Do you still shake hands?

Feb 9, 2013
COVID put a real damper on this practice but notice many people reverting back over the past year or so.

Personally, I got used to not shaking hands and appreciate that I’m not constantly sharing germs. Still, sometimes I’ll extend my hand out of habit and people will look like, “Yeah, uh, do we have to shake?”

Anyone else notice an awkwardness about the practice these days?
I have had 6 colds since November and I swear they happen after I high five and shake hands going through the line after basketball games. I use sanitizer too. Religiously.
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Normally, but I think it's a generational change. Younger folks don't shake hands as much. I have no empirical data to support this, just observational at work, the gym, tail gating... Young co-workers aren't big on shaking hands.
I will also say I'm pretty good with a fist bump. I enjoy the faux bro bump, with a twist and an exaggerated greeting.
I usually just clasp hands, slap hands front and back 3 times, grip fingers for a shake, clasp hands again, and bring it in for a bro hug.

I keep it real yo
power rangers bros GIF
It’s a good test to see if someone is a crazy Covid person or not. They refuse to shake or say something and you know they’ve got unresolved mental issues. Then you can proceed accordingly.
Yes and it sucks. I have tendinitis in my elbow, probably carpal tunnel, and since I have a manly grip it hurts like holy hell when I shake hands.
I stopped shaking hands long before COVID. There is nothing in me that wants to touch another person’s filthy hand. If someone reaches out a hand I tell them that I think I’m coming down with something you don’t want. At the same time I eat ass.
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Sure. It’s still a culturally good thing IMO.
This. I’ve noticed that younger folks are much less likely to initiate a handshake and much more likely not to have a firm handshake.

The hand shake initiates a subconscious connection to the person you’re having a conversation with…worth keeping culturally.

On a related note. Anyone notice that younger folks are much less likely to initiate a “hello” when out for a walk or make eye contact?

Social media/Covid has fundamentally effected the way some folks interact with others…and not in a good way
I enjoyed that part of COVID…I have noticed people are back to expecting it so begrudgingly I do if they’re looking for that.

I will say during the pandemic I noticed I was hardly ever sick….since life has resumed its back to hacking all winter.
Not often, friends or family - guys get like this weird elbow/forearm bump (not sure how this happened) or a fist bump. I still hug my female family or friends.
I’d guess at least 1/3 of men don’t wash their hands before leaving the restroom.
I rarely wash after I piss. How may germs are on my wang? I always wash after I shit.

I don’t shake hands, I like to fvck with people and go for the forearm shake. The confused look on people’s faces is always entertaining.
handshake bros GIF by Future Generations