Oh, sorry penis pancakes, did I hurt your feelings?
I rarely belly laugh at posts, but this one got me. Penis pancakes. That's gold lol
Oh, sorry penis pancakes, did I hurt your feelings?
Get your facts straight. They were only worn two years, 1994 and 1995. We didn't go to a bowl in the 1994 season.
And in the 1995 season we were trailing Ohio State 56-0 in the first half while wearing those hideous uniforms.
We beat the co-champions of the PAC-10. Haters need to take a shower in battery acid.
I knew this uniform reminded me of something. 1980s movie with Tom Cruise...All the Right Moves.
Minus the black pants.
Only thing I’d change is go black pants. Too much gold IMO
So you know it's good.I hear the helmet has bits of real Hawk in them
Bau.....I can really see this game becoming an epically embarrassing moment in Iowa Football history. Those uniforms may need to be burned in a trash pile after the game and all video footage banned from TV.
As an unbiased observer, those are butt ugly.
I hear the helmet has bits of real Hawk in them
I like how traditional Iowa is in terms of sticking with the same unis game in and game out year after year. I think it’s pretty cool to get creative once a year and try to come up with some sweet looking alts though. The ones worn for the Ohio State win a couple years back were awesome, and these ones aren’t bad (like I said, a little too much gold). The more I see the jerseys, I think they’re pretty sweet thoughI've never been a fan of the alternate uniform concept in general, but it's here, and it ain't goin' away anytime soon, so . . .
Iowa, and virtually every other team that has gone alternate, has shown how difficult it is to come up with a good uniform. Most alternates around the country have ranged from silly to stupid. Ohio State has worn some hideous threads, as has UCLA and just about everyone else, including the Hawkeyes.
This particular alternate is blah for me. It's not hideous, but it's certainly not great. I definitely agree that black pants, or at least a much wider black stripe, would have helped.
It is what it is. The players seem to enjoy it, and the rest of us just have to live with it. We all know that KF isn't a fan, so if he's willing to go along with it for the good of the kids, then that's where I am on this whole thing too.
Tell me today is April 1. And this is a joke.Hell yes. Banana peels
I knew this uniform reminded me of something. 1980s movie with Tom Cruise...All the Right Moves.
Minus the black pants.
Nooooooooooo!!!!! God!!! Noooooo!!!!!
Reminds me of some of the most disastrous years we had......
My sons (10 and 7) love them. I don’t hate them but would probably like them better without the banana peels. My guess is the younger crowd will like them better then the older crowd.
Timmy Dwight / Tavian Banks years man. Not bad years.
Was at both games as well. I vividly remember Sed destroying a metal bench during a play at Sparty. Even the steel bench couldn't stop him and it sit empty the rest of day. One of the coolest things I've seen.They’re pitch black, so...week old banana peels?
Seriously, as someone who at 13 went to watch Sedrick Shaw run rampant on the Spartans in East Lansing in 1995, and fondly remembers the Sun Bowl against Pac 10 co-champs Washington, I have a soft spot for the Hawk wings.
Not a game. Clothes.Clothes. We talking clothes.
That bench weren't steel.Was at both games as well. I vividly remember Sed destroying a metal bench during a play at Sparty. Even the steel bench couldn't stop him and it sit empty the rest of day. One of the coolest things I've seen.
LOL Dude, try switching to decaf. Some of the unleaded are almost as good as the leaded. LOLWho the fvck is "we?" Speak for yourself or shut the fvck up.
Well I'm down with what she's wearing anyway.....I think it would be cool to have Hawk uniforms
Helmet like so:
Uni like:
Still much better than those fusker alternatives with the large N on them. Oh, and you’re an “unbiased observer”...rrriiiggghhhhttt.As an unbiased observer, those are butt ugly.
Where is Chris Sale when we need him?!?