Chaos at the Capital

However BOTH sides demand “free speech”:……and Charlottesville was defined as “free speech” by the right….as was the Insurrection Against the Capitol on 1/6/21.
That is why “?free speech” is so dangerous….there are those who have no filter, no respect and no desire to co-exist. Rights do have Responsibilities.

It is dangerous. Free speech doesn't include acting like a terrorist, whether it's J6 or yesterday.
I am sorry…..if Trumpf really wants to do this, he is a bigger fool than I thought. Keep overturning past rulings and pretty soon slavery will be decided state by state.
You're right but that's what happens when people are allowed to be out of control. People will start to lose their right. What I've learned through life is, you better control what you care about or someone else will step in and then you no longer have control.
Yup. Me and Congressman Schiff. You guys must really hate him.

What happened yesterday in Washington D.C. was the latest, hateful incident in the wave of antisemitism plaguing our country.

“To have strong disagreements is understandable. But to glorify Hamas – a barbaric terrorist organization with the stated goal of killing Jews and destroying the Jewish state – is abhorrent. Hamas raped, tortured, and murdered its victims, and still holds several innocent Americans and dozens of other hostages.

"Protestors also destroyed public property and burned the American flag. The flag represents our country and its people, and our right to protest peacefully and express ourselves freely. To desecrate it is contemptible.

“People have a right to express their views – and they should. But to glorify terrorism and demean the symbol of our country should be anathema to us all."

At least this means Schiff is going to be primary'd because he didn't toe "the left's" line on this event. Doesn't he know that you think "the left" is a singular thinking entity?
At least this means Schiff is going to be primary'd because he didn't toe "the left's" line on this event. Doesn't he know that you think "the left" is a singular thinking entity?
I know “the left” at least pretends to abhor some hate speech.