CNBC survey: Biden gets 62% approval, topping first ratings of the last four presidents


HB Legend
Nov 10, 2006

President Joe Biden is on the best presidential honeymoon going back at least to Bill Clinton in 1993.

A special online edition of the CNBC All-America Economic Survey focusing on the Biden agenda finds his approval rating at a sky-high 62%, beating the first presidential ratings of Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. In fact, Biden’s initial rating is 18 points higher than Trump’s.

The survey of 1,000 people conducted earlier this month sees Biden with majority approval for his handling of the economy and for uniting the country. Sixty-five percent of the public approve of his actions so far when it comes to fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Fifty-four percent say a $15 per hour minimum wage is the right level and an additional 10% believe it is too low, with just 36% believing it’s too high. That support remains virtually unchanged even when people are asked about whether it’s right for their local area. It holds up even though many believe raising the minimum wage could lead to higher prices or job losses.
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President Joe Biden is on the best presidential honeymoon going back at least to Bill Clinton in 1993.

A special online edition of the CNBC All-America Economic Survey focusing on the Biden agenda finds his approval rating at a sky-high 62%, beating the first presidential ratings of Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. In fact, Biden’s initial rating is 18 points higher than Trump’s.

The survey of 1,000 people conducted earlier this month sees Biden with majority approval for his handling of the economy and for uniting the country. Sixty-five percent of the public approve of his actions so far when it comes to fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Fifty-four percent say a $15 per hour minimum wage is the right level and an additional 10% believe it is too low, with just 36% believing it’s too high. That support remains virtually unchanged even when people are asked about whether it’s right for their local area. It holds up even though many believe raising the minimum wage could lead to higher prices or job losses.

Not as high when getting all polls together

W got a major bump in popularity after 9/11.

Obama and Biden's popularity were due to how bad their predecessors were, with Biden getting the benefit of Trump being the worst POTUS in the history of the United States.
Correct. Like getting with a hot, sane woman after dating the dumbest, craziest, and ugliest bish you've ever been with. Things are going to look awfully good by comparison.
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W got a major bump in popularity after 9/11.

Obama and Biden's popularity were due to how bad their predecessors were, with Biden getting the benefit of Trump being the worst POTUS in the history of the United States.
Like I have long said, Biden will be an average President. But looks like a hero after taking over for Trump.

In Iowa basketball terms, Trump is Lickliter. Biden is Fran. Still flawed but us back to normal.
This is an outlier.

I would guess that the real approval rating is somewhere between 54% and 58%

I actually like to look at Rasmussen as good indicator as they lean right. They have Biden's approval rating at 50%. So, your assertion is likely a good one that his actual approval rating is in the mid 50's.
Like I have long said, Biden will be an average President. But looks like a hero after taking over for Trump.

In Iowa basketball terms, Trump is Lickliter. Biden is Fran. Still flawed but us back to normal.
"Liked" for this tremendous analogy.
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I believe Joe watched the Republican's relentless obstruction during the Obama years (especially the Senate) and has decided that he is not going to put up with that shit while he is president. Obama was an optimist and held out hope for bipartisan cooperation too often and for far too long. Biden is a realist. If there is a good faith effort to negotiate then he will engage. If not, fvck 'em. His current legislative agenda is popular. Voters will approve if he pushes it through without GOP support.
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There will be around 30% who thinks he is great no matter what and 30% who thinks he sucks no matter what. That's the same for any politician with an R or D by their name.

So with the people who actually matter in an election he is probably running 25% positive to 15% negative which is very good.
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If there is a good faith effort to negotiate then he will engage. If not, fvck 'em

I wish he'd do the latter for a majority of things. They shown their true selves over the last year. I say F em now. PoS, all of them
62% huh?,.. Amazing what dangling 1.9 trillion in other people's money can get you.
Since Biden hasn't really done anything, one way or another, I'm not surprised. Time will tell. He can help by lifting punitive tariffs. He can hurt by creating headwinds for business. In the end, at least half the people won't know or care what actions help or hurt the economy, as long as they get some 'free' money from the government.