Carl Bernstein comments on CNN

The story talks about two very different perceptions from different unnamed sources.
Everyone saw how feeble Biden appeared during the debate, but he does not consistently look or act that way.
Therefore getting the whole story, possibly an actual diagnosis, from named sources gives everyone more information, which is a good thing.
YES HE DOES. That's the point and the problem. There's some people who still think the debate was the outlier...
YES HE DOES. That's the point and the problem. There's some people who still think the debate was the outlier...

The guy spoke yesterday after the immunity ruling and was far more lucid and clear than during the debate.
If you feel he looked the same yesterday as the day of the debate you are being intellectually dishonest or playing partisan politics.
My mom has dementia.
She is pretty sharp until sundowners syndrome kicks in after dinner.
Anyone that has dealt with senior citizens understand that everyone is different and can be lucid at times.
Reagan was a victim of this disease and had handlers taking over at times.
Trump is a danger to our democracy and a far greater risk than Biden.
Trump was in before and never did anything to the democracy which we don't have a democracy by the way. How did he all of a sudden become a threat to the democracy?
The guy spoke yesterday after the immunity ruling and was far more lucid and clear than during the debate.
If you feel he looked the same yesterday as the day of the debate you are being intellectually dishonest or playing partisan politics.
I've seen rocks look more lucid and clear than Joe during the debate, that bar was pretty low (kidding sort of) He might have looked OK yesterday but over the course of the last 3.5+ years he certainly had more episodes like what everyone saw Thursday night than the MSM has let on, many they covered for, and when anyone questioned it, they were met with hostility like "cheap fakes" or Right wing talking point.
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He was reading a rehearsed speech off a teleprompter....

He could form a sentence and did not have the same mouth-agape look, which was much different from during the debate.,
That was my point in response to KF stating he looked like the guy from the debate every moment of every day.
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I've seen rocks look more lucid and clear than Joe during the debate, that bar was pretty low (kidding sort of) He might have looked OK yesterday but over the course of the last 3.5+ years he certainly had more episodes like what everyone saw Thursday night than the MSM has let on, many they covered for, and when anyone questioned it, they were met with hostility like "cheap fakes" or Right wing talking point.

I agree, which goes back to my original point: let's get these sources out in front of people and find out WTF is actually going on so the left can push for a new candidate, invoke the 25th, or ride with a terrible candidate.
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Biden surrounds himself with people who check identity boxes. Ability and know-how come well behind race and lifestyle representation. Trans people make up .3% of the population. What’s he got, like 50 of them working for him (hyperbole alert) in important positions? Hell of a coincidence. I’m sure they’re all the best qualified though. I mean, look at KJP and Kamala. Only the best.
I think some of the identity stuff is stupid and the left spends way too much time in that, to their own detriment.

But the level of idiocy possible from Trump and his people override it as a threat
Trump is a danger to our democracy and a far greater risk than Biden.
The “threat to democracy” B.S. is not sticking. In fact, several polls have shown the public trusts Trump and the RNC more than team blue when it comes to democracy. The latest example is this WaPo poll …

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This "threat to democracy" issue cuts both ways,.. Dems seem oblivious to this...
Exactly. Especially with the Dem Presidential Primary process the last two cycles. The concept of “super delegates”, lack of debates this year, Hillary getting debate questions in advance, etc.. Ask Bernie supporters how “democratic” their process is.
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Exactly. Especially with the Dem Presidential Primary process the last two cycles. The concept of “super delegates”, lack of debates this year, Hillary getting debate questions in advance, etc.. Ask Bernie supporters how “democratic” their process is.
Didn't the DNC change Iowa's first in the nation caucus because they weren't happy with them?
Well that's because Iowa has gone red and is no longer a battle ground state,.. Republicans wouldn't want to start their primaries in New York either...
Well that's because Iowa has gone red and is no longer a battle ground state,.. Republicans wouldn't want to start their primaries in New York either...
these things seem cyclical. I don't know how "red" Iowa is... just seems like another tradition the left is just fine ending.
Didn't the DNC change Iowa's first in the nation caucus because they weren't happy with them?
Probably two reasons ...

1) Iowa Dems F'd up the counting in 2020 due to their stupid app ... took them over a week to declare a winner.
2) Biden finished 4th in Iowa Dem Caucus in 2020 ... kudos to Iowa Dems for figuring him out early on. Biden did not want to start in Iowa or NH in 2024.
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So, some sources have told Carl that Biden's cognitive decline has accelerated in the past six months, while other sources state Biden is very sharp and focused in national security briefings, the same story the two sides have been stating for a while.

I think it is time to get some named sources on record so we can get the whole story.
We did.
His name was Joseph Robinette Biden.
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Here is what people should be furious with, how bad is the interview Biden had with Robert Hur? I imagine it is quite damning to Biden’s cognitive state and even further proof he is not capable of running. Why aren’t Democrats demanding its release, also?

The funny thing is, Democrats demanded Trump take a cognitive test, but they don’t do the same with Biden.
I think some of the identity stuff is stupid and the left spends way too much time in that, to their own detriment.

But the level of idiocy possible from Trump and his people override it as a threat
Not really ...Trump was in already and he did nothing wrong... In fact it was a good three and a half years minus covid... what makes you think he's going to change and start screwing up?
That is not what Carl stated per his sources in the interview that was the basis of the thread.
I was responding to what I quoted:

"I think it is time to get some named sources on record so we can get the whole story."

We did, and the White House is desperate to memory hole it.
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It's pronounced Robin AA it's French he's related to Napolean

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