Bernie Sanders' $15 minimum wage

I havent read this whole thread, but what we need is an incentive to get people working rather than living off of the government.

the same people that are dumb with money making $10 an hour will be even more dumb making $15 an hour. When the economy was going bad around 2008, I read countless stories on people that were making 6 figures that were struggling because of a job loss in the house. then the rationalization was "we weren't living beyond our means, we could afford it when my husband was working" I don't think being able to afford something at the time equals living within your means..especially if you werent able to put some money away because you were stretched thin.

when I purchased my first home, we were in a position at the time to spend more on a house than we purchased...but when my company got hit with the realities of the economy in early 09, we were able to go on until I was able to find other employment with unemployment and the money we were able to put in savings.

raising the minimum wage isn't going to be a cure all to end poverty.
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