Does it bother you that you're going to die?

Would you want to know the month and year you will die?

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There is something about a stream of consciousness that intrigues me. Most living organisms have some level of it. How did that come to be? Where did it come from?
No. More worried about living long enough to see my kids through childhood, when they need me the most. Death is lights out, I won't know at all.
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The idea of death doesn’t bother me but the idea of suffering does. Heart disease has been the cause of death for virtually every person in my family that died before the age of 80 and all of them smoked. At least since the early 1900s.
I would prefer to live long enough to see all of my grandchildren born and even married but at 54 with my first being due in 2 months that’s probably not likely. And I don’t want to outlive my children.
I really do hope so.

I've always described myself as optimistically agnostic. I don't know if there's a God and an afterlife, but I really hope there is. And I've tried to live like I could build a good case if there's a judgment at the end. But, if there's not, I've still had a pretty good time in the present.

My father unexpected died a bit over a year ago. My mom and I have had a number of conversations since. She has reflected a lot and historically not believed in life after. I think his passing combined with grief has made her wish/hope that there is an afterlife and they can be together again. I can see that as a common perspective and grief making someone reevaluate their beliefs.

To answer your original Q, certainly in the last year I've thought more about this lately. No, it doesn't bother me, but it has made me reconsidered my position on knowing when I will go. I would like to know so planning can occur. It would also likely make me spend differently. It has also made me sad for all the unknowns that I will not get to see but it isn't all consuming, in theory there are many years left.
I don’t worry about it but would be lying if I said the idea doesn’t freak me out a bit when I really stop and think about it. I don’t believe in afterlife at all and cannot wrap my head around eternal darkness. People will say, when you’re dead you won’t even know it. But that’s exactly the point - it will be like a dreamless sleep you never wake from. The very end of consciousness, as it were.

Plus, as others have said, never seeing my wife and kids again will blow goats. But all that said, I don’t dwell on it.
A buddy was talking about a visit to see his ole man in a “home”. His mom had died some years back and the ole man was doing OK. He and buddies played poker regularly and his health was decent. He read lots and wrote letters to folks routinely.
A asked him how things were going. The ole man thought a moment and replied that, “The minutes seem like hours and the years like days.”
Daily life was a drag even as his time on earth was a blur.

I don’t want to linger past the due date.
If I've gotta go, that's not a bad last thing to see...

Reminds me of the Richard Pryor bit about his father dying. Evidently his father died making sweet love to an 18 year old.

(paraphrasing) If we all had to choose a way to die, like, getting hit by a truck, or dying inside some fine 18 year old p****, I know which line I'm going to be in.

I guess I’m the only one that’s utterly terrified. It’s been a progressively ominous thought in my head the last year or so.
I’ve scrutinized my beliefs on living and dying to pin point where the genesis of this feeling began, and I always come away with naught. Sucks.
I’ve definitely thought about it more in the past year. 15 months ago our group of friends have had two deaths. 33 and 35 years old. One had terminal cancer and the other a farming accident. Then this summer, our town had another random death at 35. My daughter now has two kids in her class of 22 that will grow up without fathers. I’m a lot more cautious while driving, cutting trees, etc.

The fear isn’t so much that I’m dying, it’s the aftermath to my family and friends. And I hope it’s not painful.
Nope, 48 I've had a good run. When times up it's up. Kids are in early 20s and off to a good start. Wife would be fine, hell some days would probably prefer I be gone :). Will be rough on the dog though :( Wife knows my wishes regarding cremation and spending as little money as possible on funeral. That being said though, her going first does scare me.

As the great Coolio said, Death ain't nothing but a heartbeat away.
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I mean, we all know it's inevitable, but it still sucks, right?

You can get everything you can out of your life - live, love, laugh, see the world, experience as much a possible, etc., but you're still going to die before you see how things turn out, or do everything you want, etc. That sucks.
Not in the least.
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I guess I’m the only one that’s utterly terrified. It’s been a progressively ominous thought in my head the last year or so.
I’ve scrutinized my beliefs on living and dying to pin point where the genesis of this feeling began, and I always come away with naught. Sucks.

Scares me as well.
Especially since losing my faith and questioning if there is an afterlife.
I’m active. Always been that way. Mom said I’d cry my eyes out when I couldn’t crawl anywhere, but once I figured that out, I was quiet as a mouse. I’m still active, wired!! I turn 60 on 10/10. I teach at an amazing elementary school! Teaching little kids keeps my mind young! I completed my 3rd complete RAGBRAI last summer! Had my first 100 mile day on the bike ( Emmetsburg-Mason City) I swam 1000 meters yesterday!! Woohoo! I just dread the day when I can’t be active like I am today!! Go Hawks!! BTHO Illinois 🏈
Dying a slow death from a terrible disease would bother me, but that’s not going to happen as I’ll head to Switzerland and have one of the good doctors euthanize me.

A “normal” death? No, that doesn’t bother me.
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