Do you go to strip clubs?

Do you go to strip clubs?

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  • I work at one in another role

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  • I go to do gun violence

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  • I sit outside of clubs to people watch

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People flat out have sex in the back at Dancer's Ranch in CR. Filth happens there and CR police do not pay attention.
When I was at UNI a strip club in Waterloo had $3 pitchers on Fridays. Yes, I have been to strip clubs. Not as fun as you get older.
Scott’s true confessions, 1975, Drinking age is 18 and some of us recent graduates head to the local strip club in our hometown of Newton called George’s. It’s a Friday night and it’s amateur night, So some young ladies from Des Moines are in town to show their wares, A couple are pretty attractive, Anyway I tried a Harvey wall banger for the first time, 2nd time, etc, etc. Long story short, Young lady gets a very, very drunk Scott onstage, I sorta help her remove some of her clothing and also start removing my own, One good friend, And I do mean good friend is kind enough to get me offstage before I make more of an ass of myself than I already had. Story has no happy ending because I ended up, “ God I promise I will never drink again” sick.
Have not visited a strip club since.
It was also always funny when a girl would do the amateur thing, and then you'd see her on campus, incredibly hungover the following day. Good Times
How did you handle that? Did you introduce yourself? At least you acted friendly and said hello ... or waved at least? Right?

Did they usually show recognition, at least after those nights when you got carried away? A smile at least?
I've been a few times but it has been a long time. Do have a great story, though...
A few years back I was having lunch & watching football at a sports bar with a nephew & his girlfriend, who were in their early 20s. An attractive young lady comes in, who I'd known since she was a little kid - she's the daughter of a good friend/client. She gives me a hug, we chat for a minute, she goes to join her friends; nephew's girlfriend says to me, "how do you know her?" I answer, and nephew says "you know she dances at the Mons Venus right?" o_O
So now I have to decide what to do when he's coming in to talk taxes the following week:
* Say nothing
* Tell my buddy that his daughter's a stripper
* Have the meeting & then take him down to the Mons & let him find out himself?
How did you handle that? Did you introduce yourself? At least you acted friendly and said hello ... or waved at least? Right?

Did they usually show recognition, at least after those nights when you got carried away? A smile at least?
I never said anything. My buddy went “hey I saw your titties last night!” And went for a high five, and the chick gave him a high five once. True story.
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The last one I went to was a few years ago in Wisconsin for a bachelor party and the place was called Cruisin Chubby's. It was.... something else

Been there. It was for a bachelor party as well. Pantera blaring on the speakers. It was classic.
For a time I lived next to one in CR that worked at Woody's. She would come home with like $800 in cash on a weeknight. She was considered an independent contractor. She got a 1099 and had to pay the bouncers and DJ a cut.
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You get worked up at a strip-club? I don't think they're generally boner inducing places. Too alien.
Many years ago, I traveled with a co-worker to Tampa. He wanted to go to one of the strip clubs (well, I sort of did too). We were both sitting at the bar/runway. We had been there about 30 minutes when a bouncer came over and whispered something to him. I discreetly glanced over and saw him buckling up his pants. I never said a word to him. That was the last time I was in a strip club.
So...a couple years back at the infancy of covid I did visit one of these establishments while working remote with my crew. We got there around 10 pm or so on a Thursday, not ideal, but also wasn't my choice. The yougest of the group, decided a round or RB vodkas was how we needed to start the night.....all good, except he bought 3 or 4 rounds of them, back to back....Close to midnight after enjoying those exquisite beverages I was propositioned for a private dance from a dancer that was maybe an Iowa 5. I'm not judgy towards someone trying hard to earn a buck. Damn, did she know what she was doing, she had me back for a private dance that turned into a lot of songs, of course, without mentioning it.... When we were done, yes there was some interesting exchanges, I go to pay at the bar.....$780 was the total....My face was probably gold at that point. I had a bouncer being motioned towards me, a bar tender with a really sad look on his face, and a dance that thought I bought her next abortion....(joke, take in kind)

Long story short, I am short, ducked under the bouncer and blasted. I did drop a Bengamin on the floor on the way out, doubt the dancer got it. Yankton SD, I appreciate you and all the hard work you ladies put in.
A good question would be, how many different cities have you visited a strip club in? I have not been to one in years, but have visited some good ones in Vegas. In my 20s, I visited ones in 5 different cities. At this point in my life, I need some friends to get married a 2nd time to have a good bachelor party and go to one.
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Spent some time bartending with strippers. Worst co-workers of all time. Absolute headcases. And they really do despise their customers.

Haven't been to a peeler bar since.
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I've been a few times but it has been a long time. Do have a great story, though...
A few years back I was having lunch & watching football at a sports bar with a nephew & his girlfriend, who were in their early 20s. An attractive young lady comes in, who I'd known since she was a little kid - she's the daughter of a good friend/client. She gives me a hug, we chat for a minute, she goes to join her friends; nephew's girlfriend says to me, "how do you know her?" I answer, and nephew says "you know she dances at the Mons Venus right?" o_O
So now I have to decide what to do when he's coming in to talk taxes the following week:
* Say nothing
* Tell my buddy that his daughter's a stripper
* Have the meeting & then take him down to the Mons & let him find out himself?
Don't leave us hanging! Tell us about the meeting with the father.
I remodeled a shower/bathroom last year for 2 strippers. I can say, I hope that is not what they looked like every time they got on stage when I arrived in the mornings to work
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Don't leave us hanging! Tell us about the meeting with the father.

Ha, I didn't say anything; I think he probably knew already. Sad situation, she's an absolute train wreck...drug problems, couple of kids with two different dads, both of whom are losers. Her siblings have all done well in life, she's the wild child. Based on my medical credentials as a CPA, I'd say it is very likely that she has mental issues.
The dad's pretty wealthy; we've had to do a lot in the way of trust setups for after he kicks the bucket; she'll be a beneficiary so have $ to live. One of the siblings will be the trustee, which I tried to discourage because I'm quite certain it will lead to a lot of resentment eventually (i.e., wild child wants money to throw bail for loser husband & sibling/trustee says no...)
There comes a time when you realize how much they really hate you for being there and only want your money.

Yet many on hear say prostitution should be legal and some even suggest some women like that work.
i haven’t been to a strip club in over 10 years. Never have really been my “vibe.” Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have the gays but strip clubs are, to me, gross and depressing.

Plus I don’t wanna pay for titties when im handsome asf and can get that ish for free
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Anyone that attended college in Dubuque in the 70's probably listened to the siren call to "GO East!" at closing time in the college bars in kit cat club or lucilles. Drunken college kids do that stuff....after college...thrill wears off quickly.
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For a time I lived next to one in CR that worked at Woody's. She would come home with like $800 in cash on a weeknight. She was considered an independent contractor. She got a 1099 and had to pay the bouncers and DJ a cut.
Most girls want to be 1099. I dated a stripper far a little while and being 1099 allowed her to strip at different places when she wanted. That girl had so much cash laying around it was unreal.
Yet many on hear say prostitution should be legal and some even suggest some women like that work.
Well if we outlawed every job where people dislike their clients/customers or employees dislike the work, we'd have to eliminate a very large percentage of jobs in America, maybe a majority. Not sure where you're going with this argument.
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The last time I recall going was probably twenty-ish years ago. I was best man for my buddy's wedding in Ottawa (Canada). We threw him a bachelor party two days before. This included a trip across the river to Hull which is in Quebec. The club had $5 lap dances. The exchange rate was something like $1.60 CAD for $1 USD.........making the price for each dance, a little over $3. This is in the 2000's. And since it was in Quebec, the quality of dancers was high.

They do two things really well over there in Quebec, maple syrup and strippers.
Most girls want to be 1099. I dated a stripper far a little while and being 1099 allowed her to strip at different places when she wanted. That girl had so much cash laying around it was unreal.
And a number of them I've talked to about this report not paying taxes, naturally.
Yet many on hear say prostitution should be legal and some even suggest some women like that work.

There is a difference in my opinion. Watch a couple episodes of The Bunny Ranch on HBO. Those type of girls have a high libido and probably enjoy what they do. I'm sure every situation is different. Girls just taking their clothes off for money is more degrading
There is a difference in my opinion. Watch a couple episodes of The Bunny Ranch on HBO. Those type of girls have a high libido and probably enjoy what they do. I'm sure every situation is different. Girls just taking their clothes off for money is more degrading
Those girls are actresses. You think they were gonna film a show where the sex workers look miserable?
My bachelor party, we hit two different clubs that night.

Once when a buddy wanted to go a few weeks before he got married.

Another buddy's bachelor party but the girls came to us. Two showed up and with enough money they basically screwed each other. Fun night. LOL

Oh another time in LA I guess. Girl was from Puerto Rico or somewhere, she was amazing.
Back in the heyday of Maytag, there was a strip club close to the square in Newton, very near corporate headquarters. A lot of guys raved about their lunches. Then for some reason, Big Earl's decided to open a "Big Earl's 2" in tiny Colfax, Iowa. A group of us went once and it was pretty unbelievable. If regular Big Earl's were to be considered major league, the Colfax dancers were in Class A. Did not stay long. I can't remember the name of the place in Atlanta, but went with a buddy during the International Builder Show maybe 20 years ago, it was quite the place.
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I will say, back when I was a freshman/sophomore in college (late 2005-2007), The Lumberyard in CR was fantastic on amateur/college night. I believe it was $5 to get in, and it was essentially just filled with Kirkwood, Coe, Mt Mercy, etc kids. It was like an Iowa City bar, but with kids drinking in their vehicles, then coming back inside. I went to that quite a bit w/ my roommates.

It was also always funny when a girl would do the amateur thing, and then you'd see her on campus, incredibly hungover the following day. Good Times
you prob saw my ex dancing