Berkeley goes Berkeley: Removes student Senator for simply Abstaining on a transgender vote

FAUlty Gator

HR Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Effing lunatics.

A student senator at UC Berkeley abstained from a vote supporting transgender rights last week, then took a moment to explain her thinking. Now, more than 1,000 people have signed a petition demanding that she resign from student government or face a recall.

Hundreds packed a Senate meeting Wednesday night to insist that she go. On social media, students labeled her a “horrible person” and a “mental imbecile.” Her campus political party severed ties with her. And the Daily Californian, UC Berkeley’s storied student newspaper, ran an editorial critical of her statements and refused to publish her written defense.

The uproar began Oct. 31, when the Queer Alliance Resource Center asked the student Senate to pass a bill condemning the Trump administration for considering a legal definition of gender that would require it to match a person’s sex at birth. The proposal would change the federal Title IX civil rights law and potentially remove its protections from 1.4 million transgender people, according to a New York Times story last month, based on a leaked memo. At UC Berkeley, the students’ resolution also urged the university to step up support of “transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students” and the campus groups that help them.
It's to the point where I almost blame a sane individual when this happens. Unless you are a loon stay away from Berkeley.

It's the equivalent of someone who lives in Steve King's district. Just GTFO
It's to the point where I almost blame a sane individual when this happens. Unless you are a loon stay away from Berkeley.

It's the equivalent of someone who lives in Steve King's district. Just GTFO

Well...she seems like someone who probably lines up with them on every other issue. But these purity test idiots (on both sides) are touched in the head. I heard someone call Ben Shapiro a "commie" yesterday.
Last I checked, the gays didn't want the rest of the alphabet marching in their parade. Yet, this Lake guy jumps up and says they're one in the same. If you dare say you're not on fully on board with the Faux biology of declaring yourself a Volkswagen, to him, you're now insulting the entire gay community. WTF?
The only problem I see here is that the student paper refused to publish her defense. That's simply wrong if you're running a true free press - all views should be presented. She said what she said and - as has been established here numerous times - words have consequences. I had no problem when country music stations dropped the Dixie Chicks and I see no problems here.
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The only problem I see here is that the student paper refused to publish her defense. That's simply wrong if you're running a true free press - all views should be presented. She said what she said and - as has been established here numerous times - words have consequences. I had no problem when country music stations dropped the Dixie Chicks and I see no problems here.

You don't have a problem with dropping a Senator because they try to represent the views of the people that put them there? You think an elected/ appointed body should be "Uniformity of opinion, or else!"? Really? Then when the opinion of the main person changes, he's either removed or every other council person switches their opinion at the same time? You're good with that?

She didn't even vote against. She abstained. Effing lunatics.
You don't have a problem with dropping a Senator because they try to represent the views of the people that put them there? You think an elected/ appointed body should be "Uniformity of opinion, or else!"? Really? Then when the opinion of the main person changes, he's either removed or every other council person switches their opinion at the same time? You're good with that?

She didn't even vote against. She abstained. Effing lunatics.
Why would I have a problem with that? I have no idea how they elect these representatives but if it's a vote of the student body then she answers to I don't have to agree with what they're doing to recognize they are well within their rights to do it. I agreed with the Dixie Chicks take on W...I agreed with the right of country stations to trash them and drop their music. I disagree with this young woman's views...I agree that the students have a right - apparently - to recall her.

What's your issue with that?
I'm more surprised people are that involved in university senates. I'm not sure what Iowa has for student government.

Seems like a non issue to me. a student at Berkeley is "abstaining"?:eek:

2010s Berkeley sure ain't 1970s/80s Berkeley....
This Berkeley group seems like the type of people that will get me that free $1000 a month.

The older I get they more attractive that sounds.

Between my savings, 401k, Social Security, and free $1000 I got it made.

The nuts are going mainstream on both sides.
So queer is an acceptable term now?

Apparently, anyone like the below can call themselves WHATEVER they feel like for that particular day. And if you don't agree with it you are homophobic.

Apparently, anyone like the below can call themselves WHATEVER they feel like for that particular day. And if you don't agree with it you are homophobic.


Frankly, I don't care what they call themselves.
I can choose to ignore them.