
Could be 0 could be 100. Why should the wealthiest company maybe in America possibly among the top in the world enjoy special tax privileges? You don't seem nearly as upset about AOC killing an Amazon plant in her district.
You really don’t understand anything about Reedy Creek or how it operates.

And the only real change was to put it under the control of a new board, comprised mainly of RDS supporters and MAGA nuts.

If you’re going to defend everything about your adopted state, you should learn a little about how it works.
That makes no sense. It also does not contest my point. DeSantis threw a fit because Disney dared to oppose him. Those are the facts.
DeSantis was similar to a majority of Florida parents who think that 5 and 6 year olds don’t need to be taught about gender identity in class.
They don’t need to have material in their primary library about sexual orientation or activity.
What their school day needs to focus on is a strong foundation for reading skills, early math, and the ability to write legibly.
And as for “Disney” if you look beyond the headline, you learn that it was the California performing artists who were so strident in their efforts to get the Disney brass who headquarter in California to squawk about a bill which NEVER contained the word “gay”. No books are banned outright - they are shelved in an age appropriate setting like junior and senior high school libraries. The material is also available at a public library or a bookstore where any child can use their allowance to buy that book. Why are you choosing to cling to a discredited narrative?

And furthermore they did themselves no favors when their 50 year old sweetheart deal with the State came to the attention of other large entertainment venues who got no such treatment by the Democrats who RAN THE STATE 100% at the time.
You know what’s kind of interesting? When that deal was made Florida was all good old boy Democrats and Cali was largely Republican-especially Orange County California.
And if it’s so ignorant shameful and backwards has Disney quietly agreed to terms and pledged to move forward with expansion plans valued in the billions of dollars?
Could it be that they really need the revenue from those $6.29 frozen Mickey shaped popsicles? The one day ticket now priced at $99???
(Unless you’re a Florida resident and get the discount)
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You really don’t understand anything about Reedy Creek or how it operates.

And the only real change was to put it under the control of a new board, comprised mainly of RDS supporters and MAGA nuts.

If you’re going to defend everything about your adopted state, you should learn a little about how it works.
Tell us again where you live?
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Disney had a special taxing district. Over 1900 special taxing districts exist in Florida. No one had any problem with Disney's Reedy Creek taxing district until Disney employees in California exercised their first amendment rights and called out our homophobic, and likely closeted, governor.
Hmmm. Closeted?
Are you out? You seem to be obsessed with the Governor and his sexuality.
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DeSantis was similar to a majority of Florida parents who think that 5 and 6 year olds don’t need to be taught about gender identity in class.
They don’t need to have material in their primary library about sexual orientation or activity.
What their school day needs to focus on is a strong foundation for reading skills, early math, and the ability to write legibly.
And as for “Disney” if you look beyond the headline, you learn that it was the California performing artists who were so strident in their efforts to get the Disney brass who headquarter in California to squawk about a bill which NEVER contained the word “gay”. No books are banned outright - they are shelved in an age appropriate setting like junior and senior high school libraries. The material is also available at a public library or a bookstore where any child can use their allowance to buy that book. Why are you choosing to cling to a discredited narrative?

And furthermore they did themselves no favors when their 50 year old sweetheart deal with the State came to the attention of other large entertainment venues who got no such treatment by the Democrats who RAN THE STATE 100% at the time.
You know what’s kind of interesting? When that deal was made Florida was all good old boy Democrats and Cali was largely Republican-especially Orange County California.
And if it’s so ignorant shameful and backwards has Disney quietly agreed to terms and pledged to move forward with expansion plans valued in the billions of dollars?
Could it be that they really need the revenue from those $6.29 frozen Mickey shaped popsicles? The one day ticket now priced at $99???
(Unless you’re a Florida resident and get the discount)
Irrelevant. We’re not talking about the bill. Disney may have been 100% wrong, it doesn’t matter. You seem to believe a company needs to agree with a politician or pay a price. That’s f’d up.
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Disney had a special taxing district. Over 1900 special taxing districts exist in Florida. No one had any problem with Disney's Reedy Creek taxing district until Disney employees in California exercised their first amendment rights and called out our homophobic, and likely closeted, governor.
Do you know - of course you don’t - that included in those are new housing developments known as CDD’s that carry fees each homeowner (most always in an HOA) must pay yearly to cover the cost to the County for the new roads, retention ponds and utility installations? They’re extremely common and help offset the expenses a municipality has because otherwise Florida couldn’t possibly have housing to pay for the ridiculous number of people moving here.
And they don’t have the provisions or life span of the Reedy Creek district.
Irrelevant. We’re not talking about the bill. Disney may have been 100% wrong, it doesn’t matter. You seem to believe a company needs to agree with a politician or pay a price. That’s f’d up.
I believe an out of state corporation doesn’t need to make veiled threats about an issue that has zero to do with the operation of the business.
What other corporations stood next to Disney and said they’d move cause 5 year olds couldn’t have a school library with books about gender identity and sexuality?
I believe an out of state corporation doesn’t need to make veiled threats about an issue that has zero to do with the operation of the business.
What other corporations stood next to Disney and said they’d move cause 5 year olds couldn’t have a school library with books about gender identity and sexuality?
Government shouldn’t target corporations for speaking up. Right, left, wrong, right. Pretty straightforward ideal.
Government shouldn’t target corporations for speaking up. Right, left, wrong, right. Pretty straightforward ideal.
Right. And maybe corporations should spend more time weighing the costs, benefits, and risks associated with making veiled threats and allowing a small group of individuals to dictate corporate policy from afar.
How is that personal? You have admitted that you will defend him at all costs and prove it regularly.
Defend at all costs? What a dumb thing to say. And I don’t say dumb things. I’ve never said I’d defend ANYONE at all costs. Especially in a state with so many seniors who don’t need choices anymore.
What is not smart (for the Party) is getting into the weeds on abortion.
Or hiring lackeys who are terrible at campaigning.
They never taught that in class, goldie
That’s right Joe. Going way back to when we were in school and read Dick and Jane. (If this is your chosen argument of the day then I’m out. Suggest you choose another topic like the Saturday cartoons thread. Only so much trouble you can get yourself into on that one.)

But unfortunately today some “teachers” were moving in that direction - and their discovery and the subsequent investigations confirmed that they believed they should have the right to make it an “inclusive” part of their curriculum.
It amazes me that people think there’s enough time in the instructional day to devote to teaching gender and sexual orientation to 5-6 year olds.
Basic educational foundations must be established. That’s what parents and taxpayers expect.
That’s right Joe. Going way back to when we were in school and read Dick and Jane.

See Dick.
See Jane.

Jane only likes dick.
Dick only likes vagina.

Jane like's Dick's dick.
Dick doesn't like other dick.

Which books were those sentences included in???
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That’s right Joe. Going way back to when we were in school and read Dick and Jane. (If this is your chosen argument of the day then I’m out. Suggest you choose another topic like the Saturday cartoons thread. Only so much trouble you can get yourself into on that one.)

But unfortunately today some “teachers” were moving in that direction - and their discovery and the subsequent investigations confirmed that they believed they should have the right to make it an “inclusive” part of their curriculum.
It amazes me that people think there’s enough time in the instructional day to devote to teaching gender and sexual orientation to 5-6 year olds.
Basic educational foundations must be established. That’s what parents and taxpayers expect.
Was the law’s passage ever in doubt?


Face it, this was DeSantis throwing a hissy fit because some people challenged him.
Irrelevant. We’re not talking about the bill. Disney may have been 100% wrong, it doesn’t matter. You seem to believe a company needs to agree with a politician or pay a price. That’s f’d up.
Or not bite the hand that fed them for 70 years. Universal is owned by Comcast and they're as woke as any big company... they were smart enough to keep their mouths shut and stay out of the grooming games.
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Political theater that costs Floridians millions.
Except now Disney is gonna pay taxes they were exempt from paying for decades on top of the expansion being back on track... other than that all the millions of new residents who moved here from places like NY and California and paying property taxes and boosting the economy but sure this cost us millions 🙃
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Except now Disney is gonna pay taxes they were exempt from paying for decades on top of the expansion being back on track... other than that all the millions of new residents who moved here from places like NY and California and paying property taxes and boosting the economy but sure this cost us millions 🙃
You should read more than Ron’s press releases.
Except now Disney is gonna pay taxes they were exempt from paying for decades on top of the expansion being back on track... other than that all the millions of new residents who moved here from places like NY and California and paying property taxes and boosting the economy but sure this cost us millions 🙃
I'm still waiting for you to answer these.
I'll ask a couple of questions. Would he have done anything to Disney if they had not spoken out against the bill? Would he have had legislation introduced independently?

I will give credit when due. You are so good of a troll that I often can't tell when you're being serious.
So, DeSantis had no issues with Disney and their special taxing district until he got his panties in a wad. Got it. Fine leader you follow.
I thought I was clear about that before but perhaps not enough.

I wouldn't say he had no issues with Disney, but he would have left them alone as they are the state's golden goose. But it takes balls to step to them and not let things go unchecked.

You might not agree with him, his motivations, or his tactics, and that's okay, but you should tip your cap to having the guts to say if you're gonna get special treatment in our state, you don't have to agree but you can keep entertaining kids without spreading lies and misinformation
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I thought I was clear about that before but perhaps not enough.

I wouldn't say he had no issues with Disney, but he would have left them alone as they are the state's golden goose. But it takes balls to step to them and not let things go unchecked.

You might not agree with him, his motivations, or his tactics, and that's okay, but you should tip your cap to having the guts to say if you're gonna get special treatment in our state, you don't have to agree but you can keep entertaining kids without spreading lies and misinformation
I tip my cap to Ron that he knows his base.
I thought I was clear about that before but perhaps not enough.

I wouldn't say he had no issues with Disney, but he would have left them alone as they are the state's golden goose. But it takes balls to step to them and not let things go unchecked.

You might not agree with him, his motivations, or his tactics, and that's okay, but you should tip your cap to having the guts to say if you're gonna get special treatment in our state, you don't have to agree but you can keep entertaining kids without spreading lies and misinformation
Be specific. Exactly what lies and misinformation did Disney spread? TIA.