Chanting FUCK JOE BIDEN during the World Series pregame show is the most white trash MAGA thing ever

I find the "let's go Brandon" thing pretty amusing just because the way it started and how it spread. If you tried to write that in fiction it would be garbage because it's so stupid and unbelievable.

However, what they are really chanting is below classless. I wouldn't be caught dead acting like that and I don't find it funny or cute at all.

So then shame on her and shame on them.

See how easy this is?

Now back to any dumbass who would chant "F the Pres" at a sporting event...
I agree.
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Hard to imagine dropping that much to see your team possibly win a World Series and thousands of you and fellow cretins want to yell **** Joe Biden. Because I guess it shows patriotism? And everyone of them can’t stand when an athlete kneels. Perfect example of the lack of self awareness and hypocrisy the new MAGA Republican embody. They can bitch and moan and call out athletes for kneeling during National Anthem but hey let’s chant **** our POTUS at the World Series, that’s cool.
Honestly, I’m sick of classless people all around. I opined about this a month ago when I returned to Iowa for a Hawkeye game and saw “adults” my parents’ age walking around in T-shirts that read: (front) Iowa ****ing City, (back) Bitch I’m a Hawkeye. Some were holding the hands of children.

Since when did it become acceptable to proudly display vulgarity in public around women and children? So, this is not just a “MAGA” problem. At some point, society stopped caring about basic common decency. I know correlation doesn’t always mean causation, but it’s curious to me these trends coincided with the advent and rise of social media.
Honestly, I’m sick of classless people all around. I opined about this a month ago when I returned to Iowa for a Hawkeye game and saw “adults” my parents’ age walking around in T-shirts that read: (front) Iowa ****ing City, (back) Bitch I’m a Hawkeye. Some were holding the hands of children.

Since when did it become acceptable to proudly display vulgarity in public around women and children? So, this is not just a “MAGA” problem. At some point, society stopped caring about basic common decency. I know correlation doesn’t always mean causation, but it’s curious to me these trends coincided with the advent and rise of social media.
Not to be a dick, but the way you talk about Penn state I'd pretty classless too. Imo.
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Honestly, I’m sick of classless people all around. I opined about this a month ago when I returned to Iowa for a Hawkeye game and saw “adults” my parents’ age walking around in T-shirts that read: (front) Iowa ****ing City, (back) Bitch I’m a Hawkeye. Some were holding the hands of children.

Since when did it become acceptable to proudly display vulgarity in public around women and children? So, this is not just a “MAGA” problem. At some point, society stopped caring about basic common decency. I know correlation doesn’t always mean causation, but it’s curious to me these trends coincided with the advent and rise of social media.

I would say the last decade or so things have really slipped….there are examples all over the place.
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Not to be a dick, but the way you talk about Penn state I'd pretty classless too. Imo.
You’re right. I don’t disagree with you. I actually started off Penn State week with a call for civility and decency and took a lot of crap from Iowa fans for it. No big deal. I laughed it off as it comes with the territory. But then PSU posters started showing up in droves. And they were so arrogant, delusional, and disrespectful that I said **** it and went full troll on them.

PSU Internet fans are the absolute worst. And I will flame away every time they show up on HR. But you would never see me at in actual game acting like that, especially when there’s an audience of women and children.
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You’re right. I don’t disagree with you. I actually started off Penn State week with a call for civility and decency and took a lot of crap from Iowa fans for it. No big deal. I laughed it off as it comes with the territory. But then PSU posters started showing up in droves. And they were so arrogant, delusional, and disrespectful that I said **** it and went full troll on them.

PSU Internet fans are the absolute worst. And I will flame away every time they show up on HR. But you would never see me at in actual game acting like that, especially when there’s an audience of women and children.
Yeah its cool. Much like you, I do not take any of this real seriously.
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My thinking was a little bit more inline with “If you vote for Trump, you’re a bigot, xenophobic, homophobic, Neanderthal”.

Well, is it fair to say that if you voted for Trump you either believe he isn’t any these things or none of them are deal breakers for you?
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Yeah its cool. Much like you, I do not take any of this real seriously.
Yep. It’s just for fun and sometimes a nice medium for venting.

I’ve always appreciated your perspective, though, Doobs. You seem like a good dude and are definitely a voice of reason on here. (Most of the time 😉)
I find it interesting how this type of in your face political expression is only bad and trashy when it is directed at a dem. It is always bad and in poor taste but the left started it and now you have to live with the Pandora's box you opened.
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They almost did it too. Really scary there for like 25 min. America could have collapsed.
It’s already gone. Never mind that we’re now, fully, a corporate oligarchy, that there is an abundance of folks like you make it clear.
Well, is it fair to say that if you voted for Trump you either believe he isn’t any these things or none of them are deal breakers for you?

When I voted for him in 2020, it was based on some of his policy decisions he made. (I didn’t vote for him in 2016, because I didn’t know what I would get).
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Why do you hate the first amendment
Them: "We want this country to return to strong, Christian morals and values"

Also Them: "F*#@ Joe Biden"


As much as I hated Trump I would have never chanted anything about him at a game and I would have been embarrassed for anyone that did.
And yet it was a very popular thing.
Lauded in the press over and over and over.

The "Let's Go, Brandon!" Freakout Goes Next-Level

A Southwest pilot earns ISIS comparisons for joking into a loudspeaker, as pundits continues to mass-forget the previous four years

FBI Special Agent-turned-CNN Political Analyst Asha Rangappa — gosh that resume sounds unsurprising, doesn’t it? — tweeted this yesterday night:

Put on your irony helmet, this is going to be a long ride. Rangappa was referencing a story involving a Southwest Air pilot became a headline news story by saying, “Let’s Go, Brandon!” during a flight from Houston to Albuquerque. Sitting on that flight, incredibly, was an AP reporter named Colleen Long who was writing a piece entitled, “How ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ became code for insulting Joe Biden.

How did it happen? On October 2nd, at a NASCAR race at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama, a crowd broke into a chant of “**** Joe Biden!” after 28-year-old Brandon Brown won a race. NBC reporter Kelli Stavast was interviewing Brown during the chants, and quickly spoke over them, saying, “You can hear the chants from the crowd. Let’s go Brandon!”

The phrase has since become a war cry for people all over the country, being at once a burn on Biden, the anxious, airbrushing press, and the corporate conglomerates who are taking pre-emptive action to try to prevent such outbursts from ever again darkening America’s door (“NASCAR and NBC have since taken steps to limit ‘ambient crowd noise’ during interviews,” as the AP put it).

Now WFBI agent Rangappa has essentially declared “Let’s Go, Brandon!” the equivalent of an ISIS war cry. Supportive hand-wringing from press/natsec colleagues (is there a difference?) was instantaneous. “Donald Trump tried to overthrow American democracy and at least one Southwest Airlines pilot thinks that’s just fine,” cried HuffPo’s S.V. Date. “Come fly the extremist skies,” chimed in official #Resistance mascot Aaron Rupar. Then there was Rangappa’s fellow spook-to-CNN pipeliner, former Homeland Security official Juliette Kayyem:

Is it really possible that these people don’t get they’re being trolled? Part of the joke of “Let’s Go Brandon,” of course, is that you couldn’t go five minutes during the last administration without hearing someone in pearls or a bowtie screaming “**** Trump!” I don’t remember Rangappa pumping out “Osama de Niro” tweets after this celebrated Tony Awards appearance:

The bigger part of the “Let’s Go Brandon!” gag is that such outbursts during the Trump years were not only not condemned, they were celebrated, as pundits and reporters for the first time told us directly profane insults of presidents were okay. “Robert de Niro’s Comments at the Tony Awards Go Viral,” was CNN’s bemused take, in a story quoting artist Ferrari Shepard saying, “Robert de Niro is my favorite rapper.”

“Robert De Niro drops the f-bomb bashing Trump at the Tony Awards,” was the headline over this USA Today account:

Meanwhile in the press room, Tony winners were surprised and amused by De Niro's comments, including Harry Potter and the Cursed Child director John Tiffany, who entered the press room immediately after the incident.
“Did Al Pacino just say (expletive) Trump?” Tiffany asked the press room, chuckling as the room corrected his mistake. “It was Robert De Niro? That's even worse!”
Robert De Niro told the Tonys audience, F*ck Trump.’ He got a standing ovation,” was the Vox headline in a story that did include criticism of de Niro — not for cursing out a president, but for overshadowing Angels in America winner Andrew Garfield, who “referenced the Supreme Court same-sex wedding cake decision in his acceptance speech, calling for more understanding and empathy for the LGBTQ community.”

When Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless ****” on TBS, she and the network did apologize, but the commentariat was far from unanimous in believing she should have. A New Yorker column that referenced Chaucer, Marvell, Donne, and Shakespeare said of Bee, “She should not have apologized,” while Sally Field said Bee was wrong to use the word to describe Ivanka, because “***** are beautiful, nurturing, and honest.” The Daily Beast headline about the show was a visual high-five, complete with a “DAMN”:

The official canonization of the F-bomb came when Jim Gaffigan, the least potty-mouthed comedian on the planet, entered into a profanity-laden Twitter rant last summer. He said things like “I don’t give a **** if anyone thinks this is virtue signaling or whatever…We need to call Trump the con man and thief that he is.”

Pundits reacted as if Trump had inspired Beethoven to the 9th symphony, or moved Gandhi to the Salt March. “Why Jim Gaffigan, The World’s Nicest Man, Decided He’d Finally Had Enough Of Trump,” was the Forbes headline, in a piece that explained how remarkable it was that a man who “literally” opened for the Pope, a “non-controversial pasty-white Catholic father of five” who admitted “loving bacon,” had been forced to drastic action by Trump.
It was, Forbes said, a “fourth wall experience” revealing a man who “simply wants things to go back to normal.” CNN added a solemn campaign think piece by Dean Obeidallah that said Gaffigan dropping his nice-guy veneer was genuinely predictive, a bad omen for Trump’s chances with the “silent majority” voter. “Jim Gaffigan, arguably America’s most wholesome comedian, has finally had enough of Donald Trump’s shit,” was Gizmodo’s take.

I personally don’t have a problem with comedians flipping off presidents, in fact I’m pretty sure that’s part of their job description, but if you’re going to imbue the presidentially-directed F-bomb with holy significance under Trump, you should probably avoid wigging out over “Let’s Go Brandon.” A huge part of the reason everyone is chanting it with such glee is precisely because it’s not profanity, and sounds like the title of a Jim Gaffigan special.

“Let’s Go Brandon” is supremely obvious humor-bait, but prestige media types have been unable to avoid swallowing it. “Biden’s critics hurl increasingly vulgar taunts,” complained the Washington Post, describing how Florida congressman Bill Posey violated the “decorum” of the House with “Let’s Go Brandon”:

The vitriol has even entered the House chamber. Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) wrapped up a floor speech this week with the sign-off, “Let’s go Brandon.” Then, in a jarring return to House decorum, he concluded, “I yield back.”
The Post, it should be noted, rated de Niro’s speech one of the “hits” of that year’s Tony awards. Others, like perpetual foot-in-mouth sufferer Cenk Uygur, are using #LGB to shake their heads at Republican incivility:

This is the same Cenk who moments ago was guffawing to a story about a woman in Texas who was selling “**** Trump” bumper stickers, and also had a message on her pickup truck for those who voted for him. “I like that she not only said Eff Trump, but eff you for voting for him,” he chuckles. “That lady’s got some balls on her!”

There are other approving TYT stories on the same theme, like “Anti-Trump Chants TRIGGER President Snowflake,” about an exactly analogous story to the Talladega scene, when American ex-pats in France sandbagged a Fox broadcast about the World Cup with chants of “**** Trump!”

I don’t exactly have standing to get moral about F-bombing any politician, but if mainstream mouthpieces can’t see how this looks to middle America — people getting seriously compared to terrorists for ironic G-rated versions of the same rant that had pundits lining up to send Jim Gaffigan to Oslo — they’re dumber than I thought.
When I voted for him in 2020, it was based on some of his policy decisions he made. (I didn’t vote for him in 2016, because I didn’t know what I would get).

I understand and appreciate your response, but you didn’t answer my question, so I will try it again.

Do you think Trump is any of those things or the fact that he is those things is not a deal breaker for you?
Honestly, I’m sick of classless people all around. I opined about this a month ago when I returned to Iowa for a Hawkeye game and saw “adults” my parents’ age walking around in T-shirts that read: (front) Iowa ****ing City, (back) Bitch I’m a Hawkeye. Some were holding the hands of children.

Since when did it become acceptable to proudly display vulgarity in public around women and children? So, this is not just a “MAGA” problem. At some point, society stopped caring about basic common decency. I know correlation doesn’t always mean causation, but it’s curious to me these trends coincided with the advent and rise of social media.
I had a woman standing behind me in Lowes this summer wearing a shirt that read:

Don't blame me
I didn't F%@!ing vote for him

Below that it had a MAGA with a circle and line through it.

While I support the sentiment, I disagree with the delivery. I'm all about freedom to say, watch, etc. what you want, but when it disarms my ability to protect what I want my children exposed to, I'm against it.
I had a woman standing behind me in Lowes this summer wearing a shirt that read:

Don't blame me
I didn't F%@!ing vote for him

Below that it had a MAGA with a circle and line through it.

While I support the sentiment, I disagree with the delivery. I'm all about freedom to say, watch, etc. what you want, but when it disarms my ability to protect what I want my children exposed to, I'm against it.
💯 with you.
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Honestly, I’m sick of classless people all around. I opined about this a month ago when I returned to Iowa for a Hawkeye game and saw “adults” my parents’ age walking around in T-shirts that read: (front) Iowa ****ing City, (back) Bitch I’m a Hawkeye. Some were holding the hands of children.

Since when did it become acceptable to proudly display vulgarity in public around women and children? So, this is not just a “MAGA” problem. At some point, society stopped caring about basic common decency. I know correlation doesn’t always mean causation, but it’s curious to me these trends coincided with the advent and rise of social media.
I’d have to say that television has dropped the ball as well. You can say and do so much more on tv now days. I don’t watch much regular television anymore but a few weeks ago I happen to be flipping through and saw the bachelor or bachelorette, whatever the heck dumb one it was, and good god. It seemed like soft core porn on your regular 8:00 television.
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I love the leftists on here trying to take the moral high ground in this thread. Are you mad people don't love our horrible president? Yeah, yeah I know but big orange man bad.
This fight was started by MLB getting political with the all star game, ESPN making headline story about the tomahawk and CNN articles about the Braves not being black enough for Atlanta. MAGAs notice that crap and responded accordingly with their own crap.

Very predictable, not sure how this surprises anyone.
Fight? Lmao, magas don't notice shit. Y'all overlook why #BlackLivesMatter exists, instead you ignore the plight of blacks by making it anti American and questioning their patriotism.

It's not a fight, it's a plight and the problem will continue to exist as long as you want to ignore it.
Please explain how the First Amendment applies.

Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is this a joke? Gathering as a group to express dissatisfaction with the gov't, by speech, on tv is literally hitting 3 of the elements there.
It's not politics, it's human rights. Trump politicized it by waving patriotism at the issue rather than addressing it.
Human rights?:D:D:D:D:D. Calling police pigs, ya human rights, calling the NFL combine a modern day version of the slave trade. You and Kapermook are one in the same. Wow, think much?
This may have something to do with it…

71% saying the country is on the wrong track is not a positive sign for the Democrats heading into mid-terms.
Is this a joke? Gathering as a group to express dissatisfaction with the gov't, by speech, on tv is literally hitting 3 of the elements there.
His point is going to be that the 1st amendment is a restriction upon the government, and Congress isn’t in this picture.
1st amendment issues are free speech issues, but not all free speech issues are first amendment issues.
I understand and appreciate your response, but you didn’t answer my question, so I will try it again.

Do you think Trump is any of those things or the fact that he is those things is not a deal breaker for you?

Do I think he will do or say anything to stay in power, including breaking the law. Yeah. Do I think many of the other politicians you see on TV are any different. Nope not really.

Do I think he’s a racist, no. Do I think he’s a sexist, possibly. Do I think he’s an elitist, absolutely.

I think a lot of people with power, behind closed doors are exactly the same. He just says the quiet parts out loud, which maybe is becoming contagious as I’m starting to see politicians on the left do the same.

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