Brands Weight Plan For Recruits.

I have my fingers crossed, too...
And the more I think about the whole not visiting Berge thing. Maybe it was calculated. Give him a good offer. Don't show him a ton of attention. See if he really wants to come here and he is actually different than his brother. Than again maybe they thought he was a lock and just missed on him.
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And the more I think about the whole not visiting Berge thing. Maybe it was calculated. Give him a good offer. Don't show him a ton of attention. See if he really wants to come here and he is actually different than his brother.

Are you talking about recruiting, or dating? If recruiting, that's the most asnine thing I've ever heard. If you're talking about dating, then yes, everybody knows you wait 3 days to call.
I highly doubt Brands just recruits kids saying "whatever happens, happens. We have no plan for your weight." Infact im sure thats one of the things he brings up early on.
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I highly doubt Brands just recruits kids saying "whatever happens, happens. We have no plan for your weight." Infact im sure thats one of the things he brings up early on.

To doubt that is saying that you don't believe what some of these kids and their parents are saying about their recruiting experiences then and now.

But let's just say these kids, parents, coaches and mentors are lying for some reason... Even though they all want and wanted to be Hawkeyes... We can all agree that TnT are the best room coaches on earth, and I think we can all agree that where we have been beaten is in recruiting (excluding last year). So let's here some theories on why, because obviously what I'm sharing is being read as fiction. Are they wearing the wrong clothing, are they calling during dinner or during a favorite sitcom, or could it be that it's their approach and the way they're paining the picture for some kids?
I highly doubt Brands just recruits kids saying "whatever happens, happens. We have no plan for your weight." Infact im sure thats one of the things he brings up early on.

To doubt that is saying that you don't believe what some of these kids and their parents are saying about their recruiting experiences then and now.

But let's just say these kids, parents, coaches and mentors are lying for some reason... Even though they all want and wanted to be Hawkeyes... We can all agree that TnT are the best room coaches on earth, and I think we can all agree that where we have been beaten is in recruiting (excluding last year). So let's here some theories on why, because obviously what I'm sharing is being read as fiction. Are they wearing the wrong clothing, are they calling during dinner or during a favorite sitcom, or could it be that it's their approach and the way they're paining the picture for some kids?
Well maybe you need to apply to be our recruiting coordinator. You sure seem to know what it takes... Lol....
Yes, not blowing smoke up every recruits arse and telling them exactly what they want to hear whether it is true or not is going to have you miss a few recruits.

They also seem to have focused more on recruiting in the last year and a half and are doing a great job. So whatever they are telling a lot of really good kids is working.

So maybe their plan for Teske is to come to the best light weight room in the world and see if he can crack the lineup and no more than that. The writing is on the wall of what Teske is gonna have to do. He is gonna have to beat Lee out or wrestle 133 and beat possibly Mejia and some other decent guys out for that weight.

I also think they brought Perry in for some of the reason you guys are talking about. While he can't hit the road I think he can sell the program and Brands differently and fill some of the recruiting holes.
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Yes, not blowing smoke up every recruits arse and telling them exactly what they want to hear whether it is true or not is going to have you miss a few recruits.

They also seem to have focused more on recruiting in the last year and a half and are doing a great job. So whatever they are telling a lot of really good kids is working.

So maybe their plan for Teske is to come to the best light weight room in the world and see if he can crack the lineup and no more than that. The writing is on the wall of what Teske is gonna have to do. He is gonna have to beat Lee out or wrestle 133 and beat possibly Mejia and some other decent guys out for that weight.

I also think they brought Perry in for some of the reason you guys are talking about. While he can't hit the road I think he can sell the program and Brands differently and fill some of the recruiting holes.

I can get onboard with that. Solid points, Don. Appreciate the discussion.
To doubt that is saying that you don't believe what some of these kids and their parents are saying about their recruiting experiences then and now.

But let's just say these kids, parents, coaches and mentors are lying for some reason... Even though they all want and wanted to be Hawkeyes... We can all agree that TnT are the best room coaches on earth, and I think we can all agree that where we have been beaten is in recruiting (excluding last year). So let's here some theories on why, because obviously what I'm sharing is being read as fiction. Are they wearing the wrong clothing, are they calling during dinner or during a favorite sitcom, or could it be that it's their approach and the way they're paining the picture for some kids?
They sound like they got their feelings hurt. They didn't want to be Hawkeyes too bad or they would have signed.
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Solid reasoning. I see that the HR Fan Boy ITVIH agrees, with everything.
Since you have the inside scoop would you mind sharing how much money each kid demanded? It's obvious either they didn't really want to be Hawkeyes or they wanted more than our staff was willing to pay, which means they didn't want to be Hawkeyes bad enough.
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They sound like they got their feelings hurt. They didn't want to be Hawkeyes too bad or they would have signed.

Some kids don't like hearing, "you get what you earn". Give me a guy like Gilman any day. (Unfortunately a rare breed these days)

Should be obvious if you're a 133, 141, 184 elite high schooler right now, the opportunity is there in the Iowa lineup.
Since you have the inside scoop would you mind sharing how much money each kid demanded? It's obvious either they didn't really want to be Hawkeyes or they wanted more than our staff was willing to pay, which means they didn't want to be Hawkeyes bad enough.

This is starting to be redundant, and I can keep slowing down for you. I said $ wasn't in the equation multiple times. None of them are/were "demanding" anyhting.
Some kids don't like hearing, "you get what you earn". Give me a guy like Gilman any day. (Unfortunately a rare breed these days)

Should be obvious if you're a 133, 141, 184 elite high schooler right now, the opportunity is there in the Iowa lineup.

You're telling me there are 10 Gilman's out there EVERY year?! Stop with the status quo posts. Everybody would LOVE 10 of Gilman. Recruiting is sales, and you have to adapt to the customer.
You're telling me there are 10 Gilman's out there EVERY year?! Stop with the status quo posts. Everybody would LOVE 10 of Gilman. Recruiting is sales, and you have to adapt to the customer.

No that's not what I'm telling you hence why I said a rare breed. My point is, it should be obvious to 133, 141, 184 highschoolers that the opportunity is there ripe for the taking.

I agree you gotta sell the program and sell a plan to the recruits, but the recruits can't be entitled either. If you're a Teske type guy, it should be very apparent that there is a position for you at 133 in 2 years. It's no guarantee when you have guys like Meija, Stickley, etc. But the opportunity is there for the taking.

If these kids truly wanted to be Hawks, and they're offered what they're worth, then the slot is there.
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im guessing that warner and Lee always wanted to be hawks and therefore they are. I doubt TNT are doing much selling hence the misses on most recruits.
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im guessing that warner and Lee always wanted to be hawks and therefore they are. I doubt TNT are doing much selling hence the misses on most recruits.
And Lugo and Marinelli and Cass and Kemerer all guys that at one point were committed somewhere else, wrestled somewhere else or about to not come here. Can you explain how we got them here?

Lee and Warner had full court presses on them. Being Hawks was hardly a lock for either. Brands did great work last year.
im guessing that warner and Lee always wanted to be hawks and therefore they are. I doubt TNT are doing much selling hence the misses on most recruits.
Well, you guessed wrong. They were both recruited hard, which probably had a decent amount of salesmanship of the program. Spencer was basically a tossup between going to Iowa or PSU, he has said so himself in many interviews. Warner, in a recent interview, stated that he was VERY close to going to Illinois, he grew up around the program and was very close with coach Heffernan and the rest of the illini coaching staff. I truly think the salesmanship of the program has picked up the past few years. In a podcast interview with Terry this off season he talked about the 2017 recruiting class.. "We got everybody we wanted." Also said they were going to work their asses off to get everyone they wanted in the 2018 class. Don't fool yourself, the staff knows how critical a strong 2018 class is to getting back to title contention. Brands and Cassioppi are a great start, Brands for probably nothing (in-state and Terry will cover it ;)). Cass is a smart guy, obviously. I guarantee you he is getting academic money of some sort. He was committed to Northwestern for crying out loud. Don't know if he necessarily got accepted there or not, but you don't commit to an academically prestigious school like that without having good grades.

That is a great start, and I would be pretty dang happy if we could get Teske and Hidlay. Anything else would just be icing on the cake for this class IMO (Sasso/Rider/Jordan/Duggan). We need a potential 133, and I think Teske could fill that role. Some have questioned his size, and it could be a valid concern as we don't want to recruit someone of his caliber to ride the bench for 3 years behind Spencer Lee. But, 133 is a weight for some smaller guys can flourish if they have the motor, and elite coaching (Iowa guys always have a motor, and definite elite lightweight coaching). Look at Tony Ramos, he was considered by many to be a pretty small 133, at least towards the beginning of his career. Many thought he and McD should switch spots. Clark was definitely considered a small 133 for his first season after moving up.. Brewer dwarfed him in the finals, but he still made the finals. Teske's motor, and aggressiveness would flourish in the Iowa room, even if he were a little small for 133 towards the start of his career. All he would have to focus on is getting stronger, and better, while training with the best lightweights in the nation... Lee, Gilman, Clark, McD, Dennis, Delgado, Tom, and Terry. As well as the slew of other lightweights on roster that are worthy in their own right... Wagner, Rathbun, Mejia, Stickley. I'm of the opinion that the transition from college 125 to 133 is not that difficult at all.

We also need a potential 184, and I think Hidlay could fill that as well. Definitely think he could fill out to 184 no problem. He wrestled 170 at Fargo going into his SR year. I believe Sammy Brooks wrestled 171 his JR year of HS. Also really like his style, he actually reminds me a lot of Brooks except hes a little more smooth/fluid in his movements IMO. Great with underhooks, and hes not afraid at all to go upperbody (even if he ends up getting tossed multiple times :p). But all is well, Fargo finalist is nothing to scoff at, and I'd like to see him and Brooks go at it in Folkstyle. PA Guys are some of the toughest folkstylers there are in the country. He will either beat Wilcke out as a SR for the 184 spot or not and be a 3 year starter. I think if Wilcke didn't improve then we would see Hidlay, but I think many are hoping that Wilcke will be a 2x returning AA at that point, and don't think Hidlay would beat out the 2x AA SR going for 3rd. But if he makes the lineup as a RS FR that would only be good news, and if he doesn't, still good news because Wilcke has improved enough to hold down the spot and is likely a high AA contender at that point.

The greatest part will be overlapping all of that talent with guys who I didn't mention like Murin, Marinelli, Young, Lugo, Stoll. Man these next 4-6 years are going to be a lot of F**!
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This is starting to be redundant, and I can keep slowing down for you. I said $ wasn't in the equation multiple times. None of them are/were "demanding" anyhting.
No offense intended but I don't believe you know 3 studs that wanted to come to Iowa for free. Including a possible national champ that the coaches ignored.
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And Lugo and Marinelli and Cass and Kemerer all guys that at one point were committed somewhere else, wrestled somewhere else or about to not come here. Can you explain how we got them here?

Lee and Warner had full court presses on them. Being Hawks was hardly a lock for either. Brands did great work last year.
Don't waste your time with Mike. That dude's transmission went out and he is stuck in negative. The worst part is these nancies can't keep their panties up until signing day. Come back and bitch in November if you don't like the class. Most will be gone at that time because we will get a couple more studs.

Back never said for free, he said they didn't demand anything. Two out of a possible two of the wrestlers talked about took less money to wrestle somewhere else. The other wrestler has not committed yet.
I know for a fact that Warner and Lee have plans made for them by the coaches. Top 10 P4P guys aren't going somewhere on a whim unless that school has a nice, big slush fund. They fully expect staffs to have a plan for their career while Hawks and after they are done being Hawks. They know it is up to them to fulfill those plans.

I haven't always liked what TnT have done but I do like the recent recruiting of top guys. We have needed a bigger presence in PA (got that now), Ohio (got that now), NJ (still need that), CA (got that now), and we need to go to non traditional states and get their hammers. Our guys need to get funkier and better able to wrestle through positions (hence why I like bringing in Delgado and Perry), we have needed strength badly as a program (Ruth seems to be doing a good job), and we have needed new facilities (on our way there now).

We are on our way back to the top. We just need to keep our nose to the grindstone and continue our parts as HWC donors and keep filling those stands (unfortunately, due to location, I will only be at 2 duals and NCAA's).
And Lugo and Marinelli and Cass and Kemerer all guys that at one point were committed somewhere else, wrestled somewhere else or about to not come here. Can you explain how we got them here?

Lee and Warner had full court presses on them. Being Hawks was hardly a lock for either. Brands did great work last year.
I'll bite. TNT have landed great wrestlers. Statistics already prove they haven't landed enough....ergo they ain't selling enough. Others have said it's a business now.....and they are correct.
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I think there's probably a broad middle ground here. We're seeing evidence of improved recruiting, so I'm on the glass-half-full side for the first time in a few years. But I think it's valuable to hear the opinions of those who say we're still doing some things wrong, because maybe we are. Bkcntry seems like a Hawk fan who's pissed about the way some recruiting has been handled. Maybe he's right. It doesn't negate the positive momentum we're experiencing, but frankly I'm always more interested in hearing the negative than the positive, because fixing the negative is how you get better.
I think there's probably a broad middle ground here. We're seeing evidence of improved recruiting, so I'm on the glass-half-full side for the first time in a few years. But I think it's valuable to hear the opinions of those who say we're still doing some things wrong, because maybe we are. Bkcntry seems like a Hawk fan who's pissed about the way some recruiting has been handled. Maybe he's right. It doesn't negate the positive momentum we're experiencing, but frankly I'm always more interested in hearing the negative than the positive, because fixing the negative is how you get better.
And I think one of the big reasons the Brands brought Mark Perry on-board was to get a fresh recruiting perspective. Things are moving in the right direction in a big way.

Cael is recruiting for PSU and NLWC. He, or someone on his team or staff, is literally telling recruits how much they will earn as a NLWC member. Tom Ryan is selling recruits on both tOSU and his Club...To sell the Olympic dream to these P4P kids the club may be more important than the University team. Mark Perry may not be able to travel but he is going to be a huge component to recruiting.
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Is that really Kosher per NCAA rules?

Can't answer but schools give employment stats and average starting salaries for depts all the time. Stating that NLWC pays its wrestlers X isn't the same as making an employment promise. But in an Olympic sport that possibility has to be attractive to recruits.
Can't answer but schools give employment stats and average starting salaries for depts all the time. Stating that NLWC pays its wrestlers X isn't the same as making an employment promise. But in an Olympic sport that possibility has to be attractive to recruits.
I agree
Yes, not blowing smoke up every recruits arse and telling them exactly what they want to hear whether it is true or not is going to have you miss a few recruits.

They also seem to have focused more on recruiting in the last year and a half and are doing a great job. So whatever they are telling a lot of really good kids is working.

So maybe their plan for Teske is to come to the best light weight room in the world and see if he can crack the lineup and no more than that. The writing is on the wall of what Teske is gonna have to do. He is gonna have to beat Lee out or wrestle 133 and beat possibly Mejia and some other decent guys out for that weight.

I also think they brought Perry in for some of the reason you guys are talking about. While he can't hit the road I think he can sell the program and Brands differently and fill some of the recruiting holes.

Good point on Teske and what it will take to wrestle in IC. But even if Suriano does leave PSU, its not like he would have an easy road to the lineup in Happy Valley either. ISU or Minny, may be different stories. And then back to the best lightweight coaches in the country......
Well, you guessed wrong. They were both recruited hard, which probably had a decent amount of salesmanship of the program. Spencer was basically a tossup between going to Iowa or PSU, he has said so himself in many interviews. Warner, in a recent interview, stated that he was VERY close to going to Illinois, he grew up around the program and was very close with coach Heffernan and the rest of the illini coaching staff. I truly think the salesmanship of the program has picked up the past few years. In a podcast interview with Terry this off season he talked about the 2017 recruiting class.. "We got everybody we wanted." Also said they were going to work their asses off to get everyone they wanted in the 2018 class. Don't fool yourself, the staff knows how critical a strong 2018 class is to getting back to title contention. Brands and Cassioppi are a great start, Brands for probably nothing (in-state and Terry will cover it ;)). Cass is a smart guy, obviously. I guarantee you he is getting academic money of some sort. He was committed to Northwestern for crying out loud. Don't know if he necessarily got accepted there or not, but you don't commit to an academically prestigious school like that without having good grades.

That is a great start, and I would be pretty dang happy if we could get Teske and Hidlay. Anything else would just be icing on the cake for this class IMO (Sasso/Rider/Jordan/Duggan). We need a potential 133, and I think Teske could fill that role. Some have questioned his size, and it could be a valid concern as we don't want to recruit someone of his caliber to ride the bench for 3 years behind Spencer Lee. But, 133 is a weight for some smaller guys can flourish if they have the motor, and elite coaching (Iowa guys always have a motor, and definite elite lightweight coaching). Look at Tony Ramos, he was considered by many to be a pretty small 133, at least towards the beginning of his career. Many thought he and McD should switch spots. Clark was definitely considered a small 133 for his first season after moving up.. Brewer dwarfed him in the finals, but he still made the finals. Teske's motor, and aggressiveness would flourish in the Iowa room, even if he were a little small for 133 towards the start of his career. All he would have to focus on is getting stronger, and better, while training with the best lightweights in the nation... Lee, Gilman, Clark, McD, Dennis, Delgado, Tom, and Terry. As well as the slew of other lightweights on roster that are worthy in their own right... Wagner, Rathbun, Mejia, Stickley. I'm of the opinion that the transition from college 125 to 133 is not that difficult at all.

We also need a potential 184, and I think Hidlay could fill that as well. Definitely think he could fill out to 184 no problem. He wrestled 170 at Fargo going into his SR year. I believe Sammy Brooks wrestled 171 his JR year of HS. Also really like his style, he actually reminds me a lot of Brooks except hes a little more smooth/fluid in his movements IMO. Great with underhooks, and hes not afraid at all to go upperbody (even if he ends up getting tossed multiple times :p). But all is well, Fargo finalist is nothing to scoff at, and I'd like to see him and Brooks go at it in Folkstyle. PA Guys are some of the toughest folkstylers there are in the country. He will either beat Wilcke out as a SR for the 184 spot or not and be a 3 year starter. I think if Wilcke didn't improve then we would see Hidlay, but I think many are hoping that Wilcke will be a 2x returning AA at that point, and don't think Hidlay would beat out the 2x AA SR going for 3rd. But if he makes the lineup as a RS FR that would only be good news, and if he doesn't, still good news because Wilcke has improved enough to hold down the spot and is likely a high AA contender at that point.

The greatest part will be overlapping all of that talent with guys who I didn't mention like Murin, Marinelli, Young, Lugo, Stoll. Man these next 4-6 years are going to be a lot of F**!

Good post, thanks for thoughts!!. As you mentioned Clark being small as he moved up to 133, I got chills as I thought to his run this year to the title!! Still makes me smile from ear to ear.

But I digress.