Big Tens Session 3

Parco up against D'emilio
Center of the mat and bouncing
Parco with hands and then swipe at knee
Now snaps
Parco with some happy feet
Demiol tries to catcj those feet
stuffs and catcehs the head
REf says not a TD but IRosnide and I think it is
Now has the leg shelved
Illegial crackback on DeMilio
Tree toppoing
and covering
Near falls!
2, 3, 4 "Didn't think Angle could count that fast".
8-0 lead
RT is 1:02
17 second left
Just really nice work on PArco to finish that TD and go rihgt to the tilt
Ironside approves.
Ride out.
end of 1
1:18 RT
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2nd period
Parco down
Stnading but not out
hands and free
RT 58 seconds
DD now aggressive
DD On a leg
Tryies to stand up but Parco hips down
50 secodns
DD shot and stuff. Not around this time
33 seconds SM
I assume Angle is getting the SW on PArco ready
Firemans for DD
And Parco on a leg but he's close to being on his own back
DD putting PArco in neutral danger!
Not enoguht and horn!
9-0 lead.

3rd period
Neutral start? DD went neutral
PArco on a leg
DD splits
Can't get the second leg
1:20 SM
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Mayfield losing 9-3 and inj default out of his match to bring up PK

PK with Kharchlia.
Lost the dual here. <174 – #6 Carson Kharchla (O) dec. #5 Patrick Kennedy (I), 7-3>
Kharchlia looks so strong
PK fighting off a shot and having head lock.
PK has the overs and down to the mat
Kharch is swiping at the legs
PK working the snap, stuff and go behind but Kharch grabs the traps
"Patrick hitting some nice snaps"
end of 1
2nd period
PK goes down
out in 4 seconds
tough to get thru Kharch here
not really mcuh offense
I guess PK is doing more
Snap and almost around behind for PK
Too bad Angel isn't reffing this match, :)
30 secodns and Kharch is wrestling in space
"Patrick is doing a real good job workiing the head this match"
end of 2
Another snap and miss for PK
PAce is pickign up
Kharch snapping back
Kharch has a leg
Fighting ioff.
now the second leg
TD for Kharch
11 second SW on Kharch
PK loses
"Dangit, Kharch takes one shot the whole match and makes it count"
Gabe with new bandages on his shoulder
A couple of high crotch attempts by Gabe and ruth holds it off
1:18 left
Ruth is holding on.
Hey, there it is, SW on Ruth.
Clock now says 1:28
BIG+ graphics
Get another sw!
Ruth reaches a bit
50 seconds
That was a frustrating match. Kennedy completely controlled the pace of the match for 6 minutes and 30 seconds, but Patrick was not able to score or even take a shot that whole time. He did snap OSU down 10-12 times but could never get around.
Then with 30 seconds left OSU level changed and took the only shot of the match and scored.
Patrick/Iowa has to figure out how to level change and get to the legs. You have to be able to generate some offense when your opponents are strong enough to withstand the pressure.
Snaps and slide byes just are not as effective in a 1-1 match with 1 minute left and Iowa seems to be in a ton of those types of matches.
1:10 another Gabe shot
Ruth maybe unders
Not sure how Ruth doesn't have a secodn SW. Gabe hasn't done a lot but Ruth has done noothing
locked hqnds 25 seconds.
"Don't waste this period"
Ruth gets a leg with 4 seconds but not finish
1-0 end of 2
3rd period
Ruth down
Working on his back and that's it.
Stands up at 1:23.
19 RT for Gabe
Ruth was not in a hurry there.
More aciton there
Standing, Gabe bear hugs and does a backflip mat return
Ruth might have hit somehting
C on Gabe
27 RT
Ruth up and chased off
Gabe on a leg
SW on Gabe
43 RT
1 min left
standing on the leg and has to let go
49 RT
30 seconds left

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