Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

yet you have zero big case studies showing any correlation.
So we went from zero evidence, zero studies to zero big case studies huh?

Go get your money together go to a respected college or research institute and do the study.
The researchers would probably lose their job, respect, and ultimately their personal well being. Ask Chris Exley (and others) how it all works. NOW THAT'S SCIENCE! What a joke.
I give much more credence to pro vaccine studies
Do you not understand they replicate the same flawed studies over and over again? MMR, thimerosal, or both. Wash rinse repeat, and completely ignore everything else. The other vaccines, other ingredients, synergistic interactions among all scheduled vaccines. Then do several meta analyses on those same studies, claim they are high powered with hundreds of thousands of kids and then claim the science is settled. That's essentially what happened. How is that not clown world? Why the hell would you or anyone who understands science give any bit of credence to that?

The biggest issue I see is you distrust science and vaccines, so you will only acknowledge studies or statements that support your thesis.
No, I obviously acknowledge those studies, the studies I just told you about. I also MUST acknowledge the fact that they're missing the rest of the schedule! The question is, why aren't you acknowledging that?

I will acknowledge some do not react well to vaccines but it’s a very small amount.
Based on the comment after this, you're talking efficacy. I'll grant you efficacy for the sake of this discussion. I'm focused on safety.

The issue though like the triplets, it wasn’t the vaccine, it was the disorder, that also didn’t process the vaccine well.
So it was the vaccine? Without the vaccine the child would have been unaffected.

4. When you and Kellers keep posting these post from quacks like the one above who likes to show off the title DR., yet has done nothing in the medical field for decades and works in a Christian home schooled entity, it makes your entire argument look like tin foil conspiracy theorists thinking it will protect you against aliens. It becomes silly and so far fetched.
As I said, there are countless of MDs and scientists who now question vaccines. Moving them all into the "quack" category because they're all using their brain in critical thought and questioning the science (like scientists are supposed to do), is disingenuous at best.

The issue is we haven’t had a covid like event effect the children for over 6 decades, mostly due to vaccines.
The trouble is, you can't even say "mostly due to vaccines" because the trajectory of infectious disease was already on the way down. Already down ~90% without vaccines, so you can't assign numbers -of any sort- to the rest of the decrease.

What you are proposing is a complete pull back of vaccines, and when children start dying left and right like history has shown us time and time again what is your response?
Children start dying left and right from what exactly? They weren't dying in the streets in the 80's when the schedule was like 1/10 what it is today. Also, studies have shown the US currently leads in child / infant mortality among other wealthy nations, more than all other nations in the study combined, yet we're the most vaccinated. So as you can see your argument basically has no legs to stand on.
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So we went from zero evidence, zero studies to zero big case studies huh?

The researchers would probably lose their job, respect, and ultimately their personal well being. Ask Chris Exley (and others) how it all works. NOW THAT'S SCIENCE! What a joke.

Do you not understand they replicate the same flawed studies over and over again? MMR, thimerosal, or both. Wash rinse repeat, and completely ignore everything else. The other vaccines, other ingredients, synergistic interactions among all scheduled vaccines. Then do several meta analyses on those same studies, claim they are high powered with hundreds of thousands of kids and then claim the science is settled. That's essentially what happened. How is that not clown world? Why the hell would you or anyone who understands science give any bit of credence to that?

No, I obviously acknowledge those studies, the studies I just told you about. I also MUST acknowledge the fact that they're missing the rest of the schedule! The question is, why aren't you acknowledging that?

Based on the comment after this, you're talking efficacy. I'll grant you efficacy for the sake of this discussion. I'm focused on safety.

So it was the vaccine? Without the vaccine the child would have been unaffected.

As I said, there are countless of MDs and scientists who now question vaccines. Moving them all into the "quack" category because they're all using their brain in critical thought and questioning the science (like scientists are supposed to do), is disingenuous at best.

The trouble is, you can't even say "mostly due to vaccines" because the trajectory of infectious disease was already on the way down. Already down ~90% without vaccines, so you can't assign numbers -of any sort- to the rest of the decrease.

Children start dying left and right from what exactly? They weren't dying in the streets in the 80's when the schedule was like 1/10 what it is today. Also, studies have shown the US currently leads in child / infant mortality among other wealthy nations, more than all other nations in the study combined, yet we're the most vaccinated. So as you can see your argument basically has no foundation.
Dying from a slight fever, some red bumps and the sniffles, duh!
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Give it a rest. I'm not obligated to answer anything, especially from a poster who's consistently been a dick. Thimerosal is highly toxic and I believe it exacerbates neurological damage when combined with aluminum. I believe aluminum adjuvant is the heavy-hitter as it relates to autism.
LOL...I'm a dick to those who lie through their teeth. Otherwise, I'm a peach of a human being.
Thats literally a peer reviewed journal article on the NIH website with multiple reference. I have linked case studies, peer reviewed articles, interviews, and other investigative journalism.

You post links to X videos, extremely questionable factual websites basically posting historical accounts and trying to show a link between vaccines and autism. Identical triplets would all have the same genetics, so if they had a genetic defect it would all affect them the same. The article you list states medical professionals have told her its a medical defect. As a mother she can either blame herself for faulty genetics, or try to blame a vaccine. You other case recounts a dad in a court case who was not around his kids for years. Has stated he has had multiple run ins with public health officials and the authorities. You then call Polio and vaccines junk science.

I told you about my great uncle who had polio, was in a life time case study. It has the exact same relevance as your references to your 2 cases, except I have a little more factual information. I have an actual diagnosis a case study. However, beyond that it is my word and testimony. You claim he didn't have polio. It has the same relevance as the mother and that dads claim. Yet you believe their stories yet not mine, why, because it fits your hypothesis. You have tried to create a mythology and correlate a situation where kids had a genetic disorder, were actually contraindicated to the vaccine, yet were given it. Just like my friend whose son has Angelman's syndrome. You don't know you have the genetic disorder until a reaction, or not developing motor skills timely.

So comparatively speaking how should I treat you two. I show you case studies, I give you historical references, and you throw up junk that literally has no supporting information.
Here you go; just the teeniest tip of the iceberg.

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You want to talk about lies though? Here.
"There is no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective."

Did he qualify that? Did he say "No vaccines EXCEPT polio"?, he didn't. In fact, he then claimed with absolutely ZERO evidence that the polio vaccine caused an "explosion" in soft tissue cancers. That's a fvcking lie.

You can keep lying and stuffing your empty head up RFK's idiot ass but you're just gonna come out smelling like the shit you spout.
Here you go; just the teeniest tip of the iceberg.

Those are cases. Also I believe just reports, so an individual throws a clot, was it the vaccine or something that would have occurred
anyway. If we want to do individual cases, I know personally over 200 people who died from Covid. A handful who have long covid symptoms too, including mental issues. I am only aware of possible 1 covid related issue that could have been the vaccine, or natural causes, had a heart attack and passed away. Most likely unrelated to the vaccine, stressful job and smoker as well. These are not studies, these are singular cases, get your terminology right. And then you wonder why we say you 2 don't give factual information.
"There is no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective."

Did he qualify that? Did he say "No vaccines EXCEPT polio"?, he didn't. In fact, he then claimed with absolutely ZERO evidence that the polio vaccine caused an "explosion" in soft tissue cancers. That's a fvcking lie.

You can keep lying and stuffing your empty head up RFK's idiot ass but you're just gonna come out smelling like the shit you spout.
No lies that just said Covid was forced upon people with no clinical trials, that bullshit.

Here are his words. You have some issues. He is for Vaccines and the schedules in 1 point. Still wants to link them to autism in another. Will he demand vaccines - that is likely a no. Basically wants to dismantle the CDC. Akcnowledges he has no scientific background but thinks he can spot "junk science." No offense, all of those statements are a jumbled mess that you can't reconcile. He is a bizarre pick.

A: [Trump] is troubled by questions of the links between certain vaccines and the epidemic of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. And he has a number—he told me five—friends, he talked about each one of them, who has the same story of a child, a perfectly healthy child who went into a wellness visit around age 2, got a battery of vaccines, spiked a fever, and then developed a suite of deficits in the 3 months following the vaccine.

[Trump] said that he understood that anecdote was not science, but said that if there's enough anecdotal evidence … that we'd be arrogant to dismiss it. Those were his words.

A: To make sure that we're getting good science out of CDC.

A: Exactly. [CDC] is the locus of most of the most serious problems with the vaccine program, the two divisions at CDC: the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and the Immunization Safety Office, which is where the scientists are.

A: No. My background is I'm an environmental lawyer. I'm not a scientist. But I have an expertise, I would say, in reading science and spotting junk science because that's what I do with most of my time.

Q: Rates of childhood infectious diseases have plummeted over the past half-century or so. Are you out to return us to the dark ages?

I am for vaccines. I have been tracking mercury in fish for 30 years and nobody has called me antifish. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what's causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines.

Those are studies conducted on individual cases. Also I believe just reports, so an individual throws a clot, was it the vaccine or something that would have occurred
anyway. You believed wrong. If we want to do individual cases, I know personally over 200 people who died from Covid. Sure. I believe you. A handful who have long covid symptoms too, including mental issues. I definitely believe the ‘mental issues’ part. I am only aware of possible 1 covid related issue that could have been the vaccine, or natural causes, had a heart attack and passed away. Most likely unrelated to the vaccine, stressful job and smoker as well. I know of four just in my family (including in-laws) These are not studies, these are singular cases, get your terminology right. 🤣 And then you wonder why we say you 2 don't give factual information. Oh, noes! :eek:
Michael, you claimed they were studies, definitely not studies. Case reports. If you want all the obituaries in my 2 communities would love to do it, around 50 of them 40-60 year old male idiots claiming they would never get the vaccine, then died. All because they wouldn't get a vaccine that could have save their lives. They were playing Russian roulette due to bad vaccine reporting and paid their life for it. What I have asked for is a full study, on vaccines for kids, that is what we are talking about, not a rehash of the Covid vaccines.
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Michael, you claimed they were studies, definitely not studies. Case reports. If you want all the obituaries in my 2 communities would love to do it, around 50 of them 40-60 year old male idiots claiming they would never get the vaccine, then died. All because they wouldn't get a vaccine that could have save their lives. They were playing Russian roulette due to bad vaccine reporting and paid their life for it. What I have asked for is a full study, on vaccines for kids, that is what we are talking about, not a rehash of the Covid vaccines.
Lmao. That’s alright, no need to share all those tragic obituaries. 🤣 🤣 🤣
You are joking about people dying from Covid? If that is your response, there is seriously something wrong with you. Keeping children or adults healthy and safe is not your goal.
I was laughing at you claiming to personally know 200 people who died ‘from covid’.

Besides, you called them idiots. Not very compassionate of you.
I was laughing at you claiming to personally know 200 people who died ‘from covid’.

Besides, you called them idiots. Not very compassionate of you.
There were 5 bragging about not getting the Covid shot and dying shortly after how else am I supposed to look at it. Someone saying they are tough, so not wearing a seatbelt then dying in a crash. I can be sad they passed away and acknowledge at the same time they died by idiotic choices.
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There were 5 bragging about not getting the Covid shot and dying shortly after how else am I supposed to look at it. Someone saying they are tough, so not wearing a seatbelt then dying in a crash. I can be sad they passed away and acknowledge at the same time they died by idiotic choices.

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Not very Christ-like of you.
Michael how is it not christ-like? Thou shall not lie. Thats not an issue here. Maybe you go with cast the first stone. However those individuals have passed away. This is a discussion between us, discussing facts. Again you seem to have a very bizarre view or science, vaccinations, the church and what truth is.
Vaccine or no vaccine, that's what 40-60 year old men do,.. Die.
Holy crap, so do I just say kids get sick and die as well or get autism, so Michael and Natural have no argument? Are you guys really this dense?
So we went from zero evidence, zero studies to zero big case studies huh?

The researchers would probably lose their job, respect, and ultimately their personal well being. Ask Chris Exley (and others) how it all works. NOW THAT'S SCIENCE! What a joke.

Do you not understand they replicate the same flawed studies over and over again? MMR, thimerosal, or both. Wash rinse repeat, and completely ignore everything else. The other vaccines, other ingredients, synergistic interactions among all scheduled vaccines. Then do several meta analyses on those same studies, claim they are high powered with hundreds of thousands of kids and then claim the science is settled. That's essentially what happened. How is that not clown world? Why the hell would you or anyone who understands science give any bit of credence to that?

No, I obviously acknowledge those studies, the studies I just told you about. I also MUST acknowledge the fact that they're missing the rest of the schedule! The question is, why aren't you acknowledging that?

Based on the comment after this, you're talking efficacy. I'll grant you efficacy for the sake of this discussion. I'm focused on safety.

So it was the vaccine? Without the vaccine the child would have been unaffected.

As I said, there are countless of MDs and scientists who now question vaccines. Moving them all into the "quack" category because they're all using their brain in critical thought and questioning the science (like scientists are supposed to do), is disingenuous at best.

The trouble is, you can't even say "mostly due to vaccines" because the trajectory of infectious disease was already on the way down. Already down ~90% without vaccines, so you can't assign numbers -of any sort- to the rest of the decrease.

Children start dying left and right from what exactly? They weren't dying in the streets in the 80's when the schedule was like 1/10 what it is today. Also, studies have shown the US currently leads in child / infant mortality among other wealthy nations, more than all other nations in the study combined, yet we're the most vaccinated. So as you can see your argument basically has no legs to stand on.
Imagine adding insult to injury - the Pfizer poison on top of the childhood vaccine schedule. :eek:

Safety man, safety.
FDA forced to engage in CYA. 🤣

The regulator states the study "does not belong to the FDA," despite it being conducted at FDA labs, with FDA resources, by students under the supervision of FDA staff.​

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has responded to a peer-reviewed study conducted within its own laboratory, which uncovered excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

The study revealed that residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory limits by 6 to 470 times, validating earlier studies from independent researchers that the FDA had previously disregarded.

FDA’s Response

Despite the study being conducted at the FDA’s White Oak campus in Maryland, the agency has sought to distance itself from the findings.

A spokesperson stated that the study “does not belong to the FDA” and is therefore not theirs to disclose.

“The FDA does not comment on individual studies,” the spokesperson added, declining to acknowledge the new scientific findings.

The agency also refused to address the involvement of three of its own scientists—Dr Shuliang Liu, Dr Tony Wang, and Dr Prabhuanand Selvaraj—who supervised the students conducting the study.

When questioned about potential regulatory actions, such as issuing a public alert, recalling affected vaccine batches, or notifying other agencies, the FDA stood firm in its defence of mRNA vaccine safety.

Dr. Kathryn Edwards, MD, a proud graduate of the University of Iowa and one of the leading vaccine developer/experts in the country, repeatedly admitting there are NO studies showing vaccines don’t cause autism.

Again, that's because you can ONLY state there are no studies that show vaccines are not correlated with autism.
You cannot say with 100% certainty there has never been one that triggered autism.

Just like you cannot say breast milk doesn't cause autism.

It's why legal depositions are not science.
So comparatively speaking how should I treat you two. I show you case studies, I give you historical references, and you throw up junk that literally has no supporting information.

Exactly my observations, as well.

I've posted the articles that definitively link early childhood infections to autism for them, probably a half dozen times now.
Covid and vaccinated both having uptick in PET, quite the study and revelation. Covid affects the heart brilliant. It does show an increase, but is there any ramifications of that increase? Also I think this is only looking at non vaccinated, and also not have gotten covid, those who have gotten covid also have an increased FDG uptake as well I believe.

Covid affects the heart (and many other organ systems) FAR more than any Covid vaccine does.

That's very well-established now.
Have you seen this? Absolutely insane! Imagine, a high school kid writing the FDA, asking for a ‘bio-similar’ covid vaccine sample because they want to test it for any self-replicating, plasmid DNA contamination.

In what world do we live in that instead of responding “Thank you for your interest in the safety of these products that we wholeheartedly endorsed, but all those tests have already been run and we can assure you they are totally pure” the FDA says “Sure thing, kid. Just need a PO Box # and we’ll send you some samples in the morning. And Good Luck!” :oops:

Uh....that's a paper on a "test method"

Not a paper on finding anything in vaccines.
Results: The CDC/FDA’s safety signals were breached for all 37 AEs following COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy: miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormality, fetal malformation, cervical insufficiency, premature rupture of membranes, premature labor, premature delivery, placental calcification, placental infarction, placental thrombosis, placenta accreta, placental abruption, placental insufficiency, placental disorder, fetal maternal hemorrhage, fetal growth restriction, reduced amniotic fluid volume, preeclampsia, fetal heart rate abnormality, fetal cardiac disorder, fetal vascular mal-perfusion, fetal arrhythmia, fetal distress, fetal biophysical profile abnormal, hemorrhage in pregnancy, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal death (stillbirth), premature infant death, neonatal asphyxia, neonatal dyspnea, neonatal infection, neonatal hemorrhage, insufficient breast milk, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal respiratory distress, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, and neonatal seizure.

Conclusions: We found unacceptably high breaches in safety signals for 37 AEs after COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women. An immediate global moratorium on COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is warranted. The United States government, medical organizations, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies have misled and/or deceived the public regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy. Promotion of these products must be immediately halted.

More pre-prints.

No published papers.

She supported hydroxichloroquine for Covid. and still states vaccines cause autism. She works for church based home school program. She has done no research in 20 years, she has treated no patients, her claim to fame is parroting the same websites you are. I feel comfortable standing by the 99.9% other medical professionals that are actually practicing healthcare who disagree with her.

A whole shitload of "doctors" grifted $100-200 per patient to sell "prescriptions" for horse paste to people, too.

Horse paste that was 100% ineffective against Covid. Didn't stop them from making millions off those poor idiots, though.