CEO JP Morgan on Trump

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No actually he didn't. I swear some of you didn't even watch the clip.

He listed the things he thought Trump did a good job at. That's fair but that is not listing his policies. Have you ever written or detailed a policy before? Policy isn't economy did good. Policy lists out one's economic agenda ... in detail!
Dimon gave about as much detail as Trump does when he rambles about his accomplishments.
Dimon gave about as much detail as Trump does when he rambles about his accomplishments.
Don't get me wrong as I generally like Dimon but that guy has been predicting a recession constantly for the past 3 years. He's wrong about a LOT economically. I know because I read a lot of articles about him. Great business guy does not equal great economics guy. It's amazing how these guys don't understand that.
How so?

Are you suggesting Donald Trump is not a rapist? He has been deemed one by a jury of his peers.

Are you suggesting Donald Trump is not a criminal? He has already been found guilty of fraud in a NY court and faces more than 90 other felony charges in multiple jurisdictions.

Anyone who chooses to vote for him because of his "policies" is willingly eschewing ethical considerations and character for personal enrichment. That is sad, in my opinion.
I’m not suggesting nor am I endorsing anything about Trump.
Dimon already did a great job of that...hence the interview leading to the thread title and postings

Do try to keep up dear

Were you the reporter asking about the outdoor football game in Detroit by chance?

That's detail to a simpleton like you.
That Trump tried so hard and entertained so many radical strategies to remain in power after losing should be very scary to all sane and reasonable Americans. The man would be a fascist dictator without hesitation if he could and it's not even brought up much anymore.

I know a guy well who was there on Jan 6 and the intent was to stop the election certification and help Trump retain power. That's precisely what Trump was trying to make happen and that is what his supporters were there to do.

This man runs one of our two prominent political parties. Bizarre times indeed.
That Trump tried so hard and entertained so many radical strategies to remain in power after losing should be very scary to all sane and reasonable Americans. The man would be a fascist dictator without hesitation if he could and it's not even brought up much anymore.

I know a guy well who was there on Jan 6 and the intent was to stop the election certification and help Trump retain power. That's precisely what Trump was trying to make happen and that is what his supporters were there to do.

This man runs one of our two prominent political parties. Bizarre times indeed.
Hmm weird I don't recall trump doing any of those things. If those are his policies he sucks at implementing them... as we all know... that healthcare plan is just 2 weeks away along with the infrastructure plan he has (which Biden took care of)
Maybe open a newspaper or watch news networks not devoted to anti American propaganda, you might learn something.
Maybe open a newspaper or watch news networks not devoted to anti American propaganda, you might learn something.
Maybe grow a brain. Where is trumps big beautiful wall he promised that would keep them all out? Let me guess you believe that it totally existed and Biden tore it down and personally invited all these immigrants to come pouring in. Or could it be this has always been an issue for the last 40 or so years that neither party wants to resolve? Trump isn't going to fix it either dumbass. Trump fixed nothing besides making himself and other rich ****s more wealthy and he will do it at an even greater pace if he's re-elected. And morons like you will plug their ears as the world crumbles around them and STILL continue to excuse all of it.
Maybe open a newspaper or watch news networks not devoted to anti American propaganda, you might learn something.
Ha ha, Newsweek. That's rich.

Ha ha, Newsweek. That's rich.

It even mentioned in the description that there are many reasons for high boarder crossing and it's not all the presidents fault. Yet he is STILL blaming it on Biden. When even his own article he linked stated otherwise.
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Both sides arguments when they pertain to Trump simply don’t work. The level of effortless lying accomplished by Trump is another level of untruthfulness. Sorry you can’t see that.
No, I see it just fine. It's the left that justifies the lying and shady behavior of Biden by always falling back on Trump. There shouldn't be acceptable levels of lying and corruption when it comes to politicians and particularly potus. Unfortunately thats where we are bc we're stupid.
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Read the article you linked? You mean the opinion piece written by the co-author (along with the esteemed Glenn Beck) of a book called “The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism?”

Lmfao. I’ll pass, thanks.
There are actual links to the actual IRS data lol! God you guys are so pathetic. A bunch of little kids on the playground with your eyes closed and ears plugged screaming "I can't hear you, nah nah nah!".
No, I see it just fine. It's the left that justifies the lying and shady behavior of Biden by always falling back on Trump. There shouldn't be acceptable levels of lying and corruption when it comes to politicians and particularly potus. Unfortunately thats where we are bc we're stupid.
Do you not think committing crimes and raping women is sufficiently worse than political lying and obfuscation to merit making a moral/ethical choice when voting?
The main problem I have with the lefties is an absolute inability for middle ground, and their absolute intolerance for anyone else who tries to give a middle ground perspective.

This guy doesn't gloat over Trump. He gives some negative and positives about Trump and lefties can't handle it. I think this country is getting tired of the lefties who behave like this.
The main problem I have with the lefties is an absolute inability for middle ground, and their absolute intolerance for anyone else who tries to give a middle ground perspective.

This guy doesn't gloat over Trump. He gives some negative and positives about Trump and lefties can't handle it. I think this country is getting tired of the lefties who behave like this.
You are glossing over RAPE and CRIMINAL ACTIVITY as "some negatives".


What you fail to realize is that so-called "lefties" may themselves take issue with plenty of "negatives" about Biden - I certainly do. But to equate him with a criminal rapist is beyond asinine.
The main problem I have with the lefties is an absolute inability for middle ground, and their absolute intolerance for anyone else who tries to give a middle ground perspective.

This guy doesn't gloat over Trump. He gives some negative and positives about Trump and lefties can't handle it. I think this country is getting tired of the lefties who behave like this.
Yes, beacuse inability to find middle ground never happens on the Right. lol

And, go back and look at my posts. I'm up for discussing, in detail, Trump's "policies". No one from the Right ever responds back. Hmm, why is that?
Yes, beacuse inability to find middle ground never happens on the Right. lol

And, go back and look at my posts. I'm up for discussing, in detail, Trump's "policies". No one from the Right ever responds back. Hmm, why is that?
This. It's like magic - they disappear.
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It doesn't. Which is why no one will be voting for a Marxist in the 2024 election.

Based on your posting, though, you will be voting for a rapist.

How Christian.
Joe is a Marxist and dictator. The Supreme Court said he can't forgive students loans without congressional approval, yet everyday he continues to do it. So I guess when you call someone a dictator you are referring to President Havercamp, got it.

To be fair, the actual verdict was that he sexually assualted someone. But you still want to vote for that.
You must have missed the subsequent reporting:

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote.

He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

Kaplan said New York’s legal definition of “rape” is “far narrower” than the word is understood in “common modern parlance.”

The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for — forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”

Kaplan also flatly rejected the Trump team’s suggestion that the conduct Trump was found liable for might have been as limited as groping of the breasts.

The reason? Trump was not accused of that, so the only alleged offense that would have qualified as “sexual abuse” was forced digital penetration. Beyond that, Trump was accused of putting his mouth on Carroll’s mouth and pulling down her tights, which Kaplan noted were not treated as alleged sexual abuse at trial.

“The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina,” Kaplan wrote, calling it the “only remaining conclusion.”

Kaplan also noted that the verdict form did not ask the jury to decide exactly what conduct Trump had committed, and that neither prosecutors nor Trump’s lawyers had requested it to do so.
Joe is a Marxist and dictator. The Supreme Court said he can't forgive students loans without congressional approval, yet everyday he continues to do it. So I guess when you call someone a dictator you are referring to President Havercamp, got it.

You are going to vote for a rapist because you are too stupid to understand what Marxism is.

You are a perfect example of the abject idiocy of right wing American politics.

You should feel shame.
Do you not think committing crimes and raping women is sufficiently worse than political lying and obfuscation to merit making a moral/ethical choice when voting?
I believe you are a dishonest person who would say anything to try and convince others (and yourself) that your wrong headed opinions have some degree of validity. Oh, and for the record, they don't.
You are going to vote for a rapist because you are too stupid to understand what Marxism is.

You are a perfect example of the abject idiocy of right wing American politics.

You should feel shame.
Don't you have a girls volleyball game or something to report on? Something you actually understand and can sink your journalist skills into?
Joe is a Marxist and dictator. The Supreme Court said he can't forgive students loans without congressional approval, yet everyday he continues to do it. So I guess when you call someone a dictator you are referring to President Havercamp, got it.

That's your example for showing how Biden is a dictator? Because he wants to partially forgive some student loans?

How Marxist do you think Trump is?
Don't you have a girls volleyball game or something to report on? Something you actually understand and can sink your journalist skills into?
I see you changed the subject - inanely, I might add, as I haven't been in that line of work for half a decade and was never a sports reporter.

I understand you probably, deep down, have some moral and ethical qualms about your support for a rapist criminal.

Hopefully, I'm helping you come to terms with that niggling guilt and you might reconsider that support.

We'll be praying for you.
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That's your example for showing how Biden is a dictator? Because he wants to partially forgive some student loans?

How Marxist do you think Trump is?

Good God these people are clueless about history and politics.
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