
I agree with Hawk. What was the rush to offer this kid? He had no other real offers, and we already have commits from a bunch of guys with the kid's exact same skill set...while we have no commits from big men or PGs. Very very strange offer. Fran may be able to develop kids, but he's an awful recruiter. When is he going to beat a real school for a recruit?
Originally posted by hawk44ever:

I am really not trying to upset you- that is not my style. And I never called you any disparaging names, that is not my style. I won't retaliate or get down in the gutter- I truly believe we jumped the gun on this offer. If others are not beating down the doors of a recruit- why not wait and see what becomes available in April?
Well, he had been getting some interest from Minnesota and Iowa State. Could be McCaffery knew just how serious that interest was and decided to offer before they did and run the risk of losing him.

He is most likely going to work almost exclusively on PG skills next season (he's already a well-rounded guard as it is). Since Gesell and Clemmons will be seniors next year, Williams won't have a lot of pressure on him. However, the following year with no PGs in the hopper thus far someone with skills like Williams becomes important especially if McCaffery is unable to secure a top-tier PG.

He also fits the mold of players McCaffery likes, so whether or not you're excited about this recruit I'm sure means absolutely nothing to him.
Originally posted by hawk44ever:

I am really not trying to upset you- that is not my style. And I never called you any disparaging names, that is not my style. I won't retaliate or get down in the gutter- I truly believe we jumped the gun on this offer. If others are not beating down the doors of a recruit- why not wait and see what becomes available in April?

I trust the coaching staff on this. If they like the player they saw this season and thought him worthy of an offer then what's the point of waiting with the chance for someone else to swoop in and take him?
Let's face it- nobody on here knows anything about this kid so we have to trust him, right? Now we have one scholly for a recruit that has to immediately contribute next year. I follow Minnesota recruiting pretty closely and I have never seen him mentioned as a prospective offer. I don't think ISU was sniffing either. It's done- time to move on and be very aggressive with the last one.
I am going to assume that Christian is going to be good enough at pg that he can share pg with a frosh true pg in Charlie Moore of Morgan Park...Fran can sell Moore that he can start right away (he is that good) with Christian flipping between 1 & 2 . Maybe even redshirt Christian?
Originally posted by hawkjt:

I am going to assume that Christian is going to be good enough at pg that he can share pg with a frosh true pg in Charlie Moore of Morgan Park...Fran can sell Moore that he can start right away (he is that good) with Christian flipping between 1 & 2 . Maybe even redshirt Christian?
This struck me as a possibility as well
Originally posted by iowalaw:
I agree with Hawk. What was the rush to offer this kid? He had no other real offers, and we already have commits from a bunch of guys with the kid's exact same skill set...while we have no commits from big men or PGs. Very very strange offer. Fran may be able to develop kids, but he's an awful recruiter. When is he going to beat a real school for a recruit?
Hutton- Wisc offer
Moss- Iowa State offer
Flemming- Florida offer
Wagner- Minnesota offer

As for Williams he had no power 5 conf offers, so be it. Fran was looking for a big and best available and he must have been a guy they liked. From his profile he's a guy Iowa's been looking at for some time so it's not like it's a last second offer. They could also easily RS anyone of these guys next year. One guy I expect to maybe see more minutes is Wagner due to lack of depth on front court. Even though we didn't get any top 100 player I like this class versatile and athletic.

Plus got a big who is a top 150 recruit for 2016 already with Pemsl.
I'd just like to point out Trey Burke was under-recruited at #142 overall and went to Michigan.

Coaches aren't perfect and sure as shit cannot predict perfectly how a player is going to progress, whether they will grow, whether they will work as hard as it takes to be successful at the college level, etc.

Kentucky started a 6'5"/ 6'6" point guard last year, one of the Harrison twins. I can't remember which one but the point remains.

I like the direction our recruiting is heading. This will be the most athletic class Fran has signed and it's not even close.
I tend to agree with the viewpoint that this recruit seems to confirm that McCaffery intends to transition to a smaller but more athletic line-up. An athletic 6ft5 combo guard who is a good ball handler and can dribble drive fits the mold. One scouting report claimed that Williams is more of an assist oriented PG who can penetrate and dish or score.

I believe Fran will still add a Center in 2015 or 2016 but I would bet it will be a player like Racetovic who, at 6ft10, can rebound but is also good in transition and has good shooting ability out past the 3PT line. It signals a style which will run fast breaks more frequently and the ability to spread the court on half court possessions.
Minnesota was at his championship game along with Fran. So they were going after him and St.Louis & DePaul had started to recruit him also.

The big thing for me is just the fact that Fran is getting recruits from Illinois, hopefully these guys can spread the word about Iowa and lead to bigger and better recruits.
When's signing day? My fear would be for Kentucky, Duke or Michigan to come in and steal him from us right before signing day.....Then everyone would say he was next Ulis that got away.
There's no telling with McCaffery recruits what to expect.

If I had to guess I'd say we just traded up from Dickerson to an at least Anthony Clemmons type Point Guard in a 6'5" body.

At least.

This time of year that isn't a bad pickup and I have no trouble using a scholarship on a player that could be a solid contributor or better in the future.

The thing is McCaffery might have had this kid on the line for a long time waiting to see what else developed, and when other schools started to come calling he decided to put the kid in the live well.

Just have to remember, at Iowa it isn't about signing four aces every year. It's putting together a nice straight flush.
Noticed this blurb under his "dunk" video:

"Williams had scored his 1,000th High School career point shortly before
this dunk. He finished the night with 36 points, 7 rebounds, 6 steals,
and a handful of assists."
You gotta love it when people who likely never played basketball, Nor have they seen a recruit play feel compelled to critique their ability. Look at all the kids that will be playing in the NCAA tourney this coming weekend for some of the smaller schools, You will see some of these kids rip it up vs the "big time" schools. I have no idea how good Christian will be, I'm glad he decided to become a Hawk, Welcome aboard!
Originally posted by DanL53:
Originally posted by hawk-i bob:

Christian Williams...welcome son...the landscape is changing...right in front of our eyes,,,think Michigan.
I don't think there is any denying it now. Think Michigan, Iowa State, lots of teams with athletes that all get up and down the court and can play multiple positions.
We may be transitioning to a smaller, more athletic lineup, but I don't see any trend towards what Michigan and ISU are doing. Those 2 teams spread you out with rosters full of shooters. IMO Fran is more interested in getting players that can drive and score inside the arc, than a roster full of players that can all shoot the ball. He prefers players that are "hard to guard" rather than players with pure shooting and BBall skills.
Originally posted by 4th & 9 inches:
HoustonHawkeye posted on 3/16/2015...

When's signing day?

*April 15th to May 20th
Now you do know that my post was a joke/sarcasm. I really didn't care when signing day is. Wow!
Originally posted by combes:

I like him. Not a great shooter, but he handles it well for a 6-6 kid. Good athlete. Good defender. My only reservation is that he plays at a low level of basketball in Illinois. His team was in the state championship game (2A) and they lost a close game. He had about 10 points. There are 4 classes in Illinois. That said, if you watched the game, you can see the ability that he has.

I know that Minnesota was there to see him and talk around the arena was that Illinois was showing some late interest. However, Illinois already signed two wings and are in desperate need of a point guard in the class. I don't think Williams can be a point guard although he handles the ball well. He gets sloppy with it (like a lot of high school kids), but that can be cleaned up. He gets into the lane really well with his ballhandling skills. That is the best part of his game. I think Iowa got a good talent.

This post was edited on 3/16 12:41 PM by combes
This post was edited on 3/16 12:42 PM by combes
Thanks for the info. I know some people don't like you or think you are an Illini homer that hates Iowa, but you have some pretty good info on Illinois kids.

Love that the best part of his game is his ball handling skills. I'd rather have a PG with good handles and is a good defender than a PG that can light it up but can't guard or turns the ball over.
Good pick up for Fran. Can play point next year if we have an injury, and we can offer a starting job to a stud point guard in 2016. Looks like Fran is getting away from 7 footers who can't dunk.
I don't see Fran offering Williams unless Fran believes he can be a PG.

He looks to have solid athleticism, good handles, and great length. I like that Fran is not getting too caught up in getting a "true" PG, SG, SF, PF, or C. Of course you need ball handlers, and of course you need size, but at the end of the day it only matters if you can play. If we have a team full of talented and athletic guys that range from 6-5 to 6-9 we will figure out how to distribute the ball, and how to rebound the ball as a team.

Marble was not a "true" PG but he was the best PG we have had in a long time. Jake Kelly was also a very good PG when given the chance to play the position even though he was also not a "true" PG. Williams looks to have a similar skill set to those two (except not as pure of a shooter as Jake Kelly was coming in). Marble was not a good outside shooter coming in either, but he worked on his game tirelessly and became a very effective outside shooter. I doubt Williams can do the same, because frankly I've never seen someone improve their outside shooting as much as Marble did, but even if he doesn't he can still be a very good player.

I'm very interested to see how this recruiting class does next year. I see a lot of potential, but as others have mentioned, it doesn't rank well against the rest of the Big 10. Recruiting rankings are far from perfect, and as far as we know this class could end up being one of the best in the Big 10 once they're done, but as of now the only objective measure points to this class being in the bottom half of the Big 10.
I don't see Williams at the point. I suppose anything is possible.., but he is a wing who handles it well but turns it over a lot.

As for Moore, have you seen him play? He doesn't play the point on his high school team. More of a shooter. LoVett is the point guard.
Originally posted by seer_hawk:

Originally posted by DanL53:
Originally posted by hawk-i bob:

Christian Williams...welcome son...the landscape is changing...right in front of our eyes,,,think Michigan.
I don't think there is any denying it now. Think Michigan, Iowa State, lots of teams with athletes that all get up and down the court and can play multiple positions.
We may be transitioning to a smaller, more athletic lineup, but I don't see any trend towards what Michigan and ISU are doing. Those 2 teams spread you out with rosters full of shooters. IMO Fran is more interested in getting players that can drive and score inside the arc, than a roster full of players that can all shoot the ball. He prefers players that are "hard to guard" rather than players with pure shooting and BBall skills.
Agree. I see more of an OSU/MSU vision than an Michigan vision. Fran wants athletic wings that are long, can defend, run, and attack the basket. He wants them badly, to the point of neglecting other positions. Fran seems to recruit pure point guards and pure centers--everyone else is a combo player. I think it's fair to say he also likes stretch 4 types (White, Uthoff, Uhl) and designated shooters (Gates, JO, Ellingson, Felming, Jok).
Just poking around here on some of the vids on HUDL. FF to the 11 min mark hereon a nice drive and flush but he makes nice plays all through the half. Seems to defer to his teammates more than I would if I had his talent. Probably coached to do so. Seems like his teammates rarely look for him in the half court. I think it will be great for this kid to play point all year next year, as someone already mentioned, and learn from Sapp and MG. I like.

edit for link.

This post was edited on 3/16 5:24 PM by jaffarosenfels

This post was edited on 3/16 5:25 PM by jaffarosenfels

This post was edited on 3/16 6:06 PM by jaffarosenfels

Originally posted by combes:
I don't see Williams at the point. I suppose anything is possible.., but he is a wing who handles it well but turns it over a lot.

As for Moore, have you seen him play? He doesn't play the point on his high school team. More of a shooter. LoVett is the point guard.
You've seen him and I haven't so your opinion is more valuable than mine, but I just don't see Fran offering if he doesn't think Williams can develop into a PG.

I'd be willing to wager that most who saw Marble in high school didn't see him becoming a PG either. Not saying that Williams can repeat what Marble did, but if his ball handling is as good as some of the reports say, I don't see why he can't become at least a serviceable PG.

If Fran offered him with the thought that he'd be another wing player, then I really don't understand the offer because we already have 3 players in the same class that essentially perform the same function and all have something unique to offer (Moss is probably the best combination of shooting, driving, passing, Flemming is a great outside shooter, and Hutton is the shut-down defender). The only thing Williams seems to offer that the other 3 do not is the abiity to play the point.
to those accusing Fran of not getting recruits from REAL SCHOOLS

4* by a publication dedicated strictly to BB Fleming 6'5-6'6 3 point shooter that can play the 1-2-3 these were the schools who he had offers from.
Auburn, Florida and BB school Memphis hmm looks like real schools to me,

4* BY 247 Hutton 6'6 SF
West Virginia and Wisconsin I guess these are not real schools either to some

Wagner 6'7 PF
Minnesota and Texas Tech

4* BY ESPN Moss 6'5 can play the 1-2-3

Why are some of you bitching about these recruits?

Hutton anf Moss can both shoot out past the ARC.

also Marble was a unranked 3* coming out of HS,

as for those bitching about not getting a stud recruit why bother because every stud recruit I mention that Fran has offered some of you brow beat me by saying Fran either has no chance or his chances are SLIM AND NONE, so either accept the players he does get or go follow another team.
I was reading a bit about Williams having to sit out of after transferring.

It seems that after last year He and his Mother moved from Decatur to Springfield where he enrolled at a new school. But before basketball started he moved back to Decatur and stayed with friends. Everything would have been ok except part of the Illinois High School rules require a parent say that his move was approved. She did not.

So he had to sit out to satisfy transfer rules until Jan 9th.

I think I recall talk of this kid clear back in the summer of 2013. I wonder if his personal situation didn't cost him some attention from recruiters this past year? Don't know, just speculating. Tell you what though, I feel just as secure getting him as I would be with:

Isaiah Roby, Nebraska 2016
Michael Jacobson, Nebraska 2015
Grant Weatherford, Purdue 2015

And I could go on and on. None of those guys are even ranked as high as Williams! Gotta just trust McCaffery on this...and it isn't like he made a spur of the moment decision.
New name to watch to potentially fill the last scholarship is Dale Jones. He plays for Tyler CC and would be a Junior next year. Listed at 6'8 220 F, averaging 17.4 PPG, 8.5 RPG while shooting 45.8% from the field, 46% from 3, and 84% from the line. He's originally from Waterloo before going to Texas for Juco
Originally posted by HawkAttackDial911:
Not to be a downer but this is a puzzling move by Fran and staff. He's a lower ranked recruit that doesn't truly fill a need.
I say before you judge too quickly go through his extensive hudl games. I know it's against weak talent but color me impressed. Finds teammates, shoots it well, handles it well, has great hops, blocks shots, and is certainly not a me first type player. Will be very excited to see what we have after a season of tutelage playing against D1 players every day.
forget it jaff if the kid does not score 30+ ppg he is not worth a shit. they would rather have a team full of Pettaways on it.

the me 1st type of players
According to his aau coach, Fran will try him at PG at least. I only watched his game the other night on the computer, but I saw a player who has good ball skills and gets his teammates involved. If Marble developed to PG, so can Williams IMHIO. I didn't see turnovers, but that was only 1 game.
Originally posted by HawkAttackDial911:
Not to be a downer but this is a puzzling move by Fran and staff. He's a lower ranked recruit that doesn't truly fill a need.
You are not being a downer at all but you are confused. We need a point guard and Fran went out and got one. Simple as that. I will take all the 6'6" point guards with 7' wing spans you can get. He will be a matchup nightmare. I have seen this kid play. He is not in the superstar category but I bet he becomes a very good player for the Hawkeyes. I get that some don't see him as a point guard but that doesn't change Fran's opinion. Worst case scenario, he doesn't pan out as a point and has to play on the wing. Not a big risk if you axe me.
Originally posted by Phenomenally Frantastic:
I'd just like to point out Trey Burke was under-recruited at #142 overall and went to Michigan.

Coaches aren't perfect and sure as shit cannot predict perfectly how a player is going to progress, whether they will grow, whether they will work as hard as it takes to be successful at the college level, etc.

Kentucky started a 6'5"/ 6'6" point guard last year, one of the Harrison twins. I can't remember which one but the point remains.

I like the direction our recruiting is heading. This will be the most athletic class Fran has signed and it's not even close.
It's not even close for what the past 15 years? More? I don't remember a more athletic group of commits honestly in those years. It's great.

In 2012 we signed 5 guys, 3 of them contributed greatly to Iowa becoming a NCAA team again, 2 left (Ingram/Meyer). I will take 3 of 5 of these guys developing to make Iowa a top 20 nationally ranked team.
Originally posted by HawkAttackDial911:
Not to be a downer but this is a puzzling move by Fran and staff. He's a lower ranked recruit that doesn't truly fill a need.
Not to be judgemental but this is the definition of being a downer. On the date Williams committed you come out and say his ranking and usefulness are questionable. Adding "not" to the statement doesn't change the nature of the post.
I like this pick up as this kid, like Moss, seems to have a high ceiling and those two should push each other for PT. I also don't think all of our twos will be around for all four years, BC there are only so many minutes available.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Have one more thing to add. I've read McCaffery saying that both Fleming and Moss could play point. Now William's AAU coach says Fran will try Williams at point.

As many wings as the Coach has signed, it only makes sense he's going to play at least one at the point.

And, I know there are folks questioning it, that's fine. But I'd be careful saying, "Not a point guard", it's not that far a reach.

Like someone said, a 6'6" point with a 7' wingspan? That's entering Scottie Pippen territory...a true point forward, I think the reason the term was created.
I was hoping we would get Williams. The kid has a very long wing span, reminds me of Kendal Gill. I think he has a nice stroke and is another finisher around the rim.

Think about some of our biggest contributors who this coaching staff have developed (Clemmons, Jok, Oleseni, White). None were highly recruited and have become solid BIG players.

Not sure when some of you will get it but Fran and staff know basketball talent. I agree, this is a very athletic class who will really add to our depth.

Unless the right player comes along, I look for Fran to bank the last schollie and try to bring in two bigs and a point next year. I don't think Andersen is in the cards now, but may be wrong.