Dear Christie Sides,

Nice try. Case is far from “closed”. Nobody ever said she was the greatest player of all-time, as you accuse people of saying. See, that would include the WNBA. There were however many saying she may be the greatest college player. Big difference. Overrated? Two games is in way too early to tell, but you already knew that.
Just stop. You haven't been under a rock for two years.

CC has been called the GOAT on an enormous level. People haven't made the distinction of calling her the college GOAT. Even if college GOAT is what they're referring to, they've simply called her the GOAT, which is wreckless usage of a term that's meant for the most selective of assignment.

And yes, many people have in fact insisted that she is the GOAT, including pro and Olympic players.

The WNBA players have certainly heard it. Why do think Alyssa Thomas' teammate made the motion of putting an imaginary crown on her head after beating the Fever? That was in response to the masses having crowned CC the GOAT.

And no, two games is not too early to conclude CC isn't the greatest women's basketball player of all-time
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No, again, your reading comprehension sucks.

Nowhere have I criticized Clark.

Nor did I criticize the USA teams. I used them to make a point about the nature of basketball. It isn't their fault that they only have a couple weeks to develop teamwork
No one is saying that Clark should be dominating the league either. If you can't see the deficiencies on the way the team is being run out on the floor, I don't know what to tell you. You keep trying to turn every thread into a "You all like Clark too much!" thread and it's kind of weird because nobody is talking about that. We just want to know why the greatest college player in history is being treated like she is a role player brought in to hit the occasional 3 from the corner and call it a day. You don't see why that's a poor choice?
Just stop. You haven't been under a rock for two years.

CC has been called the GOAT on an enormous level. People haven't made the distinction of calling her the college GOAT. Even if college GOAT is what they're referring to, they've simply called her the GOAT, which is wreckless usage of a term that's meant for the most selective of assignment.

And yes, many people have in fact insisted that she is the GOAT, including pro and Olympic players.

The WNBA players have certainly heard it. Why do think Alyssa Thomas' teammate made the motion of putting an imaginary crown on her head after beating the Fever? That was in response to the masses having crowned CC the GOAT.

And no, two games is not too early to conclude CC isn't the greatest women's basketball player of all-time
No one is saying that Clark should be dominating the league either. If you can't see the deficiencies on the way the team is being run out on the floor, I don't know what to tell you. You keep trying to turn every thread into a "You all like Clark too much!" thread and it's kind of weird because nobody is talking about that. We just want to know why the greatest college player in history is being treated like she is a role player brought in to hit the occasional 3 from the corner and call it a day. You don't see why that's a poor choice?
Read better
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
OMG you can't be this damn stupid? over rated CC the best college player ever?

Dude get your head out of your rear and get a clue...the more you post the easier it is to see you have no CLUE about the game of bball...maybe until you do STFU and just go away!!!
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
I completely agree there will be an adjustment period. Setting all of the stuff about usage of Caitlin aside, my issue that would seem to be attributed to coaching was the total lack of movement/motion with the Indiana offense. Watching them and NY on offense was night & day different.
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
jesus you are clueless.
Christie Sides was never a head coach until last year. This is her second year. Some claim she didn't even want the job, and that she had to be convinced. I definitely have not been impressed, and it's looking like the Fever franchise may have a tough decision to make rather soon. Some people just aren't meant to be head coaches.
What point are you trying to make again? You came to a thread about how Sides is mismanaging her team to tell everyone they are all wrong about CC and she actually isn't really that good. Maybe above average.
He is in constant CYA mode.
I don't see that at all. In fact, the few times they let Clark run the offense were the only times Indiana looked like they had any signs of life whatsoever. They would be better served to let her run things and make mistakes rather than trying to protect her with whatever the hell they are doing right now. She sure as shit can't do any worse. Yeah, she's going to have a lot of turnovers but that's how she will get better too.

They made their comeback when Clark was running the point.
I know, it's hard to make an argument for something you know nothing about.

It's common knowledge that Collins' offense was more Jordan-centric than Phil Jackson's. Phil took the ball out of MJ's hands and forced the Bulls to play as a team.

He also forced the Lakers to play as a team. And took a team that had been swept out of the playoffs, the season before he arrived, to an immediate 3 straight titles.

For the record, I agree that CC is better with the ball in her hands. And given her passing ability, the Fever will be better with the ball in CC's hands. Give it time
the lakers also ran a lot--showtime right? that offense should be what the fever want to emulate..
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You guys are so predictable. I don't even know why I come on this board sometimes.

CC's five fouls, alone, tells you that she's adjusting to being on the court with other good players.

The whole team is feeling each other out. They've been practicing together for only a few weeks. Basketball is a team sport and a timing sport. Why do you think national teams that have been playing together for years always beat much more talented USA teams that have been playing together for two weeks?

They will get more familiar with each other and CC will make her adjustments as well. She will end up with the ball in her hands more, but part of that is on her to start producing a little better. She had some good looks tonight that she just didn't knock down. And ten turnovers the other night show that she's adjusting. She will. And things will improve. But the fact that she isn't on a very good team means that there will certainly be a lot of bumps in the road
Ever played pickup games at the rec center? I have, and I can guarantee you this: Most pickup teams play better team basketball, better fundamental basketball, than the Indiana Fever. Anybody who's played at least middle school ball knows how to block out, that you have to step out to meet a pass, and usually can make a layup. This Fever team has no damn excuses. It's BS.

If you're gonna use the #1 draft choice on the greatest scorer in all of college basketball history and one of the greatest passers who thrives in transition, you don't play her off the ball and play a half-court offense. It looks like a Brian Ferentz "offense."

This is coaching malfeasance of the highest order. Period.

And you wanna tell me again how the hell Boston was the rookie of the year? She's beyond terrible. She can't do a damn thing! Hanna Stuelke would eat her lunch with Hanna's superior quickness, soft hands, excellent footwork, speed, and passing skills. The Fever would be better off with AJ Ediger at center than with Boston, who has shown exactly no talent to do a single thing.

For those old enough to remember, so far this looks like the disaster that ensued when the Detroit Lions used their #1 draft choice on the greatest college QB of his era, Iowa's Chuck Long, only to destroy Long's career by forcing him to operate in a run-and-shoot offense. They tried to fit a round peg into a square hole, which didn't help the team or Long. So far, CC is being wasted in a similar fashion.

And yes, as others have rightly pointed out, the WNBA will suffer as well, because 18,000 people were swindled last night in Indianapolis. Most came to see CC do her thing. They didn't quite get their money's worth, and it sure as hell wasn't CC's fault.

The incompetence is incredible and sickening. Unless something dramatic happens soon, the WNBA will go back under its rock, and CC's career will go into hibernation until she can escape through free agency, whenever that might be.
Then what was your point?

I asked in what way Sides=Collins and you declined to answer
You didn't ask. You tried to tell me why I was wrong.................and all I said was that she IS Doug Collins.

So to give you a hint/glimpse into the future, Caitlin is just waiting on her Phil Jackson. ;)
As great as CC is, the one thing that will never happen is you guys admitting that you have overrated her. So naturally, the adjustment period has to be the fault of her coach and teammates.

Yes, she has been overrated, so don't even try. CC has widely been called the GOAT. Does it now look like she's the greatest women's basketball player of all-time? Case closed.

In time, CC will impose her greatness. 20 points in her first game is darn impressive. I believe there were three players in that league who averaged over 21 points last season. And her assist and rebound numbers tonight were good. Give her and her team time to put it together. If you recall, Iowa wasn't a well-oiled machine the moment she hit campus.

Expect bumps in the road. CC needs to adjust. Her team needs to gel, and doesn't have a ton of talent. And CC has a target on her back. There are great players in that league that are gunning for her because you all thought it was so cool to throw around the GOAT term
The overrated player is top 5 in the league in scoring and assists, top 20 rebounding and only one other player has hit more threes.

The team stinks, can't finish (a few lost assists) can't seem to handle half their passes (made by anybody), does not block out defensively and doesn't push the ball
Just stop. You haven't been under a rock for two years.

CC has been called the GOAT on an enormous level. People haven't made the distinction of calling her the college GOAT. Even if college GOAT is what they're referring to, they've simply called her the GOAT, which is wreckless usage of a term that's meant for the most selective of assignment.

And yes, many people have in fact insisted that she is the GOAT, including pro and Olympic players.

The WNBA players have certainly heard it. Why do think Alyssa Thomas' teammate made the motion of putting an imaginary crown on her head after beating the Fever? That was in response to the masses having crowned CC the GOAT.

And no, two games is not too early to conclude CC isn't the greatest women's basketball player of all-time
Some of you people are kinda stupid, IMHO. The Fever is a horrible team coached by an even worse coach. Most of the time, even the greatest players take some time to get established at the next level. And when their own organization does everything to make that transition as difficult as possible, you have CC and the Indiana Fever.

And anyone who thinks two games is plenty of time to draw conclusions about CC's pro career is obviously a moron, IMHO of course. LOL
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It absolutely baffles. How can she be dumb enough to take the most popular player ever, known for creating in transition with full court passes, pulling from the logo, and making plays with the ball in her hands and decide to run a half court offense with her off ball and sitting on the wing.

No offense but iso. No one ready to catch a pass. No one running in transition with their head up.

She really ****ing sucks at her job
Devils advocate here... Sides doesnt pick the players, she has to figure out how to get them to play togeather. The best rim-runner might be Temi, but you have to play Boston/Smith for many other reasons. Clark to Mitchell should be a thing, but they have not been able to practice with each other very much. So to get your best 5 on the court, you have mismatched skill sets, and it takes time to teach the type of read/react Iowa runs. As a result one v one and set plays until chemistry develops.
No one is saying that Clark should be dominating the league either. If you can't see the deficiencies on the way the team is being run out on the floor, I don't know what to tell you. You keep trying to turn every thread into a "You all like Clark too much!" thread and it's kind of weird because nobody is talking about that. We just want to know why the greatest college player in history is being treated like she is a role player brought in to hit the occasional 3 from the corner and call it a day. You don't see why that's a poor choice?
There are a lot of delusional "fans" saying that Clark should be dominating. What is hard to tell is how many of them are Clark/Iowa fans and how many are just people looking to start crap.
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Here are some comments Coach Sides made about CC a week ago. I think they speak for themselves. She wants Clark to change her game so she can fit in with Side's trash offense. She going to teach Clark to play.

Sides is extremely arrogant too.

"When she (Clark) gets off the ball and she hits somebody in the high post, she has a habit of hanging out and dancing," Sides said, "That's what she's done. It's these habits we've got to break."

"She's got players around her now that she can get out, she can go screen and the ball's going to get back to her. That's what she hasn't had in the past so that's what we've been trying to show her and explain to her,"
There are a lot of delusional "fans" saying that Clark should be dominating. What is hard to tell is how many of them are Clark/Iowa fans and how many are just people looking to start crap.
There's a lot of people who are saying that people are saying that. I haven't seen anyone claim that she would walk in and dominate the WNBA. I think people were confusing chatter about how she dominated college basketball as talk for how she would dominate the WNBA. Or what they think she will be doing to the league in 3-4 years.

What is clear is until she can get on a team where everyone is on the same page then she won't be able to dominate anything.
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There are a lot of delusional "fans" saying that Clark should be dominating. What is hard to tell is how many of them are Clark/Iowa fans and how many are just people looking to start crap.
Who's saying that? Strawman.
Ever played pickup games at the rec center? I have, and I can guarantee you this: Most pickup teams play better team basketball, better fundamental basketball, than the Indiana Fever. Anybody who's played at least middle school ball knows how to block out, that you have to step out to meet a pass, and usually can make a layup. This Fever team has no damn excuses. It's BS.

If you're gonna use the #1 draft choice on the greatest scorer in all of college basketball history and one of the greatest passers who thrives in transition, you don't play her off the ball and play a half-court offense. It looks like a Brian Ferentz "offense."

This is coaching malfeasance of the highest order. Period.

And you wanna tell me again how the hell Boston was the rookie of the year? She's beyond terrible. She can't do a damn thing! Hanna Stuelke would eat her lunch with Hanna's superior quickness, soft hands, excellent footwork, speed, and passing skills. The Fever would be better off with AJ Ediger at center than with Boston, who has shown exactly no talent to do a single thing.

For those old enough to remember, so far this looks like the disaster that ensued when the Detroit Lions used their #1 draft choice on the greatest college QB of his era, Iowa's Chuck Long, only to destroy Long's career by forcing him to operate in a run-and-shoot offense. They tried to fit a round peg into a square hole, which didn't help the team or Long. So far, CC is being wasted in a similar fashion.

And yes, as others have rightly pointed out, the WNBA will suffer as well, because 18,000 people were swindled last night in Indianapolis. Most came to see CC do her thing. They didn't quite get their money's worth, and it sure as hell wasn't CC's fault.

The incompetence is incredible and sickening. Unless something dramatic happens soon, the WNBA will go back under its rock, and CC's career will go into hibernation until she can escape through free agency, whenever that might be.
Cynicism aside, it's gonna be interesting to see who ends up winning this "race" between Clark and the old guard of the WNBA as it pertains to the interest of the non-die hard fans and media.
Just stop. You haven't been under a rock for two years.

CC has been called the GOAT on an enormous level. People haven't made the distinction of calling her the college GOAT. Even if college GOAT is what they're referring to, they've simply called her the GOAT, which is wreckless usage of a term that's meant for the most selective of assignment.

And yes, many people have in fact insisted that she is the GOAT, including pro and Olympic players.

The WNBA players have certainly heard it. Why do think Alyssa Thomas' teammate made the motion of putting an imaginary crown on her head after beating the Fever? That was in response to the masses having crowned CC the GOAT.

And no, two games is not too early to conclude CC isn't the greatest women's basketball player of all-time
Just stop? Sigh. Let me guess- you used to be a drill sergeant? ? Anyway, the reason that I can see she's not overrated is exactly as you said: I haven't been under a rock for two years, as you apparently have. And you very obviously don't know the game, When a player jumps to the next level, no matter how great they were on college, there is a major adjustment and learning curve. She's two games into that adjustment phase. Judging a player based on two games of her career at the next level makes no sense whatsoever.
There's a lot of people who are saying that people are saying that. I haven't seen anyone claim that she would walk in and dominate the WNBA. I think people were confusing chatter about how she dominated college basketball as talk for how she would dominate the WNBA. Or what they think she will be doing to the league in 3-4 years.

What is clear is until she can get on a team where everyone is on the same page then she won't be able to dominate anything.
You're spot on. Her team is a mess, and to top it off they have her playing out of position a large part of the time. She's a creator, a distributor, and a maverick scorer. Standing off to the side isn't her game. The more she has the ball in her hands, the better off they'll be, especially once she adjusts to the speed and physicality of the next level. And she will in time.
Here are some comments Coach Sides made about CC a week ago. I think they speak for themselves. She wants Clark to change her game so she can fit in with Side's trash offense. She going to teach Clark to play.

Sides is extremely arrogant too.

"When she (Clark) gets off the ball and she hits somebody in the high post, she has a habit of hanging out and dancing," Sides said, "That's what she's done. It's these habits we've got to break."

"She's got players around her now that she can get out, she can go screen and the ball's going to get back to her. That's what she hasn't had in the past so that's what we've been trying to show her and explain to her,"
1. Clark does have a habit of not cutting off her passes though. She will drift or disappear and not reposition for a shot. Not always (VERY BIG DISCLAIMER HERE........), but watch her last night, and while you can chalk some of it up to frustration or fatigue or resigning herself to not being able to get open against their face guard defense, she will just drift away from the ball and sit outside the 3 pt line. It's most noticeable when she herself is cutting off screens and she doesn't get the ball, or if she got a screen and the hedge is right there so she just has to get rid of the ball. A few times she also cuts the wrong way (zig instead of zag sort of thing), like for example, had she floated to the corner off a high post pass, she'd be open for 3, but instead chose to look for the ball back up top and there'd be no space to get the ball back let alone shoot an uncontested shot if she did get it back.

As a rookie, you should be doing everything you can right now to execute these basic principles each and every possession regardless of whether it works, or how hard the defense is guarding you or how tired you are. But then again, Caitlin isn't your typical rookie now is she ;)...........................................................🤔

There's plenty more I could explain from both sides, but I'm already getting longwinded on this point.

2. It's kind of funny to think about, "Caitlin Clark setting screens?", but then again, why not? She probably has never really had to work that hard on setting screens herself to open up teammates, and she'll have to expand that aspect of her game now that she's playing with (or will play with......) other capable scorers in the WNBA, along with how to free herself to get the ball back off those screens she sets.
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1. Clark does have a habit of not cutting off her passes though. She will drift or disappear and not reposition for a shot. Not always (VERY BIG DISCLAIMER HERE........), but watch her last night, and while you can chalk some of it up to frustration or fatigue or resigning herself to not being able to get open against their face guard defense, she will just drift away from the ball and sit outside the 3 pt line. It's most noticeable when she herself is cutting off screens and she doesn't get the ball, or if she got a screen and the hedge is right there so she just has to get rid of the ball. A few times she also cuts the wrong way (zig instead of zag sort of thing), like for example, had she floated to the corner off a high post pass, she'd be open for 3, but instead chose to look for the ball back up top and there'd be no space to get the ball back let alone shoot an uncontested shot if she did get it back.

As a rookie, you should be doing everything you can right now to execute these basic principles each and every possession regardless of whether it works, or how hard the defense is guarding you or how tired you are. But then again, Caitlin isn't your typical rookie now is she ;)...........................................................🤔

There's plenty more I could explain from both sides, but I'm already getting longwinded on this point.

2. It's kind of funny to think about, "Caitlin Clark setting screens?", but then again, why not? She probably has never really had to work that hard on setting screens herself to open up teammates, and she'll have to expand that aspect of her game now that she's playing with (or will play with......) other capable scorers in the WNBA, along with how to free herself to get the ball back off those screens she sets.
Is she doing these things because that's what she is supposed to do or has it not been communicated what her job is? Given how nobody out there is doing anything resembling a plan my money is on poor communication. If it were only her, it would be obvious but that isn't the case. Not to say that what you are saying is wrong, it's not, but it's the coaches job to fix that and I have seen very little evidence suggesting she is capable of doing that.