Carl Bernstein comments on CNN

It was relatively obvious via video shared on social media of the man.

The left were able to sweep it under a rug because it was coming from right wind sources.

But this isn't at all surprising given our highly partisan media landscape.

Unfortunately these are the sort of ”surprises" some voters are going to get given said media landscape.
It was relatively obvious via video shared on social media of the man.

The left were able to sweep it under a rug because it was coming from right wind sources.

But this isn't at all surprising given our highly partisan media landscape.

Unfortunately these are the sort of ”surprises" some voters are going to get given said media landscape.
I’ll take a 10% functioning Biden or any other Democrat and most republicans over a 100% Trump.
Some of us in this board have been saying this for two years.

told you so shrug GIF by DeStorm
Look at this site, Trump could cure cancer and still be hated by 90% of this site. Thursday night punched the libs in the face hard, they are staggering to get back up and make sense of what they were denying with Biden the past 4 years.
And he’d tell you he would cure cancer and you would believe him…but it would just be another empty promise, and you would still defend him. See, that’s the difference. I’ve said multiple times that I don’t want Biden to run, but you would never consider anyone from the R’s because you’re brainwashed and can’t see that.
This will absolutely get worse up until the official nomination then the media will go back to acting like there isn’t an issue.
Not sure about that. The Biden advocates and com team have been going hard at their detractors in the party/press.. Lot of bad blood building up.
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So, some sources have told Carl that Biden's cognitive decline has accelerated in the past six months, while other sources state Biden is very sharp and focused in national security briefings, the same story the two sides have been stating for a while.

I think it is time to get some named sources on record so we can get the whole story.
This will absolutely get worse up until the official nomination then the media will go back to acting like there isn’t an issue.

Probably not,.. If things stay true to form, we will eventually pass a tipping point and the media will turn into the jackals that they are so very capable of becoming,.. At some point the journalistic hive mentality will turn on Biden.
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I cant remember the source but it was reported that Joe is super sharp between 10AM-4PM so that's when a lot of his meetings and briefings are planned. So either our president is so shot that he can only work 6 hour shifts or being President of the United States is the equivalent of working the lunch rush at a fast food joint.
The people who have seen what’s going on will never come forward because what they’ve been doing (performing the duties of the chief executive on behalf of an incapacitated President) is actually treason. In normal times there would be Congressional hearings and probably trials forthcoming, but we live in a time when elites from all sides of the political spectrum are NEVER held accountable for anything
My mom has dementia.
She is pretty sharp until sundowners syndrome kicks in after dinner.
Anyone that has dealt with senior citizens understand that everyone is different and can be lucid at times.
Reagan was a victim of this disease and had handlers taking over at times.
Trump is a danger to our democracy and a far greater risk than Biden.
part of my vote for prez is who they surround themselves with. i respect biden's cabinet and what they are trying to do policy wise. i know trump surrounds himself with shitty people, and even those shitty people from the 1st go round don't want him anywhere near the presidency. its not a great choice but it's pretty easy to me.
part of my vote for prez is who they surround themselves with. i respect biden's cabinet and what they are trying to do policy wise. i know trump surrounds himself with shitty people, and even those shitty people from the 1st go round don't want him anywhere near the presidency. its not a great choice but it's pretty easy to me.
Ok... I'll ask.... who?
Why did Putin wait to invade Ukraine until Biden was POTUS? I forgot
Beats me. I'm sure he's rethinking that decision. It cost him hundreds of thousands of dead Russian soldiers and a tanked economy. If he would have invaded them under trump all of Ukraine would be speaking Russian now.
"Four more years... PAAAUUUUSSSEEEE"

There's been multiple examples of this type of stuff. it's been completely glossed over by the media. They are absolutely complicit in the gas lighting of the american people. To pretend now that they've never seen Joe like that, that this is new is completely dishonest. They no longer deserve to have fact-checking ability because it's obvious they have no more intent to tell the truth than Fox News.
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My mom has dementia.
She is pretty sharp until sundowners syndrome kicks in after dinner.
Anyone that has dealt with senior citizens understand that everyone is different and can be lucid at times.
Reagan was a victim of this disease and had handlers taking over at times.
Trump is a danger to our democracy and a far greater risk than Biden.
Don’t worry. Russia has promised to attack only before noon so we are good.
So, some sources have told Carl that Biden's cognitive decline has accelerated in the past six months, while other sources state Biden is very sharp and focused in national security briefings, the same story the two sides have been stating for a while.

I think it is time to get some named sources on record so we can get the whole story.
Why do you need others to tell you what we have all witnessed with our own eyes for years to believe it?
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Why do you need others to tell you what we have all witnessed with our own eyes for years to believe it?

The story talks about two very different perceptions from different unnamed sources.
Everyone saw how feeble Biden appeared during the debate, but he does not consistently look or act that way.
Therefore getting the whole story, possibly an actual diagnosis, from named sources gives everyone more information, which is a good thing.
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part of my vote for prez is who they surround themselves with. i respect biden's cabinet and what they are trying to do policy wise. i know trump surrounds himself with shitty people, and even those shitty people from the 1st go round don't want him anywhere near the presidency. its not a great choice but it's pretty easy to me.
Biden surrounds himself with people who check identity boxes. Ability and know-how come well behind race and lifestyle representation. Trans people make up .3% of the population. What’s he got, like 50 of them working for him (hyperbole alert) in important positions? Hell of a coincidence. I’m sure they’re all the best qualified though. I mean, look at KJP and Kamala. Only the best.
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The story talks about two very different perceptions from different unnamed sources.
Everyone saw how feeble Biden appeared during the debate, but he does not consistently look or act that way.
Therefore getting the whole story, possibly an actual diagnosis, from named sources gives everyone more information, which is a good thing.
Bernstein became famous and took down a president using an unmanned source, didn’t he? He’s suddenly untrustworthy with that?
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