Fascinating article on DEI initiatives at the Secret Service

When you say "our" you are talking only whites, or everyone?

Do you believe that white culture is decaying because of other races affecting it? Or is it a generational problem? Many old people think that way of the next generation.
Both generational and societal, not necessarily other races, just a general sense of entitlement and softness
Fair enough. I have no problem with the objective...just see some problems with the way it's being implemented in some quarters.
Agreed. In hiring practices I think it’s reasonable to consider diversity as A factor, not THE determining factor.

I also think it’s reasonable to have awareness seminars and such at work in general to expose people to other cultures/POVs.
Agreed. In hiring practices I think it’s reasonable to consider diversity as A factor, not THE determining factor.

I also think it’s reasonable to have awareness seminars and such at work in general to expose people to other cultures/POVs.
I've been in on some of the DE&I seminars... I'm old enough to remember Coke's "Try to be less white"
Lol so the Secret Service messes up big time, fails to do their job, and lets a Presidential candidate just about get his head blown off….and they blame DEI? Comedy at its finest. Of course the boards most gullible members are eating it up.

From now on, if I make a mistake at work, rather than looking internally at myself and what I could do better, I’m just going to say DEI caused my failure and move on.
they actually have to provide some sort of evidence.
No the notice to employees

Do you have a link where the company sent a notice?

I remember the Coke can that went viral and the DEI training link from Indeed
but not a statement from the company to its employees

Indeed training link

Coke Statement
The goal of our diversity training is to help build a better workplace, one that is respectful for all. Recently, we learned that content accessible through our company training platform did not align with this approach. To be clear, this was not a part of our training curriculum and we immediately removed the links to that content.

Coke Comment
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Do you have a link where the company sent a notice?

I remember the Coke can that went viral and the DEI training link from Indeed
but not a statement from the company to its employees

Indeed training link

Coke Statement
The goal of our diversity training is to help build a better workplace, one that is respectful for all. Recently, we learned that content accessible through our company training platform did not align with this approach. To be clear, this was not a part of our training curriculum and we immediately removed the links to that content.

Coke Comment
That was it, thank you for clarifying!