Anyone know how long to microwave a 25 lb turkey?



I’ve heard varying times. I would do it in the oven but it’ll be full with the mashed potatoes and casseroles.
I buy a fresh live turkey and into the wave it goes, 45 minutes low setting to get the feathers and shit taken care of, quick buttermilk rinse, some seasoning, back in for another 45, toss in a loaf of bread and a carrot and celery stick with about 10 minutes to go.
They key is to wrap it in foil before placing in microwave.
Somehow this managed to stay off HROT for a week or so while flying around teenagers twitter and Facebook accounts.
Somehow this managed to stay off HROT for a week or so while flying around teenagers twitter and Facebook accounts.
I don’t even know what this means, but I’m guessing there’s a backstory. By no means do you have to explain it to me though.
I don’t even know what this means, but I’m guessing there’s a backstory. By no means do you have to explain it to me though.
My wife (no pic) and I were out with another couple this weekend. They had said their daughter texted them to ask how to cook a turkey in a microwave. She was in a store, when another lady happened to get the same text from her son or daughter.

What is going on is these college kids are pranking their parents, by telling them they are having a “Friendsgiving”, and wanting to know the best way to cook a turkey in a microwave. When the parent text back all excited that you can’t do that and why, the kids are posting their paret’s excited response (text screenshots) on Snapchat, or some other social media.
Moral's tailgate turkey posted on that recipe site, along with all of our comments, is still the hardest I ever laughed at the internet.
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I don’t even know what this means, but I’m guessing there’s a backstory. By no means do you have to explain it to me though.
My wife (no pic) and I were out with another couple this weekend. They had said their daughter texted them to ask how to cook a turkey in a microwave. She was in a store, when another lady happened to get the same text from her son or daughter.

What is going on is these college kids are pranking their parents, by telling them they are having a “Friendsgiving”, and wanting to know the best way to cook a turkey in a microwave. When the parent text back all excited that you can’t do that and why, the kids are posting their paret’s excited response (text screenshots) on Snapchat, or some other social media.
I said you didn’t have to explain it to me, now I’ve lost 60 seconds of my life that I’ll never get back.
My wife (no pic) and I were out with another couple this weekend. They had said their daughter texted them to ask how to cook a turkey in a microwave. She was in a store, when another lady happened to get the same text from her son or daughter.

What is going on is these college kids are pranking their parents, by telling them they are having a “Friendsgiving”, and wanting to know the best way to cook a turkey in a microwave. When the parent text back all excited that you can’t do that and why, the kids are posting their paret’s excited response (text screenshots) on Snapchat, or some other social media.
Probably at least until it stops squawking.
I defer to an expert, from 1999.....

MADISON (AP) — The son of Wisconsin football coach Barry Alvarez will spend Christmas in the Dane County Jail but will be out in time for the Badgers' Jan. 1 Rose Bowl appearance after pleading no contest Friday to microwaving a fraternity brother's parrot to death.

Chad Alvarez, 23, pleaded no contest Friday to felony charges of theft of a domestic animal and intentional mistreatment of an animal resulting in death.

Under the conditions of a plea agreement reached with prosecutors, Alvarez will serve five years on probation for the two charges. If he completes probation without further infractions, the felony charges will be reduced to misdemeanors.

"He should not be labeled for all time a felon," assistant district attorney Judy Schwaemle said.

Dane County Circuit Judge William Foust sentenced Alvarez to 10 days in jail, beginning Dec. 20. In addition, he ordered Alvarez to serve 250 hours of community service, donate $1,000 to the Dane County Humane Society and continue to undergo psychological counseling.

Alvarez should serve some time in jail as punishment for killing the parrot in a way that "shock(s) our collective consciousness," Foust said.

"I can't fathom the actions of putting a creature in a microwave, turning it on and leaving it," Foust said. "There are things that people do — no matter who they are — that demand a response."

Alvarez faced a maximum fine of $20,000 and up to seven years in jail if convicted of both felony charges.

The judge said Alvarez should not spend a long time behind bars because he has already suffered outside of the courtroom more than most similar defendants because of his father's position as a high-profile sports figure.

During his court appearance, Alvarez said he was sorry for the pain he caused his family and UW junior Cory Greenfield, the owner of the parrot named Iago.

"The past seven months have been extremely hard. A day hasn't passed that I haven't regretted what I did," Alvarez said. "I am truly sorry for the pain that I've caused everybody."

Greenfield testified that Alvarez had learned his lesson and should not spend time in jail.

"In time, I think I can and will forgive him for what happened," Greenfield, 21, said.

Prosecutors argued that Alvarez should spend 120 days in jail for the gravity of the crime.

"He had time to hold a living creature in his hand, feel its heartbeat and consign it to a miserable and painful death in a microwave oven," Schwaemle said.

Fellow Sigma Chi fraternity members found the dead parrot in the microwave while the device was still operating, police said.

Defense lawyers had moved for dismissal the charges, claiming Alvarez was being treated differently than the way defendants in such cases are typically handled.

In October, Foust ruled that Alvarez did not prove that argument and declined to dismiss the charges.

"I don't care who your father is. From where I sit, who he is doesn't matter," the judge said Friday.

Barry Alvarez attended his son's hearing on Friday but declined comment on the plea and sentencing hearing.

The case attracted national attention from Alvarez's supporters, including U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala, and animal rights activists who wrote so many letters to the court that the mail file was thicker than the case file, Foust said.

Tina Kaske, executive director of the Alliance for Animals in Madison, said she was frustrated that Alvarez would only serve ten days in jail.

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