"Congratulations! The Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with Aidvantage in full."


Except if you are a business of any type. Billions forgiven over the years but let’s stick Clare with the art degree for that $16,000 Perkins loan …
This. None of this is the taxpayers responsibility. Every once in a while businesses fail, the economy will reset and we'll continue to learn, mature and grow.

You borrow money, you know the deal. Pay it back.

Now, the cost of higher education is a totally separate topic to address, because it's bloated.
This country is so effed. First off, how are charging tens of thousands of dollars for one to receive an education to become a low paid educator?

Second, who is signing up for this debt? Amazing stupidity by everyone involved.
This. None of this is the taxpayers responsibility. Every once in a while businesses fail, the economy will reset and we'll continue to learn, mature and grow.

You borrow money, you know the deal. Pay it back.

Now, the cost of higher education is a totally separate topic to address, because it's bloated.
All other kinds of debt can be wiped away in bankruptcy. Not student loans though. They never go away. Student loan companies also charge well above the risk free rate despite having zero risk in getting paid. The way interest is capitalized also works against these people in repaying the debt especially if they consolidate or refinance the loans. The entire student loan industry is predatory.

Some simple solutions
1. Allow bankruptcy to wipe student loan debt just like every other debt. A judge still had to sign off on it so it isn't a free pass by any means. Banks lobbied hard to get that provision and it is evil and needs to go away. The vast majority of borrowers do not default in their debt
2. Cap the amount that the lender can receive in interest. Eliminates these stories of paying for 20 years and owing double the original amount. Would motivate banks to actually work with the borrowers instead of finding ways to lengthen the time of the repayment. Which they do. The lenders have been caught committing fraud plenty of times with their customer.
3. Send some of the bankers to jail that do commit this fraud. They are taking advantage of people that are not financially sophisticated and as such need to be checked hard when they deliberately take advantage of those people.
4. Look into any student loan company that has enough money to name an NFL stadium.
This country is so effed. First off, how are charging tens of thousands of dollars for one to receive an education to become a low paid educator?

Second, who is signing up for this debt? Amazing stupidity by everyone involved.
Educators are not low paid. That is propaganda. Go look at what teachers get paid at the end of their careers. They aren't poor
Maybe corporations should run their business right and stockholders should take the loss when they don’t …
Are know you've proven that you aren't real bright, but stock holders DO take the loss when the business doesn't do well, that's why the stock price falls. I though you were educated?😆
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Are know you've proven that you aren't real bright, but stock holders DO take the loss

First, you should try that in English.

Second, let me know how the stockholders took the loss when we bailed out the investment banks, GM, the S and L’s, AIG, etc. … all those entities should have gone under and stockholders / investors should have lost their money.

They didn’t because we bailed their ass out.
Republicans mad about aid to Ukraine: “we should be spending that money here at home!”

Biden: I’m forgiving student loan debt for Americans.

Republicans: “nOt lIkE tHaT!!!!”
So our only two options for spending these tax dollars are to fund a foreign war or pay off the debt of some loser who can’t afford the loans he made the decision to take out?
Good to see someone who paid for 20+ years get some relief. I see where tuition is going up again this year. Never ending.

No issues with Joe and Harris reminding folks of the value they're bringing Americans.
Paying off others debts with my tax money is not value it is a scam. Biden and Harris need to go.
Good to see someone who paid for 20+ years get some relief. I see where tuition is going up again this year. Never ending.

No issues with Joe and Harris reminding folks of the value they're bringing Americans.
What a ridiculous irresponsible take.
He hadn't been paying for 20 years, he had been putting it in forbearance which is why the debt was greater than the original loan.
He and his wife were both assistant principals. They made PLENTY of money to pay off their debts but they simply chose not.
Instead they continued to kick the debt down the road bc they're irresponsible morons.
And we wonder why the average household is 100k+ in debt.
I'm so glad I get to pay for my 3 kids college as well as that of idiots like these. What a country.
All other kinds of debt can be wiped away in bankruptcy. Not student loans though. They never go away. Student loan companies also charge well above the risk free rate despite having zero risk in getting paid. The way interest is capitalized also works against these people in repaying the debt especially if they consolidate or refinance the loans. The entire student loan industry is predatory.

Some simple solutions
1. Allow bankruptcy to wipe student loan debt just like every other debt. A judge still had to sign off on it so it isn't a free pass by any means. Banks lobbied hard to get that provision and it is evil and needs to go away. The vast majority of borrowers do not default in their debt
2. Cap the amount that the lender can receive in interest. Eliminates these stories of paying for 20 years and owing double the original amount. Would motivate banks to actually work with the borrowers instead of finding ways to lengthen the time of the repayment. Which they do. The lenders have been caught committing fraud plenty of times with their customer.
3. Send some of the bankers to jail that do commit this fraud. They are taking advantage of people that are not financially sophisticated and as such need to be checked hard when they deliberately take advantage of those people.
4. Look into any student loan company that has enough money to name an NFL stadium.
All of that is great, do it all. Just don't decide to stick the taxpayers with the bill, which is the default answer now.
Government loans should be capped at junior college tuition levels for the first two years and state college (in which you reside) for the final two years.

Want to go somewhere else? Fine, take out private loans and let them be dismissed via bankruptcy if it comes to it.

This is ridiculous.
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It is as simple as this. I am as pissed about this as I am about the what Reynolds did here in Iowa with the school choice. But, at least her program is for kids. This is worse as it is for freaking adults who KNOWINGLY took out a stupid loans to go to a college they could not afford. And now, THEY don't want to pay it off! The taxpayers are getting screwed once again and Biden has NO AUTHORITY to do this and he has put the middle finger up to the courts on this. I worked hard and paid my student loans off and my kids are doing the same. Now, if this administration wanted to find way to restructure their payment terms and even forego the interest...fine. But, this is criminal!!!
What a ridiculous irresponsible take.
He hadn't been paying for 20 years, he had been putting it in forbearance which is why the debt was greater than the original loan.
He and his wife were both assistant principals. They made PLENTY of money to pay off their debts but they simply chose not.
Instead they continued to kick the debt down the road bc they're irresponsible morons.
And we wonder why the average household is 100k+ in debt.
I'm so glad I get to pay for my 3 kids college as well as that of idiots like these. What a country.
This. While I certainly acknowledge the need for assistance for some individuals and the existence of predatory practices surrounding student loans, you can't ignore the fact that this man's student loan situation arose from irresponsible behavior and financial recklessness.

Rewarding such behavior with taxpayer dollars is crazy.
Bet you ass college admins are telling prospective students “don’t worry too much about the loans, a lot will be forgiven down the road”.

Free money!! Let’s jack up tuition some more!!

Almost looking forward to the day when the interest on the debt is more than total revenue.
All other kinds of debt can be wiped away in bankruptcy. Not student loans though. They never go away. Student loan companies also charge well above the risk free rate despite having zero risk in getting paid. The way interest is capitalized also works against these people in repaying the debt especially if they consolidate or refinance the loans. The entire student loan industry is predatory.

Some simple solutions
1. Allow bankruptcy to wipe student loan debt just like every other debt. A judge still had to sign off on it so it isn't a free pass by any means. Banks lobbied hard to get that provision and it is evil and needs to go away. The vast majority of borrowers do not default in their debt
2. Cap the amount that the lender can receive in interest. Eliminates these stories of paying for 20 years and owing double the original amount. Would motivate banks to actually work with the borrowers instead of finding ways to lengthen the time of the repayment. Which they do. The lenders have been caught committing fraud plenty of times with their customer.
3. Send some of the bankers to jail that do commit this fraud. They are taking advantage of people that are not financially sophisticated and as such need to be checked hard when they deliberately take advantage of those people.
4. Look into any student loan company that has enough money to name an NFL stadium.
The only change I would support is the lenders take a look at the borrowers past academic record, the degree they intend on graduating with and the long-term prospects for securing a job and making a good living with said degree.
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Yet another attempt to buy votes.

While those of you clutching your pearls pride yourself in supporting these downtrodden people I would encourage you to think about the type of person who has been paying for college for 20 years. Think about the average college person in say 1997....

This is relief for a bunch of middle aged white dudes.

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