up issue. Which begs the question: Why?

Start digging on the why, OP. It’s not good.
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OP, seriously. There is no voter fraud. This is such horseshit. And you know it. This is a made up issue. Which begs the question: Why?

Start digging on the why, OP. It’s not good.
Voter ID is a reasonable requirement. The vast majority of Americans agree.
Voter ID is a reasonable requirement.
No, it's not.

There is no problem it is designed to solve. That makes it an unnecessary expense, unnecessary burden and those points mean it is explicitly "unreasonable".

If you can point to the problem that needs solving, and identify how IDs fix it, that's one thing. But this ain't it.

And 50% of those 80% are Republicans who knee jerk on this issue. The other 30% are just gullible.
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