Arrests of the Traitors coming in now

I haven’t found a good link, yet, but MSNBC just aired video taken inside the Capitol of a woman using a bullhorn to give instructions to the people inside. She was giving specific instructions on what door to use to get to a certain room.
The FBI is certainly looking for her now. Who is she that she knows so much about the building?

That pos Qanon MAGAt congresswoman needs to be in jail immediately
Jail her mom, but as a Dem I’d rather have her in Congress doing crazy stuff along with Tommy Tuberville. It would be a great reminder to the middle of the electorate what is at stake in 2022 and 2024.
There should be a uniform judicial rule adopted that any person convicted of a crime associated with the Capitol Hill riots also have an extra designation which signifies connection to the insurrection. Many of the convictions that will be recorded in the months and years ahead will be standard misdemeanors offenses - disorderly conduct, trespassing, unlawful assembly, reckless behavior, etc.

It is not enough for Defendant X to have a TRESPASSING conviction (for example) on his/her record - that can be deceptively explained away to potential employers, landlords, lenders, etc. Defendant X's conviction for trespassing should be recorded as "TRESPASSING *DC INSURRECTION* or something similar so that these convicts can be properly identified the rest of their lives
Her ex-husband, Riley's father, said he took her to the rally with two family friends simply to "witness the spectacle”. He does not want to be identified but claims she became separated from him during the afternoon of January 6 as the crowd pushed forward and was simply “going with the flow”. He says he is certain she had no intention of joining the violence.

FFS- Somebody force her to carry the gun?

According to the affidavit, a witness who spoke to authorities claimed to have seen a video of Williams "taking a laptop computer or hard drive from Speaker Pelosi’s office.""[Witness 1] stated that WILLIAMS intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service," the agent noted. "According to [Witness 1], the transfer of the computer device to Russia fell through for unknown reasons and WILLIAMS still has the computer device or destroyed it."
"This matter remains under investigation," the agent concludes.

This seems kinda "inappropriate" for anyone who loves "America", doesn't it, @hawkland14 ?
He looks a little bit like the Wrongway Feldman character on the one Gilligan's Island episode.


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