Does Kirk Have An Issue With Black Coaches?

that is a very good question on this subject. Modern churches for the most part are impressed with success and power. Jesus came to stir up the established way of thinking and help the marginalized. Some on here act just like the Pharisees when discussions about this subject are barely broached. It is a subject that should be discussed with an open mind in attempts to understand others positions on the subject. It is to some degree apparent that more than a couple of Hawk players have felt marginalized due to race within the Iowa program and was expanded by KF's disbanding of the committee that was formed. Read carefully what I actually just said without an emotional reaction. Dialog is one of the ways to come to mutual understanding.
I appreciate your response and I hope it's your own. My mind is made up on the topic as I'm sure yours is too.
I appreciate your response and I hope it's your own. My mind is made up on the topic as I'm sure yours is too.
Honestly I don't have a strong opinion other than it's good to hear other opinions. It's hard to take off the Hawkeye hat long enough to really look at things. We also see how our country is becoming more polarized. What I do know is that Iowa is a low Black population state and there are vast areas where many people almost never have contact with Blacks. Using a Cult of Band of Brothers illustration, many of the huge fans think Capt Winters was about the greatest Captain ever due to low casualties in Easy Company. Fact was for a rifle company, Easy had very little contact with the enemy compared to other 101 units and units of other divisions.

It is very easy to overlook bias when one doesn't have much contact with the side that feels marginalized. I do know that I cringed when I saw the body cam video of Faith E a few years ago. That one to me was pretty obvious. Other circumstances aren't so obvious and requires one to analyze if it's true bias or just life. And yes what I wrote is my own opinion.

Iowa as a state is going to be more and more confronted with different ways of thinking due to the primary ethnicity of where the population growth is coming from. It isn't German which is the heritage of a huge part of our historical population.
You do leave out that the 2 MAIN coordinators are both white and there were opportunities to bring in a Black OC. Not of this along signals anything. The STC definitely was raised in middle class Iowa culture. You also have to look at how he was treated in terms of pay increases. I admit to not knowing the salary structure for the positional coaches.

You still have to explain no black QBs since Banks, is arguably the best QB ever at Iowa. Others would point to why didn't KF figure out a way to put Hock and Fant on the field at the same time. People will disagree on the meaning but I would guess that Blacks and White would have different opinions on what the meaning was.

A former Soviet officer once reminded me, History Belongs to the Victor. Put another way, Iowa's dominant race gets to define the definition.
Wow, so you're saying either Woods or Braithewaite doesn't count because he's not "authentically" black?

That's wildly more racist.
Wow, so you're saying either Woods or Braithewaite doesn't count because he's not "authentically" black?

That's wildly more racist.
Wow some of you like to stretch things. Can you actually have a real discourse? Didn't say he didn't count. Did you read the report on the Iowa program and concerns?
Wow some of you like to stretch things. Can you actually have a real discourse? Didn't say he didn't count. Did you read the report on the Iowa program and concerns?
The report and concerns were a good read. What was interesting was the basis of the report was largely dispelled when the players had to raise a hand and sit for their deposition. That doesn't mean that there were no issues, there was, there is and there always will be. It is not unique to a football program, athletic department, schools, etc.
Anyone who has a strong opinion on the subject should read the actual depositions and see if that impacts their opinion on the subject either way.
The report and concerns were a good read. What was interesting was the basis of the report was largely dispelled when the players had to raise a hand and sit for their deposition. That doesn't mean that there were no issues, there was, there is and there always will be. It is not unique to a football program, athletic department, schools, etc.
Anyone who has a strong opinion on the subject should read the actual depositions and see if that impacts their opinion on the subject either way.
I have and you are reading into it. If you've been in court, there are a lot of dynamics that go on. Court isn't a place where no one only tells the truth. The judge, jury selection, skill/audacity and risk taking of attorneys all go into including settlements. Judges aren't above having bias and creating bias. At least Iowa doesn't directly elect judges like some states. If you read the report, there are things in there that one can't ignore or explain away. I'm guessing you know more about court than you mention and you would know more than you just exposed.

There is no way there isn't some bias and marginalization. As mentioned earlier it gets back to one's own definition of racism and our own bias.

As an example, if you go back and look at 100 year old 4H camp photos with youth lined up with uniforms and all look so clean and pure. Blacks and Germans who were around in the ww2 era would see those photos differently than whilte middle class, guarantee you. Without getting into MAGA which most on here seem to not suport (which I doubt), if you look through another culture lens it's not hard to see MAWA.

To say that Iowa FB is extreme on the racist side is a huge stretch. To say there are no problems is also a stretch and it gets back to one's loyalty to the Black and Gold traditions, loyalty to a coach, not wanting to see change and so on is indicative into how hard one wants to look at issues.

I challenge you to watch the 1961 movie Raisin in the Sun.
I have and you are reading into it. If you've been in court, there are a lot of dynamics that go on. Court isn't a place where no one only tells the truth. The judge, jury selection, skill/audacity and risk taking of attorneys all go into including settlements. Judges aren't above having bias and creating bias. At least Iowa doesn't directly elect judges like some states. If you read the report, there are things in there that one can't ignore or explain away. I'm guessing you know more about court than you mention and you would know more than you just exposed.

There is no way there isn't some bias and marginalization. As mentioned earlier it gets back to one's own definition of racism and our own bias.

As an example, if you go back and look at 100 year old 4H camp photos with youth lined up with uniforms and all look so clean and pure. Blacks and Germans who were around in the ww2 era would see those photos differently than whilte middle class, guarantee you. Without getting into MAGA which most on here seem to not suport (which I doubt), if you look through another culture lens it's not hard to see MAWA.

To say that Iowa FB is extreme on the racist side is a huge stretch. To say there are no problems is also a stretch and it gets back to one's loyalty to the Black and Gold traditions, loyalty to a coach, not wanting to see change and so on is indicative into how hard one wants to look at issues.

I challenge you to watch the 1961 movie Raisin in the Sun.
My reference was to the report and the claims it was based on. The claims changed significantly when the players were under oath.

The rest of your post wasn’t part of my post. That was a broad brush you used. No issue with it.
Wow some of you like to stretch things. Can you actually have a real discourse? Didn't say he didn't count. Did you read the report on the Iowa program and concerns?
You were clearly trying to downplay his involvement, as there was no other reason to mention it.

I did, which includes the parts that the most severe allegations were recanted when asked to testify under oath.
You were clearly trying to downplay his involvement, as there was no other reason to mention it.

I did, which includes the parts that the most severe allegations were recanted when asked to testify under oath.
you have your opinion. Lawsuits are difficult to win. Much more than most know.

You are doing a lot of downplaying. We disagree. Things likely improved. As much as needed, maybe not. I will stand an say that a lot of things happen in the back rooms in courthouses good, bad, and indifferent.
My reference was to the report and the claims it was based on. The claims changed significantly when the players were under oath.

The rest of your post wasn’t part of my post. That was a broad brush you used. No issue with it.
QB play has been horrendous. When Iowa has had decent QBs, the offense has been decent. Banks, Tate, Stanzi and Beathard. When QB play is poor, Iowa offense is poor. O-line plays a huge part too.
Jimmys and the Joes are #1. Coaching a distant second for the offensive problems.

You have no idea what coaching offers have been made to Lavar Woods. You have no idea if he has turned down offers or if he is comfortable doing what he is doing. You also have no idea the relationship that Lavar Woods has with Coach Ferentz. I personally know what that relationship is and what Lavar thinks of Coach Ferentz. If you made the racist comment about Ferentz to Lavar Woods in person, he just may punch your lily white, Liberal ass.
One thing I do know for sure is that most Law firms are 99.9% white. What the hell is going on with that?

I went to my son's Law School Graduation a few years ago. One Black graduate in a class of 125. Racist pigs, those Law School Profs.

Finally, what big city do you reside in that makes you so much smarter than the rest of us? You may be a Lawyer, which I highly doubt, but if you are, it's pretty much a certainty that plugging in an appliance would be a head scratcher for you and changing a tire would be an impossibility.

Where are you from and where did your kid go to law school?

My brother has been a partner at Skadden for 20 years (yeah that know the one known generally as the best corporate law firm in the world...especially M&A) and my sister-in-law was at Simpson Thather until going to the Investment banking side. Neither is even close to 99% white. Sure..both have a lot of white people but 99.99% is flat our absurd.

Btw...I went to Harvard Law school's graduation...well close to 25 years ago for my ex...there were more significantly more than 1 black graduate.

I've also been to Columbia's med school graduation for my sister...this was 20 years ago...lots of black people...

So you are either making crap up or sent your kid to the most racist law school on the planet and live in a racist bubble where you think only .01% of lawyers are white...

Or maybe in last 20-25 years top schools stopped taking people of color?
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Coach Ferentz has a black friend.

How Dare You Greta GIF
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Everyone knows that you are a envious clone troll , but you are sinking to a new low using your sick insinuations of racism to attack Kirk. Shame on you.
Why is it, when ever someone feels offended, They throw out troll on this board? There is some merit to his question. I wouldn't think KF is racist, but in the past it has crept into his watch while the head coach. Plus the information that has been brought in his post. I think it needs to be discussed

Where are you from and where did your kid go to law school?

My brother has been a partner at Skadden for 20 years (yeah that know the one known generally as the best corporate law firm in the world...especially M&A) and my sister-in-law was at Simpson Thather until going to the Investment banking side. Neither is even close to 99% white. Sure..both have a lot of white people but 99.99% is flat our absurd.

Btw...I went to Harvard Law school's graduation...well close to 25 years ago for my ex...there were more significantly more than 1 black graduate.

I've also been to Columbia's med school graduation for my sister...this was 20 years ago...lots of black people...

So you are either making crap up or sent your kid to the most racist law school on the planet and live in a racist bubble where you think only .01% of lawyers are white...

Or maybe in last 20-25 years top schools stopped taking people of color?
99.9 % was an embellishment but not by much. 86% white. 5% Black Lawyers. Blacks make up 13.5% of our population.

By Liberal Definition of racism, Law is a racist profession.

Iowa football staff: 25. 7 Black = 28% of staff. Seems Iowa football is doing better in regard to race than Law.

Point is, Iowa Law should stfu and worry about his own profession and stop with the slander. There are many things to be critical about in regard to Coach Ferentz. Calling him a racist is garbage.
Sorry buddy, but in your attempt to love on your idol (yet again), you're just plain wrong.

You say Kirk values strength coach above all, right? Well, Kirk valued strength and conditioning when his best friend and known racist had the position. No doubt. Doyle was rewarded with a $900,000 per year salary, making him the highest paid strength coach in college football. However, when word got out that Doyle bullied the hell out of the team's black players and 25+ spoke out against him, Barta stepped in an forced Kirk to cut his losses (while still handing Doyle a $1M severance package). Barta also forced Kirk to replace Doyle in the midst of a shit storm of racism allegations with a black coach...for optics sake. Kirk complied…sort of. Rather than paying the black strength coach what Doyle made, Kirk paid him $675,000. If paying a black coach to do the same job for pennies on the dollar rebuts the OP, I'd hate to see what you think rises to the level of racial bias. Stick with teaching 3rd grade art.

As for using Woods as an example of a "coordinator" equal to the white coordinators...c'mon. Think. After over a decade at Iowa, Woods makes just $700,000 per year... in other words, this “coordinator” makes the same as Iowa's worst position coach, Barnett, who has only been with the program 2 yrs. Kirk plucked his new white OC from the unemployment line, yet will still pay Woods’ "peer" double what Woods is making. Coordinator Phil Parker too makes double Woods’ salary.

Even Seth Wallace is being paid over $1,000,000 per year and he doesn't coordinate anything.

If you want to know who Kirk respects, look at who he promotes and who he pays. At the top of the pay scale, you've got Kirk, Brian, Doyle, Parker, Wallace, and now Lester. All white as snow. At the bottom, you've got Bell (black), Betts (black) and Hodge (black). No white position coach, aside from Budmayr, who has no business having a job of any kind, comes close to their black coaches pay. Bell has been at Iowa for 6 years, yet is still waiting to receive his first promotion. Meanwhile Brian and Wallace received 4 promotions in the same 6 year period and Budmayr has been promoted 3 times in his 2 years at Iowa.

If nothing else - Kirk has ALWAYS treated the Strength & Conditioning as equal to that of Offense or Defense (ST Coordinator is relatively new). And he's always placed a premium on excellent ST play.

Denigrating either of them because you don't perceive them as equal to the "Main" coordinators is an incorrect and insulting statement to them frankly.

And yes, we've had other black quarterbacks - not many true, but also an inaccurate statement to say Banks was 1 of 1. Fant and Hock did often play together; 12 personnel was our most common package while they were here.
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Sorry buddy, but in your attempt to love on your idol (yet again), you're just plain wrong.

You say Kirk values strength coach above all, right? Well, Kirk valued strength and conditioning when his best friend and known racist had the position. No doubt. Doyle was rewarded with a $900,000 per year salary, making him the highest paid special teams coach in all of college football. However, when word got out that Doyle bullied the hell out of the team's black players and 25+ spoke out against him, Barta stepped in an forced Kirk to cut his losses (while handing Doyle a $1M severance package for his trouble). Barta also forced Kirk to replace Doyle in the midst of a shit storm of racism allegations with a black coach...for optics sake. Kirk complied, but rather than paying the black coach at a "coordinator" comparable level to Doyle, Kirk paid him $675,000. If being forced to replace a racist with a black coach and paying him pennies on the dollar is your rebuttal to allegations of Kirk's "blind spot," I'd hate to see what you think rises to the level of racial bias.

As for the silliness of using Woods as an example of a "coordinator" who is treated equal to the white coordinators...c'mon. Woods makes just $700,000 per year and has never received a promotion...he makes the same as Iowa's worst coach, overpaid OL coach Barnett who has only been with the program 2 yrs. What about the new white coordinator Kirk plucked from the unemployment line? He too will be paid double his "peer" Woods' salary. Phil Parker too makes double Woods salary. Despite the data and the optics, Woods is treated as a "coordinator"? Even Seth Wallace is being paid over $1,000,000 per year and he doesn't coordinate anything.

If you want to know who Kirk respects and who he promotes, just look at how his staff is paid. At the top of the pay scale, you've got Kirk, Brian, Doyle, Parker, Wallace, and now Lester. All white as snow. At the bottom, you've got Bell (black), Betts (black) and Hodge (black). No white position coach, aside from Budmayr, who has no business having a job of any kind, comes close to their low pay. Bell has been at Iowa for 6 years and is still waiting to receive his first promotion. Meanwhile Brian and Wallace got 4 promotions in the same 6 year period and Budmayr has been promoted 3 times in his 2 years at Iowa.
Woods came to Iowa as a coordinator?
Sorry buddy, but in your attempt to love on your idol (yet again), you're just plain wrong.

You say Kirk values strength coach above all, right? Well, Kirk valued strength and conditioning when his best friend and known racist had the position. No doubt. Doyle was rewarded with a $900,000 per year salary, making him the highest paid strength coach in college football. However, when word got out that Doyle bullied the hell out of the team's black players and 25+ spoke out against him, Barta stepped in an forced Kirk to cut his losses (while still handing Doyle a $1M severance package). Barta also forced Kirk to replace Doyle in the midst of a shit storm of racism allegations with a black coach...for optics sake. Kirk complied…sort of. Rather than paying the black strength coach what Doyle made, Kirk paid him $675,000. If paying a black coach to do the same job for pennies on the dollar rebuts the OP, I'd hate to see what you think rises to the level of racial bias. Stick with teaching 3rd grade art.

As for using Woods as an example of a "coordinator" equal to the white coordinators...c'mon. Think. After over a decade at Iowa, Woods makes just $700,000 per year... in other words, this “coordinator” makes the same as Iowa's worst position coach, Barnett, who has only been with the program 2 yrs. Kirk plucked his new white OC from the unemployment line, yet will still pay Woods’ "peer" double what Woods is making. Coordinator Phil Parker too makes double Woods’ salary.

Even Seth Wallace is being paid over $1,000,000 per year and he doesn't coordinate anything.

If you want to know who Kirk respects, look at who he promotes and who he pays. At the top of the pay scale, you've got Kirk, Brian, Doyle, Parker, Wallace, and now Lester. All white as snow. At the bottom, you've got Bell (black), Betts (black) and Hodge (black). No white position coach, aside from Budmayr, who has no business having a job of any kind, comes close to their black coaches pay. Bell has been at Iowa for 6 years, yet is still waiting to receive his first promotion. Meanwhile Brian and Wallace received 4 promotions in the same 6 year period and Budmayr has been promoted 3 times in his 2 years at Iowa.
Just checked out your Idol. Matt C. over at ISU. Recently hired a new running backs coach who happens to be White. Only Black coordinator he has is "Coordinator of Passing game." Virtually all D-1 running backs are Black, How do you justify a White Coach to coach that position? Only answer is that Matty boy is a racist.
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Was it Lestikow or Doctherman that did the deep dive on the roster turnover at WR? It's been bad for awhile, but while Copeland was WR coach, only 5 who came to the program as freshmen actually graduated at Iowa.

Position coaches will move around from time to time yes. A bit unusual to see an coordinator also coach a position that he's neither coached at nor played before.

Making BF the OC/QB coach was a gamble that blew up in Kirk's face. Frankly, they should have hired a new QB coach and kept BF as the OC/OL coach.

And yes, he's making a similar gamble with Budmayr at WR coach, but that's a little more defensible with the overlap/work you have to do as a QB/QB coach and the WR position. Fingers-crossed.
I think BF should have only been Iowa’s o-line coach and not the o-coordinator. However, that’s water under the bridge.
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Just checked out your Idol. Matt C. over at ISU. Recently hired a new running backs coach who happens to be White. Only Black coordinator he has is "Coordinator of Passing game." Virtually all D-1 running backs are Black, How do you justify a White Coach to coach that position? Only answer is that Matty boy is a racist.
I only checkout the clown forums to read the meltdowns occasionally....I can't imagine any posters over there writing and stating this kind of filth about one of their own. I doubt OP has ever met KF.
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Kirk's coaching tree over the past 25 years is as thin as the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I'm not sure football has seen anything quite like it. Coaching is a big $ business and most coaches are ambitious guys wanting to reach the top.

While Hayden Fry's staff produced 8 - 10 head coaches, including some Hall of Famers, Kirk's staffs have produced a guy currently working at Culvers, several unemployed former coaches, and a series of "yes" men with no ambition to grow their careers.

Now take a look at the internal pecking order / chain of promotions within the program. Do the best coaches typically to move up? What goes into the decisions to promote?

In evaluating, consider Kirk's admitted "blind eye" toward the racial discrimination situation that rocked the program and led to the firing of his strength coach/best friend. Then consider how the investigation called Kirk out for virtually never appointing black players to the team's "leadership counsel." Did he believe black players were not leaders? With that as foundation, take a look at Kirk's coaching personnel decisions over the years (i.e. who he's promoted and who he's kept on staff despite their failures). It makes you wonder whether black coaches at Iowa are given the same opportunity for advancement as the white coaches.

Take the career paths of Brian Ferentz, Seth Wallace, and LeVar Woods as an example:

Woods. 2008 - retired from the NFL. Immediately came back to work at Iowa. Put in 4 years. In 2012, was elevated to position coach, where he excelled. He's now been in the program 16 years but has yet to receive a promotion. He remains a low level position coach despite coaching some of the best special teams units Iowa has ever had.

Wallace. 2014 - after working at a DIII school in Georgia for a few years while somehow developing no recruiting pipeline there, he was hired as a position coach at Iowa. Just 3 years later, Kirk named him assistant defensive coordinator. He was then named in a racial discrimination lawsuit. In 2023, he was once again promoted to some fake title like assistant head coach, and is now paid DOUBLE what Woods is paid despite not even being a coordinator.

Ferentz. 2012 - came to Iowa at the same time Woods became special teams coach. Because Kirk didn't have a spot for him, Kirk chose to toss aside Iowa's legendary OL coach Reece Morgan (and forced him to switch to DLine coach) to make room for inexperienced Brian. With Brian at the helm, the OL immediately saw a drop off. It was about then that Iowa lost its "bullies of the Big 10" status and its run game suffered. Three years later, Kirk promoted Brian to "running game coordinator," a fake title never used before to help justify a future promotion to OC. The run game under Brian was below average for a Big 10 team. Despite that, just one year after being promoted to run game coordinator, Brian was promotion again to offensive coordinator. He received a doubling of his salary despite having never called a play in his life and Kirk not interviewing another soul for the position. Brian was then named in a racial discrimination lawsuit where clear evidence of wrongdoing was presented. Instead of being fired, Brian was rewarded the following year with his 4th promotion, this time taking on QBs coach duties...a position he admitted he knew nothing about.

One of the above is black. The other two are white. Would it be fair to say the white coaches quickly received promotions while the black coach did not? If so, can you reasonably argue that merit was the basis for the coaching decisions?

Removing Brian from the equation, let's now look at Iowa's worst performing coaches over the past 5 years. WR coach, OL coach, and "QB guru/analyst." Correct? I don't think anyone would argue otherwise. One of the 3 is black, the other two are white. How were they treated? The black got unceremoniously fired. The other two failed coaches have been routinely lavished with praise by Kirk. While firing the WR coach was warranted, it leads the do you fire the WR coach but keep the underperforming OL coach (who had far more talent and experience to work with yet was clearly the weak link on staff)? More perplexing, how do you not only keep, but promote & double the salary of the "QB guru" who was oversaw Petras' senior year and Deacon Hill? Kirk promoted him to WR coach despite never coaching the position or having any track record of improving position group performance.

Iowa already had the whitest, small-town coaching staff in the Power 5. Check out the makeup of the other coaching staffs in the Big 10 and you'll see. Blame it on demographics, fine. Yet when Iowa's OC position opened up this fall, Kirk didn't bother to interview a black candidate. When the WR coach position opened up (a position where 95% of the players are black), not a single black coach was interviewed. Maybe that's a coincidence? Maybe Kirk has never had a black coordinator in his coaching career?

By using the offseason to: (i) replace two outgoing coaches with white guys; (ii) limiting internal promotions to white guys only; and (iii) keeping the underperforming white coaches on staff while firing the black one, is Kirk showing his true colors?
Is there a quota where certain people have to try and weave a form of racism claim for every issue? Sheese!! :rolleyes:
Sorry buddy, but in your attempt to love on your idol (yet again), you're just plain wrong.

You say Kirk values strength coach above all, right? Well, Kirk valued strength and conditioning when his best friend and known racist had the position. No doubt. Doyle was rewarded with a $900,000 per year salary, making him the highest paid strength coach in college football. However, when word got out that Doyle bullied the hell out of the team's black players and 25+ spoke out against him, Barta stepped in an forced Kirk to cut his losses (while still handing Doyle a $1M severance package). Barta also forced Kirk to replace Doyle in the midst of a shit storm of racism allegations with a black coach...for optics sake. Kirk complied…sort of. Rather than paying the black strength coach what Doyle made, Kirk paid him $675,000. If paying a black coach to do the same job for pennies on the dollar rebuts the OP, I'd hate to see what you think rises to the level of racial bias. Stick with teaching 3rd grade art.

As for using Woods as an example of a "coordinator" equal to the white coordinators...c'mon. Think. After over a decade at Iowa, Woods makes just $700,000 per year... in other words, this “coordinator” makes the same as Iowa's worst position coach, Barnett, who has only been with the program 2 yrs. Kirk plucked his new white OC from the unemployment line, yet will still pay Woods’ "peer" double what Woods is making. Coordinator Phil Parker too makes double Woods’ salary.

Even Seth Wallace is being paid over $1,000,000 per year and he doesn't coordinate anything.

If you want to know who Kirk respects, look at who he promotes and who he pays. At the top of the pay scale, you've got Kirk, Brian, Doyle, Parker, Wallace, and now Lester. All white as snow. At the bottom, you've got Bell (black), Betts (black) and Hodge (black). No white position coach, aside from Budmayr, who has no business having a job of any kind, comes close to their black coaches pay. Bell has been at Iowa for 6 years, yet is still waiting to receive his first promotion. Meanwhile Brian and Wallace received 4 promotions in the same 6 year period and Budmayr has been promoted 3 times in his 2 years at Iowa.
Just be honest, you're Rob Sand, right?
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An equal problem is the blind eye to stealth racism. Being unaware doesn't make it not racism.
It's like me judging you and the OP based on how many non-white friends/associates, hires you have, and how many times you've treated them to a nice lunch. I'll take note, and post for everyone to see as to make it true. Damn you for making me type this.
It's like me judging you and the OP based on how many non-white friends/associates, hires you have, and how many times you've treated them to a nice lunch. I'll take note, and post for everyone to see as to make it true. Damn you for making me type this.
No not reallyband you just epitomized the statement. Justvtry for awhile to understand. But you won't due to stealth racism and bias. Test question. How do you feel about the term Master being used as a general statement. Would it bother you enough to stop using it if it bothered someone at work? OR long-time no see. How about uppity? Or if a friend you knew was sexually abused and you jokingly use the term Pedo State and it bothered them?
An equal problem is the blind eye to stealth racism. Being unaware doesn't make it not racism.

No not reallyband you just epitomized the statement. Justvtry for awhile to understand. But you won't due to stealth racism and bias. Test question. How do you feel about the term Master being used as a general statement. Would it bother you enough to stop using it if it bothered someone at work? OR long-time no see. How about uppity? Or if a friend you knew was sexually abused and you jokingly use the term Pedo State and it bothered them?
I take multiple DEI courses for work homes, not going to do it here on my time. How about I say that your thinking on the matter bothers you need to be conscious and.....?
No not reallyband you just epitomized the statement. Justvtry for awhile to understand. But you won't due to stealth racism and bias. Test question. How do you feel about the term Master being used as a general statement. Would it bother you enough to stop using it if it bothered someone at work? OR long-time no see. How about uppity? Or if a friend you knew was sexually abused and you jokingly use the term Pedo State and it bothered them?
So...whether they know it or not, all white people are racist because "stealth racism". Got it.

No not reallyband you just epitomized the statement. Justvtry for awhile to understand. But you won't due to stealth racism and bias. Test question. How do you feel about the term Master being used as a general statement. Would it bother you enough to stop using it if it bothered someone at work? OR long-time no see. How about uppity? Or if a friend you knew was sexually abused and you jokingly use the term Pedo State and it bothered them?
Your corny are trying too hard. I was going to use goofy but I didn't want to offend the Golden goofs. Instead I managed to offend Iowans and Nebraska. I can never do nuthing!
An equal problem is the blind eye to stealth racism. Being unaware doesn't make it not racism.
Sorry, I don't subscribe to the left's modern definition of racism. Soft or stealth racism appears to be nothing more than attempt to monetize someone's failures. I didn't get the job, it must be racism, I didn't get the promotion, it is racism. Sorry, not buying it.

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