Championship Finals Thread

They officiated 133 correctly. Clark just didn't get it done. Why couldn't they call 125 like 133? So frustrating when all the kid does is tie up elbows for 80% of the match.
Let's just count the number of Iowa's takedown's tonight. Right now, it's Iowa opponents 5: Iowa 0.

Takedowns don't necessarily equate to offensive wrestling. In Garret's case it does. But if any one without bias can look at the gilman/mega match and say mega was on the offense, then I would challenge they don't know s#%t about wrestling.
Sure, there was some stalling in those first 2 matches but if you can't take them down you really shouldn't whine about it.
every time i've seen billy baldwin this weekend i think of this.

Sure, there was some stalling in those first 2 matches but if you can't take them down you really shouldn't whine about it.
I don't disagree with you, but it's pretty dang hard to take somebody down that backs up from you constantly.
Takedowns don't necessarily equate to offensive wrestling. In Garret's case it does. But if any one without bias can look at the gilman/mega match and say mega was on the offense, then I would challenge they don't know s#%t about wrestling.
One counter takedown, one initiated takedown, one escape, and + 1:00 of ride time. Please go on with your excuses, and put down the gun.
Announcer Gives Smith credit for letting Heil bump a weight class. Ask Marsteller what he thinks about that subject...
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Nico really has no offense. He's definitely a grinder, and great in scrambles. He scored off Gilman's shot. Congrats to him, but I'm glad he's gone. About like watching paint dry.

This describes most of our wrestlers, unfortunately... and PSU guys not named Zain, Bo, Nolf. Clark didn't take a shot.

I have no problem with what Mega did in the third. He should have gotten dinged at least one more time. He, Sorensen or anybody else are not wrestling to entertain, they are wrestling to win.

Clark wrestled my game plan and stayed close and could have tied. These guys just don't have that "I am going to die shooting" mentality.
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I don't disagree with you, but it's pretty dang hard to take somebody ties that backs up from you constantly.

Yeah, I don't have a good answer for this. That has been Mega's career. Defensive and waiting for the other guy to make a mistake. Not a fun wrestler to watch.
Two matches, no takedowns for Iowa. Really that's what it comes down to despite any calls.
It isn't like they're not trying though....Gilman only needed to take one shot to out shoot Megaludis.

Both wrestlers just do a good job of defending against our guys' attacks.

Garrett was also faster than Clark so that didn't help him any.
The obvious stall call in last 20 seconds so they can say they called stalling, and then the crazy stalll call on the Wyoming kid.
terrible product for tv, another stall festival, typical Okie state

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