Do you hope there is a heaven or everlasting life?

but it does make for a better society. regardless of what the lefties are going to try and say. I'm no believer but think we are better off having those who do.

I think this point is debatable. Religion has probably been the cause of more wars than anything in the history of mankind. More people have died as a result of religion than anything else.

I do think there are some Christians that would be worse humanbeings without their religion but at the same time, religion does not equate to morality.

Those that are immoral and evil people are that way despite their belief in God. Look at priests molesting kids, etc.

On the flip side, I've heard religion used as a cop out for bad behavior. "It doesn't matter what I do on earth or how bad I am because I'm going to heaven since I believe in God."
Jesus, I'm jaded.
Don't feel bad, this life does it to the best of em. I, on the other hand, have found reasons to believe, much like strummingram, that we're all immortal, but it has nothing to do with any religion. I'm also not out to change anyone's opinion that doesn't correlate with my perceived understanding.

Great excerpt from this NDE story that I've personally believed for years - " I was told to think of my time on earth as an extended visit to the ultimate theme park. Consider it a place with thrilling rides and various adventures that I could choose to experience or not."

I'm just disseminating the info, I'm not trying to insult anyone's beliefs, or lack thereof.
I think this point is debatable. Religion has probably been the cause of more wars than anything in the history of mankind. More people have died as a result of religion than anything else.

I do think there are some Christians that would be worse humanbeings without their religion but at the same time, religion does not equate to morality.

Those that are immoral and evil people are that way despite their belief in God. Look at priests molesting kids, etc.

On the flip side, I've heard religion used as a cop out for bad behavior. "It doesn't matter what I do on earth or how bad I am because I'm going to heaven since I believe in God."

Not in modern times, in America. I know Obama likes to compare the Crusades to ISIS, but he is an antagonistic piece of crap.

Call me the next time atheists build water wells in Africa or run a soup kitchen in an inner city.

(and I'm not a Christian)
And this is the reason that I question how many religious people are truly believers. I believe the majority are just trying to cover themselves in case an afterlife is true. The problem with that is, won't God know you're a faker once you get to the pearly gates?
When Christians use the term "hope" as its applied to their belief in heaven, it's meaning is opposite of how we normally use that term. How people normally use that term is like a Christmas present. It's an unknown possession at a known time. When Christians use that term it means a known thing(heaven) at an unknown time (death)
in heaven there is no beer.... so...........

actually, i think it'd be awesome if there was a heaven, but i just kind of doubt it......
Time is a flat circle. Everything we’ve ever done or will do, we’re gonna do over and over and over again.

Not in modern times, in America. I know Obama likes to compare the Crusades to ISIS, but he is an antagonistic piece of crap.

Call me the next time atheists build water wells in Africa or run a soup kitchen in an inner city.

(and I'm not a Christian)

Well, I know many atheists that donate money, time, etc to those in bed so that point holds no water with me.

And I didn't realize we were limiting our discussion to modern times in America. If you want to limit it to that, I'd counter that thousands have lost their lives in 9/11 and other attacks that are religiously motivated.

I think it's silly to look at religion in modern times only. If you're going to discuss religion, you have to look at history. It's impossible not to. Your very religion is based supposedly on past events. We are but a speck in time in our lifetimes so looking at the broader picture is never a bad thing.
What is this "it" you speak of?

Listen to that when you get a chance. I mean really listen to it. It's not about if you "believe in God" it's about HOW you "believe in God."

This is a great sort of introduction. This is not about religion either. Atheism is included. God is far more sophisticated than most any of us will ever know.