Biden Announces 100% TARIFF on Chinese-made Electric Vehicles

Do you favor or oppose raising the tariff from 25% to 100% on Chinese EVs?

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Did I say that? But because of Trump's tariffs, China and other countries placed tariffs on American goods. So we can't simply get rid of them and not make American goods non-competitive.

Trump could have gone to Congress and gotten something done to address Chinese subsidization and helping American products be more competitive. But that would have required work. He would have had to actually do his job and he might have even had to miss a golf outing to get it done. So instead, he just went with the lazy sledgehammer of tariffs and now we are stuck with them.

Now, this Congress will not do anything that can even remotely help Americans and, indirectly, help Biden. They are under strict orders from Trump to not help anything as they need those things to campaign on in November. Biden literally has no other choice. Do I wish Biden could go another route? Absolutely. But as long as we have treasonous insurrectionists in Congress who are more interested in making Americans suffer for their own political power than to actually solve problems, this is what we have. And you're too stupid to even realize how you are being used.
The old that was then this is now defense.
You make a lot of assumptions. But whatever, I don't have the energy to spell out every detail for the average Trumper.

Are you going to tell me that tariffs haven't led to higher prices? Are you going to die on that hill?
Will you blame Biden for higher prices after this tariff? Go Team Go!
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I'm really curious to see what India comes up with in the EV race. They seem to be aiming at smaller, less expensive EVs. Are thy any good? Will they be allowed into the US?

Our politicians and corporation are happy having China as an enemy, it seems. Do we also want India as an enemy?
India has already come out with their EV.

India isn’t a massive intellectual property theft syndicate masquerading as a global superpower. China is a POS and we should have no reason to trust them. Our relationship with them never should have gone as far as it did.
Now that they've caught up and even surpassed us in some areas, we should probably return the favor. I doubt our stance against IP theft will get in the way. Double standards never seem to bother us.

You have to hand it to China. Our corporations were so gung ho to set up in China that they agreed to share their IP, teach Chinese their processes and tech, and gave China part ownership of their factories. And what they didn't share, China reverse-engineered.

They learned from us. We could learn from them.
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If Congress were willing to help then Biden wouldn't have to do this. What other options does Biden have to protect American workers from unfair subsidization from the Chinese government?
So, no.
One Lakh is 100,000 Rupees. The cheapest EV at the first link converts to $8,370.

If Congress were willing to help then Biden wouldn't have to do this. What other options does Biden have to protect American workers from unfair subsidization from the Chinese government?
I guess it will be on the House then

Here is an article that discusses Inflation. I don't see anything about tariffs, so, we should be okay with what Biden did

Are you still claiming Trump's tariffs caused inflation?

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No other choice. What were the controlling members of the House called/doing in 2021/2022?

I thought you were generally reasoned in your discussions, this is just pathetic
They were trying to get an infrastructure bill passed while dealing with a worldwide pandemic fallout and out of control inflation. Where were you during that time to not remember that?
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I'm not a fan of tariffs in general, but I do believe in being competitive and if they are responding to tariffs on American goods then so be it. I'd prefer this stuff to come from the legislative branch but the people in charge of the House aren't about to do anything that would actually benefit the average American right now.
How much is the Chinese government actually subsidizing EV's, steel, etc. ? I don't know the answer.

Tariffs should only be used to level the playing field, and should not be punitive. That was true with Trump, and that should be true now.
Now that they've caught up and even surpassed us in some areas, we should probably return the favor. I doubt our stance against IP theft will get in the way. Double standards never seem to bother us.

You have to hand it to China. Our corporations were so gung ho to set up in China that they agreed to share their IP, teach Chinese their processes and tech, and gave China part ownership of their factories. And what they didn't share, China reverse-engineered.

They learned from us. We could learn from them.
Tell me about all the things China has caught up to us with. More importantly, all the ways they have surpassed us? Like when they destroyed global supply chains for things adjacent to critical infrastructure with their reckless covid response?

China is in major trouble. Their demographics are upside down; they have one of the fastest aging populations in history, they don’t innovate for shit, and their skilled labor is no longer inexpensive.
I guess it will be on the House then

Here is an article that discusses Inflation. I don't see anything about tariffs, so, we should be okay with what Biden did

Are you still claiming Trump's tariffs caused inflation?

I'm claiming they contributed to higher prices which contributes to inflation. They are a tax on the consumers. It may not be included with inflation calculations, but the money you spend is more because of them. But I guess it's only inflation driven cost increases that piss you off then? Kind of weird but ok.
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How much is the Chinese government actually subsidizing EV's, steel, etc. ? I don't know the answer.

Tariffs should only be used to level the playing field, and should not be punitive. That was true with Trump, and that should be true now.
I don't disagree with this, although I don't think tariffs were the correct approach back when Trump did it. There was an opportunity there to do something far more nuanced and probably far more effective. Democrats would have worked with Trump to do something on that issue. Trump didn't even try. Now if Trump had put in a real effort to legislating something and was unable to do it and then still went to tariffs to do something, I don't think he would get nearly as much criticism for them.
I'm claiming they contributed to higher prices which contributes to inflation. They are a tax on the consumers. It may not be included with inflation calculations, but the money you spend is more because of them. But I guess it's only inflation driven cost increases that piss you off then? Kind of weird but ok.
Lolz. You said, verbatim, “Funny how inflation blew up after Trump's trade war.”

Anyone who isn’t an idiot reads that the same way the rest of us did, which is to infer that you’re attributing causation here, which you were.
A cause. Not THE cause. Things can happen for more than one reason you know.
Considering you said they “blew up after trumps trade war” I’d say you were of the belief they were the primary cause. If not, you’d have said that. It’s ok, everyone does and says idiotic shit on the internet.
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there is funding for charging stations in the IIJA, it's called the NEVI program

it's starting to roll out in most states now...the initial focus is getting level 3 fast chargers every 50 miles or so along interstate corridors...future phases will focus on other locations
Yep that's one of the good things that survived the Republican-Manchin ax.
A cause. Not THE cause. Things can happen for more than one reason you know.
For the remainder of Trump’s term in office, inflation mostly varied from about 1.5% to 2.5%. I’m pretty okay with 2% inflation. 9%, not so much.
Considering you said they “blew up after trumps trade war” I’d say you were of the belief they were the primary cause. If not, you’d have said that. It’s ok, everyone does and says idiotic shit on the internet.
Well, your assumption was incorrect. But whatever, not every post I make includes every aspect of what I think into one post.
I do get confused sometimes. I think of you as a libertarian. Is that wrong? If wrong, I wonder who I'm mixing you up with?
It’s been years since I’ve said I’m Libertarian. But even that was short lived. I did vote for Gary Johnson, but that was a vote against the other two candidates. I’m a registered Republican, but consider myself an Independent. Never voted Trump and won’t. The far right is why I can’t vote R. The far left is why I can’t vote D.
Tell me about all the things China has caught up to us with. More importantly, all the ways they have surpassed us? Like when they destroyed global supply chains for things adjacent to critical infrastructure with their reckless covid response?

China is in major trouble. Their demographics are upside down; they have one of the fastest aging populations in history, they don’t innovate for shit, and their skilled labor is no longer inexpensive.
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It’s been years since I’ve said I’m Libertarian. But even that was short lived. I did vote for Gary Johnson, but that was a vote against the other two candidates. I’m a registered Republican, but consider myself an Independent. Never voted Trump and won’t. The far right is why I can’t vote R. The far left is why I can’t vote D.
So . . . I wasn't so much wrong as out of date. Are you opposed to the basic green new deal principles? Is that what you mean by "far left"?

If you can't vote R or D, how do you plan to vote this time around?
A cause. Not THE cause. Things can happen for more than one reason you know.
Consumer inflation was 1.4% when Trump left office.

That's just setting the record straight on that. Punitive tariffs undoubtedly cause prices for effected goods to be higher when there's no alternative for that good (or service). Trump's tariffs went too far. Biden could have reversed them, but never did, and now is simply pandering to the UAW because even more jobs will be lost.
So, if Biden really, really wanted people to drive EV's to save the environment, shouldn't he welcome more affordable EV's from China?

I'm going to guess that if Biden wins, any new tariffs will be negotiated away after the election.
So . . . I wasn't so much wrong as out of date. Are you opposed to the basic green new deal principles? Is that what you mean by "far left"?

If you can't vote R or D, how do you plan to vote this time around?

The Green New Deal states its goal as: “Build a greener economy and take larger steps towards socio-economic equality.”

I believe that climate change is happening and it is and will continue to have long term impacts on our planet. I believe we should continue to work towards alternative energy resources, however not at the pace the left thinks we need to. The US can and should lead the way, but not at the peril of our economy. I don’t believe that EV vehicles will save our planet. While better than ICE, they still require a substantial strain on the earths natural resources.

I most certainly do not believe we need to be taking large steps towards socio-economic equality.

I am a firm believer that we should not be conducting business with countries that want to harm us. So yeah, F China. China started construction on 70.2 GW of new coal-power capacity last year, nearly 20 times as much as the rest of the world's 3.7 GW. I don’t think they are on board with the Green New Deal.

As for my vote. What I know today is that it will not be for Trump. My preference is that Yrump is behind bars by November. More than likely I will reluctantly vote for Biden in November. I’m really hoping something changes between now and then, but it doesn’t look like it will.
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Huawei? A camera? Come on bruh. This is a company that the US Government has charged with decades of IP theft. They’ve been so pathetic in their attempts to hide it that stolen IP from Cisco included typos from the manuals-lol.

There was and probably still is, widespread concern of legitimate espionage through mass market adoption of their products because they are widely believed to be a front for the CCP. China isn’t playing by the same rules as everyone else, which is why the US is largely divesting the Chinese relationship for things near critical infrastructure.
The Green New Deal states its goal as: “Build a greener economy and take larger steps towards socio-economic equality.”

I believe that climate change is happening and it is and will continue to have long term impacts on our planet. I believe we should continue to work towards alternative energy resources, however not at the pace the left thinks we need to. The US can and should lead the way, but not at the peril of our economy. I don’t believe that EV vehicles will save our planet. While better than ICE, they still require a substantial strain on the earths natural resources.

I most certainly do not believe we need to be taking large steps towards socio-economic equality.

I am a firm believer that we should not be conducting business with countries that want to harm us. So yeah, F China. China started construction on 70.2 GW of new coal-power capacity last year, nearly 20 times as much as the rest of the world's 3.7 GW. I don’t think they are on board with the Green New Deal.

As for my vote. What I know today is that it will not be for Trump. My preference is that Yrump is behind bars by November. More than likely I will reluctantly vote for Biden in November. I’m really hoping something changes between now and then, but it doesn’t look like it will.
Had you not said you'd be voting for Biden you would be labeled a climate change denier and MAGA. I absolutely agree with everything you said except for the second to last sentence. For me that will be Chase Oliver.

There are no less than a dozen threads discussing how horrible of an idea it would be if trump did it, and how it would end the american economy. My favorite is the "mainatream republican" responses.

I'm sure the usuals will be here to tell us how this is a dumb move now that Biden is doing it.
I don't agree with it. As others have said there is probably a better path.
What's more important to Dems? Getting the world off of fossil fuels ASAP? Or, just blindly supporting Biden? Tough one.

Also, a new problem with EVs has shown up.
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