Canada Strikes Back--Enjoy Rednecks

It's not good to have your closest allies boo your national anthem. This shouldn't be political. There will be repercussions that most here don't understand.
I’m sure the anthem has been booed in lots of places but other than that how was the game?
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Canada has been benefiting far too long a fortunate neighbor. They need to act like they owe us something because they most certainly do. They are the little brother that gets protection from bullies from the bigger stronger brother then bad mouths them when they get the chance. They should be kissing our ass. They are not an independent superpower and as such they don't need to show the world they are strong. They are not. They rely nearly 100% on us for almost everything. As such, they should be kissing our ass, even if that is only behind closed doors to save face.

We do not need them. They need us.

But sure, I'd love to keep going skiing in BC. But hell, at this point in time, I think BC would join as the 51st state if the shit really hit the fan. BC hates Quebec. Period.
What an absolute load of horseshit. Just what enemies are we protecting Canada from? The last I checked they came to our aid the last time we were attacked. Canada has had our back for generations.

This is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, like a mafia thug threatening local business unless they pay a fee because they “need” the thug’s “protection”. In a matter of two weeks Trump has managed to turn us into some dystopian combo of school yard bully + mafia enforcer. And you are sucking his little mushroom dick over it.

America is as rich as we are BECAUSE we fostered free trade. This will set us back significantly.
This is all about trump wanting to take over the world. Many dictators are ok with just controlling their own countries. There are those extreme dictators who set their sites on other countries. What we're seeing is a guy that's extremely dangerous and is wanting to take over any country that he can. And if they are forced to give in, do you really think they'll have the same rights as us? Do you think trump is going to let them vote, no way. Those countries would never be allowed to vote. This is a really scary point in our history.
Wow…just wow. Do actually believe that?
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Wow…just wow. Do actually believe that?
Good lord Hans. Open your eyes.

Read about the rise of Hitler and what he did.

Have you ever seen a non elected person be allowed to gain access and control of the entire country’s financial information?

This is unheard of. How do you feel personally about Elon Musk and his team have access to your personal information.

No vetting, no security clearance, no oath of fealty to the Constitution.
Good lord Hans. Open your eyes.

Read about the rise of Hitler and what he did.

Have you ever seen a non elected person be allowed to gain access and control of the entire country’s financial information?

This is unheard of. How do you feel personally about Elon Musk and his team have access to your personal information.

No vetting, no security clearance, no oath of fealty to the Constitution.
Better than the bullshit these people have been pulling. Billions of dollars that go missing. Spending without oversight. Unreal that your objection is the transparency Elon is brining to the table
Yes. Do you really think all of canada is going to join the US and be able to vote? Trump knows he’d be voted out in a heartbeat.
No, I don’t think Canada will become part of the U.S. Use some common sense.
I thought Democrats were against this type of rhetoric. I got called out for asking if Ilhan Omar made a trip to Somalia while we delivered airstrikes against ISIS and people said I was threatening her. The lefts hypocrisy is duly notes though.
Well, i didn't vote for the crazy prick and have no RESPECT for the worst person ever to run for this job. You kiss his fat ass, but i won't.
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6 pages in: did anyone have an issue with the suggestion all MAGA were “rednecks”?
Better than the bullshit these people have been pulling. Billions of dollars that go missing. Spending without oversight. Unreal that your objection is the transparency Elon is brining to the table
Dude, you are a danger to our national security if you believe this.

Do you know what it takes, and has taken over many presidents to have levels of security? I mean, do really even know the difference between, secret, top secret, eyes only?

You really think it’s okay for a South African nazi to have access to your financial information? A guy that has a personal, business interest in knowing everything about his competitors?

Why not open it to everyone then. No more protection for the very people that you are doing business with or that Musk views as a threat to his own business interests?

This affects much more than the Treasury Department, which also tells me that you clearly do not understand the workings of government.
Dude, you are a danger to our national security if you believe this.

Do you know what it takes, and has taken over many presidents to have levels of security? I mean, do really even know the difference between, secret, top secret, eyes only?

You really think it’s okay for a South African nazi to have access to your financial information? A guy that has a personal, business interest in knowing everything about his competitors?

Why not open it to everyone then. No more protection for the very people that you are doing business with or that Musk views as a threat to his own business interests?

This affects much more than the Treasury Department, which also tells me that you clearly do not understand the workings of government.
You are a clown.
Is Justin gonna hit Trump with his purse, next?

Trans-deau could bear the ever loving crap out face smeared in monkey shit cult leader of morons …



And you don’t seem to understand that even though I didn’t vote for him and have some serious concerns about him I remain a conservative Republican; this is the person who was elected and we all have to support our government. We don’t have to agree with decisions made and actions taken and we also need to be informed and have an opinion. I wish he’d kept his damn mouth shut about the plane crash. People died and families are devastated.
As a conservative Republican you would normally be screaming bloody murder against tariffs. Why the sudden change?
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You can be blind but trump said he’s using tariffs to put pressure on Canada to become part of the US
I disagree. I just watched a gaggle after he got off an airplane today and he mentioned none of that. He mentioned unfair trade practices that Canada has had in place. Not taking some of our goods etc
There is going to a revolution against Trump in the next few years. That and large rise in crime when the evictions start happenening. Funny part, is a large portion the folks are going to be people that bought into his shit and voted for him.

Every day prices are going to skyrocket without a pandemic.
Enjoy selling your corn and pig feces.

LOL - Canada imports nothing to the U.S. that I would purchase. Hopefully we place tariffs on items from India, I don't buy turbans or rat feces either.
There is going to a revolution against Trump in the next few years. That and large rise in crime when the evictions start happenening. Funny part, is a large portion the folks are going to be people that bought into his shit and voted for him.

Every day prices are going to skyrocket without a pandemic.
More Liberal Tear Talk from one of the resident leftists on the board.
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Better than the bullshit these people have been pulling. Billions of dollars that go missing. Spending without oversight. Unreal that your objection is the transparency Elon is brining to the table
Show me the evidence of what you just talked about in this post of yours. Evidence, reports, spreadsheets, Congressional hearings, IG reports, oh wait all the IGs are gone at least for now
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BREAKING: Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo has released the following video condemning Trump's tariffs and her plan for retaliation -- translated into English (subtitle translation is a bit rough).

This comes after she released the following written explanation:

"As Juarez said: Nothing by force; everything by reason and right. Between individuals, as between nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.

We categorically reject the slander made by the White House against the Government of Mexico, accusing it of having alliances with criminal organizations, as well as any interventionist intentions in our territory.

If there is any such alliance, it exists in U.S. gun shops that sell high-powered weapons to these criminal groups, as demonstrated by the U.S. Department of Justice in January of this year.

Our government has seized more than 40 tons of drugs in four months, including 20 million doses of fentanyl. We have also arrested more than ten thousand people linked to these groups.

If the U.S. government and its agencies want to address the serious fentanyl consumption problem in their country, they could, for example, combat the sale of narcotics on the streets of their major cities—something they do not do—as well as the money laundering generated by this illegal activity, which has caused significant harm to their population.

They could also launch a massive campaign to prevent drug consumption and protect their youth, as we have done in Mexico. Drug consumption and distribution occur in their own country, and that is a public health problem they have not addressed. Moreover, the synthetic opioid epidemic in the United States originates from the indiscriminate prescription of these medications, authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as demonstrated by the legal case against a pharmaceutical company.

Mexico does not seek confrontation. We believe in collaboration between neighboring countries. Mexico does not want fentanyl to reach the United States—or anywhere else. Therefore, if the United States truly wants to combat the criminal groups that traffic drugs and fuel violence, we must work together in a comprehensive manner, but always under the principles of shared responsibility, mutual trust, collaboration, and, above all, respect for sovereignty—which is non-negotiable. Coordination, yes; subordination, no.

For this reason, I propose to President Trump that we establish a working group with our best security and public health teams.

Tariffs will not solve these problems. Instead, we must talk and negotiate, just as we have in recent weeks with the U.S. State Department to address migration, always respecting human rights on our side.

The graph that President Trump has been posting on his social media, showing a decline in migration, was created by my team, which has been in constant communication with his.

I am instructing the Secretary of Economy to implement Plan B, which we have been preparing, including tariff and non-tariff measures to defend Mexico’s interests.

Nothing by force; everything through reason and law."
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