Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

The available science does not allow to know magnitude. If that is true (which it is), why?
How is that a science question?

I'm stating that health care providers would be hearing seeing lots of it from patients, that chatter on social media and message boards would be filled with it.

The signal isn't there. We have had 100s of millions of people receive vaccines at this point. I would expect much more of a signal.
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I'm stating that health care providers would be hearing seeing lots of it from patients, that chatter on social media and message boards would be filled with it.
Um, are health care providers hearing about chronic illness from their patients? Let me know if you want me to give you a hint.
Tons, just like there was before the vaccine existed.
When were pharma companies granted immunity, again? Oh yeah…1986. And didn’t that ‘immunity’ lead to a huge expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule? Why, yes. Yes it did.

Data indicates that autoimmune diseases affect approximately 50 million Americans. However, given the complexity of diagnosing these conditions, this number is likely an underestimate. Even more alarming, autoimmunity is reaching epidemic levels, with some studies estimating an increase of 3-12% annually.

Consider these statistics:

  • Among test subjects, the prevalence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), the most common biomarker of autoimmunity, nearly doubled between 1988-2012. In the same study, the prevalence of ANA among adolescents aged 12 to 19 years old increased nearly 300%.
  • The prevalence of type 1 diabetes has nearly doubled in the past 40 years in the adult population. 
  • Over the past 30 years, the prevalence of celiac disease in the U.S. has increased five-fold, doubling approximately every 15 years.
  • The estimated number of people with multiple sclerosis worldwide increased 30% from 2013-2022.
  • Between 2006 to 2021, the prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) increased 46%.
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"The vaccine"? I'm talking about the scheduled vaccines.
When did the scheduled vaccines start?

America started experience a shit ton more chronic disease when:

A) We started living longer. (due to advancements in science/medicine like vaccines)
B) We started eating lots of processed food.
C) We stopped being as physically active as we once were
D) We started becoming much fatter than we once were.

Most of the chronic disease that we see is owed to metabolic malfunction brought on by poor lifestyle choices. That and the longer you live the more likely you are to develop chronic conditions.
When did the scheduled vaccines start?

America started experience a shit ton more chronic disease when:

A) We started living longer. (due to advancements in science/medicine like vaccines)
B) We started eating lots of processed food.
C) We stopped being as physically active as we once were
D) We started becoming much fatter than we once were.

Most of the chronic disease that we see is owed to metabolic malfunction brought on by poor lifestyle choices. That and the longer you live the more likely you are to develop chronic conditions.
Children. 12% chronic conditions in the 80's to 54% the last data point I know about, like 6-8 years ago or so. Not sure what it's at today.
When did the scheduled vaccines start?

America started experience a shit ton more chronic disease when:

A) We started living longer. (due to advancements in science/medicine like vaccines)
B) We started eating lots of processed food.
C) We stopped being as physically active as we once were
D) We started becoming much fatter than we once were.

Most of the chronic disease that we see is owed to metabolic malfunction brought on by poor lifestyle choices. That and the longer you live the more likely you are to develop chronic conditions.
ASD alone is now possibly up to around 1 in 22 according to the data point we were just talking about earlier in the thread.
Children also suffer from poor diet and lack of exercise. Childhood obesity has risen dramatically. This is well known stuff.
Ya, exactly how much should be attributed to that (just over-eating and no exercise). I bet some of that was happening in the 80's and prior.
Me: Is ASD a chronic disease?
Google: "Yes, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered a chronic condition"
I thought of it more along the lines of a neurological development condition and not in the same bucket as something like diabetes.

If the definition for 'chronic' is something simple like "lifelong condition in need of treatment" then sure.
Use your common sense Joe, or stop lying.
Since Fluffer never actually posts the studies he constantly references, I looked one up.

For one, they never even considered vaccination as a cause of an ‘infection’ - it wasn’t factored in to the study at all.

And two…well I’ll just let this speak for itself. 🤣


Specialized care for infections during childhood is common among individuals diagnosed with ID and/or ASD. It may be that children who are later diagnosed with ID or ASD have a higher liability to severe infections that contribute to the associations observed here but infections are not causing ID or ASD.

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never actually posts the studies he constantly references

Here's another handful (aside from YOUR link that reaches the SAME conclusion)

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Yes; you can say that.

There is NO correlation between vaccines and autism.
There IS STRONG correlation between early childhood infections and autism.
There IS correlation. For the longest time those questioning vaccines were being told correlation doesn't equal causation. Meaning, you rabid vaccine backers conceded correlation from the very start. The increase in autism does indeed correlate with the ramp up of the schedule.

In addition, there is absolutely ZERO correlation between early childhood infections and autism since the increase in autism in no way matches the rate of childhood infections. And no, I'm convinced the vast majority are against your idea of the rate of autism remaining constant throughout history. Sorry but it's too stupid. I'd completely abandon it if I were you.

The other major problem with your position is we have all learned here that the science DOES NOT say that vaccines don't cause autism. No matter how many times Joe posts that it does, it doesn't.
I thought of it more along the lines of a neurological development condition and not in the same bucket as something like diabetes.

If the definition for 'chronic' is something simple like "lifelong condition in need of treatment" then sure.
For as long as I've been following this it's been considered a chronic disease / condition.