Betrayed by the Dems


HR Legend
Sep 26, 2009
I'm a liberal dem and Biden and the Democrats betrayed me. They told me Joe was functional. He is not. Not even close. I abhor, detest and want to piss on Trump. I will never vote for that ahole but I cannot vote for Joe either. Run someone else, anyone else. For those of you justifying yesterday's performance, do realize this person is running this f'ing country. Does he even know where he is? Honestly?

I will wait for an open convention (but Dems are too stupid to call a spade) or not vote for either loser. I didn't vote for Hillary for the same reason. F these aholes.
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I'd rather have the group of people who surround Joe running the country than any of the people Trump will be using. At this point, you are voting for the platforms of the candidate. You vote for Joe, you know what they are going to try to do. Promote economic growth and control inflation, not cut taxes (but don't expect them to fix it so the super wealthy are taxed more either), support Ukraine and Israel (while at the same time trying to get Netenyahu to not commit genocide..."this time we are really, REALLY mad"), promote environmentally friendly policies, and confirm judges that will return control of women's bodies to themselves.

Vote for Donald and you get Project 2025 and that will make the remainder of your life much darker if you aren't a white, Christian American making more than $500k a year.

Don't vote for anyone or vote for a third party and you likely get Project 2025. I won't defend his performance last night, but I do know the people surrounding him are competent. Competence is the last thing Donnie wants surrounding him.
I'm a liberal dem and Biden and the Democrats betrayed me. They told me Joe was functional. He is not. Not even close. I abhore, detest and want to piss on Trump. I will never vote for that ahole but I cannot vote for Joe either. Run someone else, anyone else. For those of you justifying yesterday's performance, do realize this person is running this f'ing country. Does he even know where he is? Honestly?

I will wait for an open convention (but Dems are too stupid to call a spade) or not vote for either loser. I didn't vote for Hillary for the same reason. F these aholes.
Then don't complain about what you get. Simple.
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abs GIF by Rough Night Movie
I'd rather have the group of people who surround Joe running the country than any of the people Trump will be using. At this point, you are voting for the platforms of the candidate. You vote for Joe, you know what they are going to try to do. Promote economic growth and control inflation, not cut taxes (but don't expect them to fix it so the super wealthy are taxed more either), support Ukraine and Israel (while at the same time trying to get Netenyahu to not commit genocide..."this time we are really, REALLY mad"), promote environmentally friendly policies, and affirm judges that will return control of women's bodies to themselves.

Vote for Donald and you get Project 2025 and that will make the remainder of your life much darker if you aren't a white, Christian American making more than $500k a year.

Don't vote for anyone or vote for a third party and you likely get Project 2025. I won't defend his performance last night, but I do know the people surrounding him are competent. Competence is the last thing Donnie wants surrounding him.
First, I agree with you. But do realize, unless Joe wins, all of what you've said is totally moot. Also please note, Dems who are running in close races for the senate and house are bracing for the blowback from yesterday. Many voters vote for party up and down ticket. Make no mistake. Yesterday's damage will be colossal not only for Biden but for Dems in many many close races. It sucked.
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Only against Trump. Trump is still a convicted felon and not even his Supreme Court can change that.
Biden has a 38 percent approval rate. At this point in time, he's starting to lose significant leads in blue states. This is going to be like Reagan/Mondale.
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First, I agree with you. But do realize, unless Joe wins, all of what you've said is totally moot. Also please note, Dems who are running in close races for the senate and house are bracing for the blowback from yesterday. Many voters vote for party up and down ticket. Make no mistake. Yesterday's damage will be colossal not only for Biden but for Dems in many many close races. It sucked.
Well, deciding to not vote for the Democratic candidate will certainly help keep those other things from happening.
You honestly think Biden has a chance after yesterday? For real?

Certainly not if there are enough fickle voters that still can't decide if they want another round DJT as president. It's still a choice of the lessor of two evils and a stark reminder of how lazy we voters are when it comes to primary processes.

Checking out of the process isn't going to save anyone's soul, it'll only make the system more easily controlled by smaller factions. The idea that voters can send a message to the government by protest voting is naive.
I'm a liberal dem and Biden and the Democrats betrayed me. They told me Joe was functional. He is not. Not even close. I abhor, detest and want to piss on Trump. I will never vote for that ahole but I cannot vote for Joe either. Run someone else, anyone else. For those of you justifying yesterday's performance, do realize this person is running this f'ing country. Does he even know where he is? Honestly?

I will wait for an open convention (but Dems are too stupid to call a spade) or not vote for either loser. I didn't vote for Hillary for the same reason. F these aholes.
I get your angst, but liberals not voting for Hillary is exactly how we got those Supreme Court decisions today.
You want a vegetable in office? Do you honestly think he lives for the full-term?
You've got your JD, so you are acutely aware of the impact on the judiciary if Trump is elected. That should be enough for you to vote Biden to help prevent settled law from flipping for a few generations.
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I'd rather have the group of people who surround Joe running the country than any of the people Trump will be using.
No one will answer the question of whether the 'group of people who surround Joe running the country' provoked a war in Ukraine deliberately or naively.

This 'brain trust' has us closer to WW3 than I would have imagined was possible after the Berlin Wall fell.
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You want a vegetable in office? Do you honestly think he lives for the full-term?
You are going to have to be more specific about who you are talking about.

And yeah, only an idiot that thinks Fox News is an honest day's work doesn't think that Kamala isn't capable of doing the job. We have lines of succession for a reason. But hey, throw your protest vote away and get back to me in 5 years to see if it was worth it. I might be in hiding though since I teach science and I'm probably on the list of people to go after just as soon as they get all the people they deem illegal out of the country.
This gets to the deeper problem that you believed what they were telling you. The white house flat out lying to you about it. Problem for them however was that people were actually paying attention over the last couple years and could see the drastic decline.
No one will answer the question of whether the 'group of people who surround Joe running the country' provoked a war in Ukraine deliberately or naively.

This 'brain trust' has us closer to WW3 than I would have imagined was possible after the Berlin Wall fell.
WTF are you talking about? You can't even deal in reality so why would anyone have this discussion with you? We are closer to WW3 because Trump completely destabilized the planet and he will make it worse. You think your life will be better when the US pulls out of NATO and Russia invades Europe?
This gets to the deeper problem that you believed what they were telling you. The white house flat out lying to you about it. Problem for them however was that people were actually paying attention over the last couple years and could see the drastic decline.
I didn't care if they were lying because the decisions coming from the White House were sound and made sense. I care about the results.
I'm a liberal dem and Biden and the Democrats betrayed me. They told me Joe was functional. He is not. Not even close. I abhor, detest and want to piss on Trump. I will never vote for that ahole but I cannot vote for Joe either. Run someone else, anyone else. For those of you justifying yesterday's performance, do realize this person is running this f'ing country. Does he even know where he is? Honestly?

I will wait for an open convention (but Dems are too stupid to call a spade) or not vote for either loser. I didn't vote for Hillary for the same reason. F these aholes.
I'd rather have the group of people who surround Joe running the country than any of the people Trump will be using. At this point, you are voting for the platforms of the candidate. You vote for Joe, you know what they are going to try to do. Promote economic growth and control inflation, not cut taxes (but don't expect them to fix it so the super wealthy are taxed more either), support Ukraine and Israel (while at the same time trying to get Netenyahu to not commit genocide..."this time we are really, REALLY mad"), promote environmentally friendly policies, and confirm judges that will return control of women's bodies to themselves.

Vote for Donald and you get Project 2025 and that will make the remainder of your life much darker if you aren't a white, Christian American making more than $500k a year.

Don't vote for anyone or vote for a third party and you likely get Project 2025. I won't defend his performance last night, but I do know the people surrounding him are competent. Competence is the last thing Donnie wants surrounding him.
And I thought the right was bad at fear mongering. You all act like we didn’t already live through four years of Trump. Yes, he sucks as a person but spare me the “the remainder of your life will be much darker if you aren't a white” bullshit.

I also can’t wrap my head around you trying to convince us that the people who lied to the American people about Joe for the past 12 months are the ones to be trusted. Insanity.
And I thought the right was bad at fear mongering. You all act like we didn’t already live through four years of Trump. Yes, he sucks as a person but spare me the “the remainder of your life will be much darker if you aren't a white” bullshit.

I also can’t wrap my head around you trying to convince us that the people who lied to the American people about Joe for the past 12 months are the ones to be trusted. Insanity.
Go read what Project 2025 is and get back to me. If you had, you'd be scared shitless right now.
I share some of your thoughts. I’ve long said he shouldn’t run, but here we are. I was concerned about making it another 4 years, but now I’m concerned about him making it the next few months. Last night was embarrassing and very concerning and it does feel like they’ve been concealing the true state of things, which I don’t appreciate.

I’m really hoping the Ds get a new candidate and I can cast my vote with enthusiasm.
I'm a liberal dem and Biden and the Democrats betrayed me. They told me Joe was functional. He is not. Not even close. I abhor, detest and want to piss on Trump. I will never vote for that ahole but I cannot vote for Joe either. Run someone else, anyone else. For those of you justifying yesterday's performance, do realize this person is running this f'ing country. Does he even know where he is? Honestly?

I will wait for an open convention (but Dems are too stupid to call a spade) or not vote for either loser. I didn't vote for Hillary for the same reason. F these aholes.
I'm a liberal dem and Biden and the Democrats betrayed me. They told me Joe was functional. He is not. Not even close. I abhor, detest and want to piss on Trump. I will never vote for that ahole but I cannot vote for Joe either. Run someone else, anyone else. For those of you justifying yesterday's performance, do realize this person is running this f'ing country. Does he even know where he is? Honestly?

I will wait for an open convention (but Dems are too stupid to call a spade) or not vote for either loser. I didn't vote for Hillary for the same reason. F these aholes.

While the Republicans are crazier right now, that doesn't mean they in general American politics aren't complete BS.

Dems are going to let you down too.

All that said... If people would actually use their eyes and stop viewing everything through a partisan lense that would've noticed his decline. The video is out there. Stop caring about republicans chirping about it and use your own goddamn eyes.
You honestly think Biden has a chance after yesterday? For real?
That's not what your OP is about. You say you won't vote for Biden and then turn around and say he hasn't got a chance. That's what is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. I sincerely hope he pulls out but if he doesn't there's nothing about my vote that changes. I'd love to vote for a competent Dem...I HAVE TO vote against Donald Trump. This is likely the easiest vote of my life.
Go read what Project 2025 is and get back to me. If you had, you'd be scared shitless right now.
More nonsense. I'm not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but let's be realistic here.

Has Trump ever even commented on Project 2025, which I hadn't heard of until the Democrats recently started talking about it? You honestly think he’s going to go full Bond villain on the American people if re-elected?

Once again, it seems the left is resorting to fear-mongering. It's amusing to see everything coming full circle.
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I get your angst, but liberals not voting for Hillary is exactly how we got those Supreme Court decisions today.

Running Hillary as the candidate is exactly how that happened, and it's happening again. Only this time the country knows that a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala and nobody in their right mind would vote for her.

It simple, run somebody that Dems want to vote for......or lose.
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Both parties are just hoodwinking people and thinking they are idiots. I've seen Joe's decline. Honestly, how many of you see him living another 4 years? Seriously? And please spare me the Kamala Harris bullshit. She's been awol with her weird ass husband for 3 years plus. She couldn't govern a paper bag. Make the convention an open convention or get ready to call the election for Trump within 5 minutes of the polls closing. Biden, if he stays on, is going to get blitzed. This guy is going to go state to state to campaign and then do additional debates? Do my fellow dems think people are blind? Wake up and smell the coffee.
More nonsense. I'm not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but let's be realistic here.

Has Trump ever even commented on Project 2025, which I hadn't heard of until the Democrats recently started talking about it? You honestly think he’s going to go full Bond villain on the American people if re-elected?

Once again, it seems the left is resorting to fear-mongering. It's amusing to see everything coming full circle.
I don't really understand giving Trump the benefit of the doubt regarding the Project 2025 thing. I'm fairly certain it was his former appointees that came up with the plans. I'm guessing folks he would put into his administration if he were to win again.

Let's not forget, this man and his folks had an entire fake electors plot created in order to overturn an election that they KNEW they lost. He's a cheat and doesn't deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt at any point in time.
More nonsense. I'm not a Trump supporter by any stretch, but let's be realistic here.

Has Trump ever even commented on Project 2025, which I hadn't heard of until the Democrats recently started talking about it? You honestly think he’s going to go full Bond villain on the American people if re-elected?

Once again, it seems the left is resorting to fear-mongering. It's amusing to see everything coming full circle.

Yes, his campaign has commented that I aligns well with their "Agenda47", but the real truth is that Trump does not lay out plans for policy really ever and almost everything that was done(including his appointments) by his administration prior to the last 25% of his term had been laid out by the Heritage Foundation and similar think tanks.
I don't really understand giving Trump the benefit of the doubt regarding the Project 2025 thing. I'm fairly certain it was his former appointees that came up with the plans. I'm guessing folks he would put into his administration if he were to win again.

Let's not forget, this man and his folks had an entire fake electors plot created in order to overturn an election that they KNEW they lost. He's a cheat and doesn't deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt at any point in time.

Yes, this idea that his first term wasn't so bad and everyone survived is ludicrous.

I see no reason to trust him or anyone that is giving him the benefit of the doubt as negotiating in good faith.
WTF are you talking about?

Plenty of people, former secretaries of defense, Chancellor of Germany, etc. explained that extending NATO to Ukraine would provoke Russia. The Russians repeatedly said it would be viewed as a "hostile act".

Russia has responded as those people predicted. They were right.

The neocons that pushed NATO expansion are now trying to tell us this war would have happened regardless, but there is zero evidence to support that.

We're left with the question, did the neocons understand that Merkel, etc. were correct, and Putin would see it as an "act of war", thus provoking the war deliberately, or were they genuinely naïve to the threat, and Ukraine is getting wrecked consequent to that poor understanding?

Which one do you think it is?