Alford inherited a team coming off a Sweet 16, a regular NCAA participant on 12 years off a Regional Final. A stable program without excessive turmoil or drama.
His first BTT was a literal ****ing miracle for a bad team that still had two Davis recruits starting. Losing Big Ten records for his first four seasons, three winning conference records in 8 years. Iowa's reputation fell so far under Alford a 4th place Big Ten team, with the Big Ten's leading scorer and I think freshman of the year (could be wrong about the criminal) didn't even get an NIT invite. Alford destroyed Iowa relationship with the Iowa HS coaches and donors. The criminal players, the dramatic exits, the roster turmoil. Iowa was a laughingstock in the Big Ten, known for losing to bottom feeders. At the end he left a roster long on goons and head cases and short on talent.
In fact, the roster he left was only worsened by the roster Lick left McC. The last Sweet 16, etc.. were all 8 years down the road when Lick inherited the Gorloob, the dick Freeman (classic Alford player), etc.. Of course, Lick's years were even more disastrous.
By the time Mc arrived at Iowa we were coming off multiple consecutive 20 loss seasons. Most recruiting doors were closed to Iowa. Second year NIT. Third year NIT finals, with a great recruiting class coming in. Iowa has had 5 NCAA quals, and a virtual invite in 2020. McC has rebuilt relationships with Iowa AAU and HS coaches.
On the court the circumstances still favor McC. After only 1 year back in the post season, having lost more than 60 games in the prior three season. Compare McC's last 8 seasons with Alford's eight seasons. Has seen 5 actual and one virtual NCAA qualification, a NIT and a losing season.
Two important takeaways. One McC is a better coach than Alford or Lickliter, by far. Two, who is the "can't miss" hire that will improve Iowa's position? Are they as "can't miss" as were Alford and Lick?