I mean, sure I know the thread title is a bit much, but at what point of accumulating wealth does it become OCD/hoarding/narcissism or flat out evil.
This mindset misrepresents the issue, and the confusion flows from there.
Wealth has to be
Americans didn’t settle this continent and find a magic pile of trillions of dollars. Effort was put into making what was here that valuable to other people.
If I make a company that provides goods or services people want, that didn’t exist before then, how does it become ‘evil’ when I serve so many millions of people the goods or services that they want that
other people value my company in the billions of dollars?
If someone makes a company that
other people consider highly valuable, how on earth does that justify taking ownership of that company away from the creator?
The idea that we need to somehow thwart people who are successful in creating wealth is dangerous to civilization. You don’t realize the degree to which your living standard is built on the shoulders’ of giants. Cuba certainly doesn’t have the ‘problem’ of billionaires. Now electricity, and all kinds of others basic needs, those are problems they have in Cuba.
Musk’s wealth didn’t come at your expense, it actually came at the advantage of making millions of people better off than they were before they traded with him.
The situation certainly wouldn’t be improved by seizing his wealth for bureaucrats and politicians to control. We have a solid historical record on how that goes, and it isn’t good for the ‘little guy’.