I'm all for people being optimistic, but there is a point where delusional enters the fray. (every year there are many projecting Big Ten Titles for the Football and Basketball teams, and we don't so much as sniff it - reality is a bitch sometimes).Gawd, who even needs Penn St, tOSU, and OK St fans on here to run us down and poor-mouth our chances? We've got our own fans doing it for them! It's one thing to be strategic, and one to be pragmatic, and one to be Iowa humble, and one to keep expectations to a dull roar while kids are working out the kinks early in a season....but it's a whole 'nother situation to naysay our kids come tournament time and basically say we don't believe in them as fans, or in their ability to outperform what the rest of the nation WHO ARE NOT HAWK FANS expect of them.
Whatever happened to believing in our coaches, and in iron sharpens iron, and in our kids' ability to put a fire in their belly in March and tear through a bracket? My gawd, I never heard such a bunch of negative nellies and debbie downers in all my born days. Try having a little faith in the three to four dozen men in that wrestling room, that they are going to do what it takes to bring back our Hawkeye pride and restore respect for doing it the Iowa way and Gable way.
Good news is, even you Debbie Downers are going to be overwhelmed by the evidence on the mat, as the mercury plummets and the snow starts to fall. We'll welcome you back into the faith with open arms and have a helluva good time together in March.
Until Brands teams overperform at Nationals, there is little reason to believe they will. For me at least, you have to prove it, and as a team that hasn't happened in a long while. I am all for starting a trend the other way, preferably this year.