Discipline of Black students in Iowa City schools becomes more disproportionate, data show

Congrats on beating the odds, seriously. Yes, some people, and you appear to be one of them, persevere and succeed regardless of the home situation. But the reality is that Bro D, and others, are right on...there is a heavy correlation between one parent households and then poor behavior/achievement at school. Again, congrats on not being one of the "stats".
Despite her lot in life my mom always showed up to work and I learned hard work can get you ahead in life. I firmly believe that. I had worked 2 jobs and lots of OT and still do things to make extra money so I am set up for retirement. Like I said earlier I still have my own problems like anyone does.
Despite her lot in life my mom always showed up to work and I learned hard work can get you ahead in life. I firmly believe that. I had worked 2 jobs and lots of OT and still do things to make extra money so I am set up for retirement. Like I said earlier I still have my own problems like anyone does.
FWIW, I am probably not too much different than you on that front. My nuclear family life as a youngster was, shall we say, far from ideal. And some of my comments about poor behavior at school being related to a mess at home are me commenting on my own experiences. But...I certainly was able to learn how to work hard from my parents and for that I am very grateful.
An example of virtue signalling and exactly what Malcolm X meant when he said the white liberal is the biggest enemy of the black man.

Malcolm X was a smart man. Liberal policies have decimated the black community for decades. Only recently are they overcoming these permanent generational poverty cycles created by Democrats. It’s a beautiful thing to see.
Bottom Line: There are no simple reasons, and hence no simple solutions. Anyone who claims there are either, is neither thoughtful nor informed.

We’ll never solve it. The people doing their best are saints though and will chip away, but we’ll never be able to close the book on it. I’m ecstatic those that pound their head against the wall every day exist. We’d be a lot worse without them.
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I know for a fact this is not true at CR schools. The vast majority of students of all color want to do well (even if they feel they don't have the skills, or have no idea how to). When caring adults work show belief in a child, and work to understand and communicate lessons about how one should go about life to be successful, its amazing what can be accomplished. Do some kids have chaotic and poorly structured home lives? Absolutely. If you show respect and caring (sometimes tough love), do you get it back from nearly every student? Absolutely. Are there rare cases of kids that have too many home and mental health problems that your basic public school setting can't help? Sure. But those are more rare than you might think.

Bottom Line: There are no simple reasons, and hence no simple solutions. Anyone who claims there are either, is neither thoughtful nor informed.
Oh there is an easily identified reason...systemic racism going back centuries. You're right, no simple solutions because we've been trying to come up with one for a lot of years. With people thinking CRT is a real thing in our schools - basically being fooled into believing such by evil Republican liars - the job of coming up with a solution is even more difficult. Not to mention Republicans don't want to add funding to education that could be used to hire more people to work with children in need of extra help.
I asked out of curiousty because I can almost guarantee that the rate of ALL students suspended (regardless of race) is much more likely to come from a single parent home. This article is just race baiting when there are most likely much more deeper and VALID problems that start at home.

I don't think its that complex of an issue. Any child regardless of race is 5x's more likely to get in trouble coming from a single parent home. Black children come from single parent homes at a much higher rate. It doesn't take a math magician to figure out they would be disciplined at a higher rate. If a school was 100% white, I guarantee the rate of suspended students with single-parent homes/two-parent homes would look the exact same as a school that is 100% black

My entire point is, schools aren't targeting and disciplining children because they're black. There's a deeper issue and it all starts at home with children standing virtually no chance to succeed in life because their garbage fathers abandoned them. A single mom having to struggle to make ends meet while her child has no oversight and discpiline obviously leads to behavioral problems as they get older.. it is a gigantic problem in this country and unforutnately it disproportionally affects the black community.

It's a personal issue for me and the POS who abandoned my GFs daughter 14 years ago gets ZERO excuses from me. Until people start taking personal responsibility, nothing will ever change in this country and it will only get worse. But instead we're having these stupid blame blame blame arguments over blame blame blame articles. It's ****ing annoying
I agree with a lot of this.
It would also be a conclusion not supported by the data provided. The statement regarding outcome is supported by the data. Your statement could be true, but this doesn't provide the data necessary to make that conclusion.
Not even the data point that black kids are disproportionately disciplined? Isn't that sort of like in football, ignoring the only stat that matters? The score? I've been out of school for 20 years, so I don't know what it's like in the hallways now days, but bad kids are bad kids and if they're getting disciplined, it's likely for a reason. I can't imagine many teachers or faculty would hand out discipline more harshly because of race. I mean, schools are still dominated by progressives are they not? I'm pretty fvcking liberal myself, but lets be honest about what is most likely happening here.
There are at least 5 hallway or classroom clears in my kids school every day. To the point that my kids play a game they made up called hallway clear, where one kid goes nuts and everyone else tries to catch and tackle them. 99% of the problems at their school come from one section of town and about 1% of those people are minorities. The problem isn't minorities. It's the lowlife parents and the environments they raise their kids in.
Where does Africans enslaving Africans then selling them to Europeans fit into this narrative?
I’m surprised by the number of racist teachers in the ICCSD. Not what I would have expected. Probably have KKK meetings in the teachers’ lounge.

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