Assassination Update!

If Trump got hit with a bullet I think he'd have photos, diagrams, computer reconstructions, etc all showing how he took that bullet. Again, immediately after the incident there was reports it was a glass shard that got dismissed and the bullet took over. Won't be surprised if the glass shard is later proven. Again, doesn't take away from the fact some nut tried to kill him... but why lie? Just bizarre.
More of this.

He would never throw that red meat out there if he thought for one second the tiger was going to jump.on his ass with "it's been 10 days, you not knowing that is a major failure on your part. Why should you keep your job"

Like they grilled cheeto.
In my mind, there are only two options: gross incompetence or intentional incompetence.

Either way, someone(s) should be put through the wringer.
Without getting into all of those which I disagree with . . . Trump's quote was something to the effect of using disinfectant to cure COVID. No he didn't specify inject nor did he specify bleach.

There are only 2 ways that I know of to get a liquid into your body. . . drinking it or injecting it.

And there are many disinfectants but bleach is the most well known and common one. None of them that I'm aware of are safe for human consumption either via drinking or injection.

So explain to me the moral difference here??? Trump suggested getting a disinfectant into your body to cure COVID. That means injecting or drinking it. And none of the disinfectants that I'm aware of are safe for humans.

So please explain to me the context by which his statement makes any sense to a logical reasonable adult.
What he said was an idiot trying to play science. A reasonable person could listen to what he was saying and with context understand he was talking about using something that would go in and completely kill it on contact, similar to a disinfectant. But instead the media had no problem running with "inject bleach".
If Trump got hit with a bullet I think he'd have photos, diagrams, computer reconstructions, etc all showing how he took that bullet. Again, immediately after the incident there was reports it was a glass shard that got dismissed and the bullet took over. Won't be surprised if the glass shard is later proven. Again, doesn't take away from the fact some nut tried to kill him... but why lie? Just bizarre.
You'll have to settle for a doctor's note and video of it happening in real time
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What he said was an idiot trying to play science. A reasonable person could listen to what he was saying and with context understand he was talking about using something that would go in and completely kill it on contact, similar to a disinfectant. But instead the media had no problem running with "inject bleach".

Don't go there,. they will never give Trump a pass on this.
What he said was an idiot trying science. A reasonable person could listen to what he was saying and with context understand he was talking about using something that would go in and completely kill it on contact, similar to a disinfectant. But instead the media had no problem running with "inject bleach".
Your first sentence is correct and doesn’t require further expounding upon.

At best, Trump was speaking tongue-in-cheek. At worst, he was actually musing out loud about the efficacy of injecting disinfectant into the body.

Either one is next-level stupid.
What he said was an idiot trying to play science. A reasonable person could listen to what he was saying and with context understand he was talking about using something that would go in and completely kill it on contact, similar to a disinfectant. But instead the media had no problem running with "inject bleach".

A reasonable person takes the president of the freaking United States at his word and doesn't invent ways around that. He specified a disinfectant. Not something similar to a disinfectant.

Either way it doesn't matter. . . The idiot trying to play science was in charge of our country during the worst pandemic in 100 years.

There is no moral difference between what he said and him asking if drinking bleach would help. The only thing I will give you is that he was in fact asking a question as to if this idea would work rather than telling people to go drink/inject disinfectants.

The fact that he was so ignorant about life that he didn't know that shit won't work is reason enough for him not to be the president ever again.

That's not to mention the coup he attempted.
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Your first sentence is correct and doesn’t require further expounding upon.

At best, Trump was speaking tongue-in-cheek. At worst, he was actually musing out loud about the efficacy of injecting disinfectant into the body.

Either one is next-level stupid.
Yet "inject bleach" never got checked because damn if it wasn't great red meat for the lefties.
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It was a failed assassination attempt and the appropriate people are being held accountable for it. I'm not sure why we are still talking about this beyond a footnote in history. Honestly, I don't really care if he was grazed by a bullet, he was hit by shrapnel, or a secret service agent squirted him with fake blood when he was on the ground, there just isn't much more to talk about. Well, ok, if the Secret Service actively participated in a stunt to fake an assassination attempt there would be a lot more to talk about. I just don't think that's what happened and haven't seen any compelling reason to think it did. Incompetence does not equal participation in a conspiracy.
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If Trump got hit with a bullet I think he'd have photos, diagrams, computer reconstructions, etc all showing how he took that bullet. Again, immediately after the incident there was reports it was a glass shard that got dismissed and the bullet took over. Won't be surprised if the glass shard is later proven. Again, doesn't take away from the fact some nut tried to kill him... but why lie? Just bizarre.
“Why lie?”
Because that is what Trumpf and MAGAts do all the time?
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A reasonable person takes the president of the freaking United States at his word and doesn't invent ways around that. He specified a disinfectant. Not something similar to a disinfectant.

Either way it doesn't matter. . . The idiot trying to play science was in charge of our country during the worst pandemic in 100 years.

There is no moral difference between what he said and him asking if drinking bleach would help. The only thing I will give you is that he was in fact asking a question as to if this idea would work rather than telling people to go drink/inject disinfectants.

The fact that he was so ignorant about life that he didn't know that shit won't work is reason enough for him not to be the president ever again.

That's not to mention the coup he attempted.
Yes, in the middle of a pandemic of unknown origin and worldwide panic, it is incredibly stupid to think outside the box, brainstorm for different solutions other than filling the pockets of big pharma and then espousing those ideas. We were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time right. The significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it there is great significance to passage of time. There is such great significance to the passage of time when you think of a day in the life of our children.
This is probably going to sound like crazy talk, but if Trump was struck by shattered glass then wouldn’t the microphone(s) on the podium have picked up the sound of glass shattering?
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FBI Director Wray testified yesterday it is still undetermined whether Trumpf was struck by a bullet or some sort of “fragment” (glass shard, ;)). Just so we are all on the same page here.
Did this glass shard come from a grassy knoll?
Yes, in the middle of a pandemic of unknown origin and worldwide panic, it is incredibly stupid to think outside the box, brainstorm for different solutions other than filling the pockets of big pharma and then espousing those ideas. We were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time right. The significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it there is great significance to passage of time. There is such great significance to the passage of time when you think of a day in the life of our children.
Dude can you just stop. Just focus on the future and what can be. Don't let the past burden you.
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Yet "inject bleach" never got checked because damn if it wasn't great red meat for the lefties.
Of course.

The same as “good people on both sides.”

In context, it was clearly about people protesting the removal of statues vs. people in favor of it.

The problem is Trump doesn’t help himself in numerous other cases where his comments seem purposely ambiguous as to cause reasonable suspicion he is offering a dog whistle. Once is understandable. Twice is coincidence. After three, four, and multiple other times, then people start to notice a curious pattern.

Would the liberal media find other ways to excoriate Trump regardless? Of course. But the point still stands.
It was a failed assassination attempt and the appropriate people are being held accountable for it. I'm not sure why we are still talking about this beyond a footnote in history. Honestly, I don't really care if he was grazed by a bullet, he was hit by shrapnel, or a secret service agent squirted him with fake blood when he was on the ground, there just isn't much more to talk about. Well, ok, if the Secret Service actively participated in a stunt to fake an assassination attempt there would be a lot more to talk about. I just don't think that's what happened and haven't seen any compelling reason to think it did. Incompetence does not equal participation in a conspiracy.

I think anyone who wants to say this is a conspiracy either to fake the assassination attempt or a conspiracy by the secret service to assassinate or allow the assassination attempt has an extremely high burden of proof.

Incompetence is a much lower burden of proof because obviously something went wrong. But a conspiracy is accusing someone of a very serious crime. That's a really really high burden of proof because of the effect that has on people's lives.

Honestly I am getting to the point where I almost feel like maybe it should be a crime to accuse people of a felony via public media without evidence. Like if you want to accuse someone of something via public media there should at least be enough evidence for a reasonable DA to open an investigation into it. I'm tired of all the willy nilly accusations as though those accusations are meaningless and don't affect someone's life.

I can call you an asshole all day and it doesn't change much. That's free speech. But if I convince enough people that you committed a serious felony, your life is going to be very negatively impacted in a pretty serious way. And I don't care if you are a public figure or a private person.
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Of course.

The same as “good people on both sides.”

In context, it was clearly about people protesting the removal of statues vs. people in favor of it.

The problem is Trump doesn’t help himself in numerous other cases where his comments seem purposely ambiguous as to cause reasonable suspicion he is offering a dog whistle. Once is understandable. Twice is coincidence. After three, four, and multiple other times, then people start to notice a curious pattern.

Would the liberal media find other ways to excoriate Trump regardless? Of course. But the point still stands.
As I said in the thread yesterday about the old sound bit of him saying Kamala is a socialist and we sure dont want a woman socialist. He can say "we don't want a socialist" frankly, I agree, his thing, to your point, is bringing her sex in. Why? It's like he always thinks he needs 10% more.

Now, he seems to be navigating that MUCH better this time.
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As was I.
Torbee… once the MAGAts takeover, maybe they will burn us at the stake, together! (Maybe Kim or Brenna will light the match?)
I think anyone who wants to say this is a conspiracy either to fake the assassination attempt or a conspiracy by the secret service to assassinate or allow the assassination attempt has an extremely high burden of proof.

Incompetence is a much lower burden of proof because obviously something went wrong. But a conspiracy is accusing someone of a very serious crime. That's a really really high burden of proof because of the effect that has on people's lives.

Honestly I am getting to the point where I almost feel like maybe it should be a crime to accuse people of a felony via public media without evidence. Like if you want to accuse someone of something via public media there should at least be enough evidence for a reasonable DA to open an investigation into it. I'm tired of all the willy nilly accusations as though those accusations are meaningless and don't affect someone's life.

I can call you an asshole all day and it doesn't change much. That's free speech. But if I convince enough people that you committed a serious felony, your life is going to be very negatively impacted in a pretty serious way. And I don't care if you are a public figure or a private person.
ah! All true but “conspiracies” last forever and many books and movies can be made using “facts”….conspiracies never have an answer.
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Torbee… once the MAGAts takeover, maybe they will burn us at the stake, together! (Maybe Kim or Brenna will light the match?)

ah! All true but “conspiracies” last forever and many books and movies can be made using “facts”….conspiracies never have an answer.
I'll be on a lake in northern Ontario fishing for walleye every day before that happens :)
I was accused as being an outlier last week when I suggested that Trumpf was not hit by a bullet as he loudly and proudly acclaimed.
Just saying….again the “facts” don’t back the claim.
Guy shoots at president, president is hit by a very fast flying object that rips through his ear, three people behind present were seriously injured and one was killed by objects flying very fast, like bullets, this is a very difficult case to crack isn't it joelbc1? I suppose it is possible that there was a shard of glass that was flying at the exact same time, coming from the exact same direction and landing in the exact same location as the flying bullets. My guess would be the odds of that might be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 trillion to one, but you're say'in there's a chance, huh joelbc1. What a hill to choose to die on. 😂 😄 😆 🤣 🤪
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As I said in the thread yesterday about the old sound bit of him saying Kamala is a socialist and we sure dont want a woman socialist. He can say "we don't want a socialist" frankly, I agree, his thing, to your point, is bringing her sex in. Why? It's like he always thinks he needs 10% more.

Now, he seems to be navigating that MUCH better this time.

The "10% more" as you call it is purposeful. It's an attempt to tell the worst elements of our society that he is on their side while attempting to avoid the blowback by saying "Oh well I didn't mean it like that"

In the 2020 debates when the proud boys were mentioned he could have said a lot. He could have said that they should just calm the F down. He could have said that they should "stand down". He could have said that he doesn't believe in what they believe in. A lot of stuff he could have said there.

He went for "stand back and stand by". Now stand by means "wait" or even "be ready".

There is a reason he goes this route.
I find it incredible that the FBI Director would express the glass shard theory over 10 days post incident. I have read multiple, apparently credible, reports that the teleprompter(s) were not damaged. Are there any reports showing damaged glass devices that could possibly explain this?

There was no shattered glass visible in the many, many pictures of the scene either. Where did this glass come from? Where did it go?

If your investigation cannot solve or support that basic fact after nearly two weeks then you should step down too...since you're an idiot.

It feels like this is Wray's way of getting a retalitory jab at Trump.