At what age did you feel your health begin to decline?

I turn 39 in April. I'm hoping for 50, but that's probably a hail marry. I have everything in order for my wife and kid to be completely taken care of when I'm gone, but she can only access it if she promises not to bang any of you degenerates.
I turn 39 in April. I'm hoping for 50, but that's probably a hail marry. I have everything in order for my wife and kid to be completely taken care of when I'm gone, but she can only access it if she promises not to bang any of you degenerates.
Good Luck With That GIF by Chicks on the Right
I’m a runner, I’m 62, only in the last year have I not been able to maintain my regime. It’s been slower pace and fewer miles over the years but now it’s one serious injury after another and just not the stamina to do what I want.
I am 53. I’ve been regularly working out since my mid early 30s.

I’ve been blessed with no too many aches and pains. I do feel my body tends to be a little more sore than it used to be. My energy level is not what it used to be.

I workout - not seeking a GQ body - but keeping health issues at bay as long as I can.

Right now I am working more to maintain - versus gain. Muscles are still pretty decent but not what they used to be.
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This may sound weird but when I turned 30 I started smoking cannabis instead of drinking as much because I was getting fat. THC seems to have an effect on me akin to caffeine so I started taking hits prior to working out. 17 years later I do a kettlebell/stationary bike workout in my garage every other day and am in the best shape of my life.

For some people it really is a wonder drug. Saps the life force of others however.
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I kind of let my self go in my late 40s --- ballooned up to almost 250 pounds, quite a bit of heavy drinking.

In 2023, I got serious about my health and did Noom, started lap swimming and bike commuting and dropped 50 pounds.

Had my best physical in probably 15 years this past November - resting heart rate of 55, BP of 120/76.

So I actually feel much stronger/healthier now than I have since my 30s.

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