It is very insulting to lump the people who look to Jesus or Buddha or God or the Bible or the Koran and others.... in an effort to improve themselves and be as good of a person was possible, with the people who talk holier than thou and do not put their words into action. Hopefully, you are smart enough to tell the difference between the two.
Your third sentence shows a real lack of understanding in regards to people who use religion to be the best version of themselves. Try not to come off as such a condescending "A" hole..
Im glad you brought up the other holy books.
I encourage everyone to read all of them. You’ll find that the unifying common theme in all of them is “don’t be a dick”. No matter what the afterlife holds, we’ll be judged on that and that alone. Not how many saturdays we spent in synagogue or Bible verses we could recite. Just don’t be a dick and you’ll be good. Everything else is theatre.