Any chance you are going to auction off your AZ Chief log-in as a HWC fund raiser? That's over 11k likes, that ties Chuck Long's career passing yards! Gotta be worth some big bucks.
My wife was a wrestling agnostic, not quite believing in my devotion to it, but tolerating it nonetheless. She would even go as far as attending tournaments and a few dual meets. Happily, she has had an epiphany of sorts as at the Southern Scuffle a few years ago Jason Nolf converted her to an avid fan. She loved his style and she too is a ginger. Whatever the reason for her conversion, I'll take it!!Remember, guys, my wife landed me by buying us season tickets. As I always say - I won the marriage lottery. Wrestling for Life would not exist without her and she has sacrificed so that kids can get to big-time wrestling meets and have decent wrestling shoes and girls have better opportunities within our great sport. How can I not love her with all my heart?
I'm in the same situation. I have to do a bit of tiptoeing when it comes to spending money on wrestlingThis, my friend, is one of the great dilemmas in the history of mankind. Sadly, I, too, deal with it.
Guys whose wives are avid wrestling fans just don't know how good they have it. I've long sought the key to changing my wife's world view where wrestling is concerned. So far, no dice.