If you have not already, I STRONGLY recommend reading "The Old Man & the Boy" by Robert Ruark.
Literally an entire book of life lessons, funny yet true sayings, conversations about life, women and the relationship between Grandpa and Grandson.....all the while intertwined with all things hunting and fishing.
Really makes a guy appreciate and remember the good times hunting and fishing as well as those that you shared it with.
A few examples:
"'The best thing about hunting and fishing,' the Old Man said, 'is that you don't have to actually do it to enjoy it. You can go to bed every night thinking about how much fun you had twenty years ago, and it all comes back clear as moonlight.'"
"...a sportsman, is a gentleman first. But a sportsman, basically, is a man who kills what he needs, whether it's fish or bird or animal, or what he wants for a special reason, but he never kills anything just to kill it. And he tries to preserve the very same thing that he kills a little of from time to time. The books call this conservation. It's the same reason why we don't shoot that tame covey of quail down to less'n ten birds."
"A fish, which you can't see, deep down in the water, is a kind of symbol of peace on earth, good will to yourself. Fishing gives a man ... some time to collect his thoughts and rearrange them kind of neatly, in an orderly fashion."
“The old man used to say that the best part of hunting and fishing was the thinking about going and the talking about it after you got back.”
“Rich," the Old Man said dreamily, "is not baying after what you can't have. Rich is having the time to do what you want to do. Rich is a little whisky to drink and some food to eat and a roof over your head and a fish pole and a boat and a gun and a dollar for a box of shells. Rich is not owing any money to anybody, and not spending what you haven't got.”