Since this thread has somewhat morphed into paranormal experiences, I'll offer this one:
(my wife's aunt, not crazy or anything, good person)
She got married later in life to her husband (like late 40's I think) and on their honeymoon, they rented a car and along their travels picked up a novelty keychain or whatever at one of the touristy places they stopped at and put it on the keys to the rental car. At the end of the honeymoon, they returned the car and went home to go about their life or whatever and they realized they had left that keychain on the car keys. So while it was just something cheap, it was a neat keepsake to them that they wished they had remembered and even called the rental car place back when they got home to see if they could send it to them and of course they said they couldn't find it or whatever and it was lost to the sands of time if you will.
Anyway, I guess it was always kind of brought up tongue and cheek for years about "which one of them forgot it" or whatever and then sadly some years later, her husband was diagnosed with cancer and it was one of those deals where he was diagnosed and then like 30 days later he was it was a pretty bad deal.
So then a few weeks after his death, their dog got up barking in the middle of the night (which was abnormal) and my wife's aunt just thought it was weird and went on about things, but then sometime in the next day or so she was in the office in their house and opened the top drawer of the desk and low and behold, there was the missing trinket key chain from their honeymoon on top of the papers (and this was a desk and drawer she used weekly if not daily from what I was told, so she would have opened that drawer many times since her husbands passing).
She actually didn't tell anyone for awhile because it felt just crazy and pretty personal, but I always thought that was a wild story.
That and then their dog (which I have heard similar stories before), upon going to the cemetery for the first time after his passing, ran unprompted to his grave and was waiting for my aunt when she caught up to him.