Dear Christie Sides,

It absolutely baffles. How can she be dumb enough to take the most popular player ever, known for creating in transition with full court passes, pulling from the logo, and making plays with the ball in her hands and decide to run a half court offense with her off ball and sitting on the wing.

No offense but iso. No one ready to catch a pass. No one running in transition with their head up.

She really ****ing sucks at her job
It absolutely baffles. How can she be dumb enough to take the most popular player ever, known for creating in transition with full court passes, pulling from the logo, and making plays with the ball in her hands and decide to run a half court offense with her off ball and sitting on the wing.

No offense but iso. No one ready to catch a pass. No one running in transition with their head up.

She really ****ing sucks at her job
I haven't seen a coach actively try to lose their job like this since Matt Nagy
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
Maybe they’d be a better team if they ran an offense
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
You are absolutely hilarious. You rip on Bluder any chance you get then you defend Christie effing sides. Gtfoh
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
Lisa Bluder > Christie Sides
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
Always beat much more talented USA teams? USA men have won all but 1 Olympic gold since 1988.. they lost 1 time in 2008 and you’re saying they always lose? When US has their full best team they rarely lose.
CC had 8 shots tonight. 8. That's a fireable offense right there. Nothing they do tries to take advantage of what the players are good at doing. I think Sides would be well advised to make sure her resume is updated and in tip top shape. She does not look ready for the task she has been assigned.
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
Caitlin is obviously going through a transition period trying to adjust to the pro game. Realistically, great college players sometimes just don't do as well at the next level.
You seem ready to push back on the idea so I'm not gonna explain something that you disagree with to you........

Of course it was.

You're right......CC > MJ :cool:
I know, it's hard to make an argument for something you know nothing about.

It's common knowledge that Collins' offense was more Jordan-centric than Phil Jackson's. Phil took the ball out of MJ's hands and forced the Bulls to play as a team.

He also forced the Lakers to play as a team. And took a team that had been swept out of the playoffs, the season before he arrived, to an immediate 3 straight titles.

For the record, I agree that CC is better with the ball in her hands. And given her passing ability, the Fever will be better with the ball in CC's hands. Give it time
If she thinks fans are going to continue to show up and pay inflated ticket prices just to watch CC stand in the corner and wait for the ball she’s nuts. I watched about 5 minutes of the game and I saw Boston get stuffed 3 times under the basket. Another player mishandled a bounce pass in the lane and one of the guards lost the ball trying to dribble behind her back. CC looked bored to death out there.
CC had 8 shots tonight. 8. That's a fireable offense right there. Nothing they do tries to take advantage of what the players are good at doing. I think Sides would be well advised to make sure her resume is updated and in tip top shape. She does not look ready for the task she has been assigned.

I had to go confirm. That's just trash. A player like Clark and you don't get her more shots.

Keep putting Caitlin in the corner and running iso ball. Genius
You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
Either these are the most uncoachable players ever or there is just no clear vision for what they are supposed to be doing out there. It is clear that there has been very little effort to run anything. I'm getting the feeling that she just isn't able to communicate what she wants them to do, or her ideas are just stupid. Having Clark hang out in the corner all night never seeing the ball is just dumb. I know next to nothing about running an offense in basketball and even I know that that Clark should be the center of it, not some trophy you can put on the side and say "Look who's on our team!".
Always beat much more talented USA teams? USA men have won all but 1 Olympic gold since 1988.. they lost 1 time in 2008 and you’re saying they always lose? When US has their full best team they rarely lose.
There is more international competition than the Olympics. Much of which the US has been very underwhelming in.

And whether the US brings its best roster or not, it is always the most talented roster
CC had 8 shots tonight. 8. That's a fireable offense right there. Nothing they do tries to take advantage of what the players are good at doing. I think Sides would be well advised to make sure her resume is updated and in tip top shape. She does not look ready for the task she has been assigned.
I totally agree with you on the number of shots by Clark. I'm going to give Sides a pass (for now) as far as the firing goes, as I believe that she's only in her 2nd year at Indy. Right now, she has a team with no identity on both ends of the floor, and I'm also in agreement with you on how she is not utilizing players correctly. Unfortunately in the short-term, she's a coach who has to figure things out just like the pieces she has.
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Caitlin is obviously going through a transition period trying to adjust to the pro game. Realistically, great college players sometimes just don't do as well at the next level.
I don't see that at all. In fact, the few times they let Clark run the offense were the only times Indiana looked like they had any signs of life whatsoever. They would be better served to let her run things and make mistakes rather than trying to protect her with whatever the hell they are doing right now. She sure as shit can't do any worse. Yeah, she's going to have a lot of turnovers but that's how she will get better too.
I totally agree with you on the number of shots by Clark. I'm going to give Sides a pass (for now) as far as the firing goes, as I believe that she's only in her 2nd year at Indy. Right now, she has a team with no identity on both ends of the floor, and I'm also in agreement with you on how she is not utilizing players correctly. Unfortunately in the short-term, she's a coach who has to figure things out just like the pieces she has.
I'm not serious about calling for her to be fired (yet) because it is way too soon for that. I'm just shocked at how poorly coached they seem to be right now and I am quickly losing any confidence that she is going to be able to turn it around. You'd think the players that were on the team last year would look like they know what they are trying to accomplish out there but I haven't seen that yet. I'm not convinced that she even knows what she wants these players to be doing out there so of course they can't execute it.
Your reading comprehension needs work.

I never mentioned a word about Sides and I've been a Bluder fan for 24 years
You are acting as if her coach using her the way she is is somehow Caitlin “adjusting to the W”.

No it’s not Caitlin who is having her stand in the corner and wait for the ball. Caitlin isn’t the one letting Wheeler run the “offense”. That’s Sides’ decision.

It would be like having Doncic on your team but telling him to sit in the corner like PJ Tucker.

Aka bad coaching.
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
This thread is about Indiana's clearly moronic coach and your reaction is to criticize Caitlin Clark and 'Merica. You suck
No, again, your reading comprehension sucks.

Nowhere have I criticized Clark.

Nor did I criticize the USA teams. I used them to make a point about the nature of basketball. It isn't their fault that they only have a couple weeks to develop teamwork
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
You realize no one reads your diatribes right? Keep your "point" concise.
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
Nice try. Case is far from “closed”. Nobody ever said she was the greatest player of all-time, as you accuse people of saying. See, that would include the WNBA. There were however many saying she may be the greatest college player. Big difference. Overrated? Two games is in way too early to tell, but you already knew that.
You are acting as if her coach using her the way she is is somehow Caitlin “adjusting to the W”.

No it’s not Caitlin who is having her stand in the corner and wait for the ball. Caitlin isn’t the one letting Wheeler run the “offense”. That’s Sides’ decision.

It would be like having Doncic on your team but telling him to sit in the corner like PJ Tucker.

Aka bad coaching.
No, I'm saying give it time. She is a rookie and the team has been together for like 3 weeks.

I'm also saying that her team isn't very good, and that's going to make things hard on her.

Did Bluder immediately know the best way to use CC?

I've stated that I agree, CC is best with the ball in her hands. But it probably won't ever look exactly like it did at Iowa. There are other capable players on her team and they all have to figure out the best way their team fits together.

Maybe Sides isn't any good. But we don't have the info at this point to make that judgement. Who knows, maybe CC's legs are going through a dead period. It's been a long and stressful year for her. Maybe Sides is trying to ease her in. We have no way of knowing these things.

The Fever have also played against two of the best teams in the league. It's a team game, and the fact that the Fever aren't very good is going to make it very hard for CC to sustain efficient play
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